-Strange Occurrences-

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⚠️this chapter has minor discussion of abuse and death⚠️
Please read with caution❤️❤️

Later that night;

I had finally finished unpacking. I decided on staying in the room on the first floor. That way, I could be close to the main kitchen and living room. Along with my stuff from Aunt Mito's house, I brought some groceries with me. I was starving.

I made my way to the kitchen and took a look in the cabinets and fridge. I decided on something simple since I was tired. For dinner, I had instant ramen.
Once I was done boiling water, I poured it on top of the noodles and added the seasoning packets. I picked up the bowl and brought it to the dining room. It was good but it didn't compare to Aunt Mito's cooking. I sighed, realizing how different living on my own will be.


Once I finished my dinner, I went to take a bath. I waited for the water to heat up and clogged the drain. I undressed and got it.

...this feels amazing!

I allowed myself to sink below the water. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes. I looked up at the ceiling when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a figure standing above the bathtub. Immediately, I sat up in the tub but when I did— there was no one there. I felt myself shiver.

What was that...?

I looked around the bathroom and no one was there. Soon after, I got out.


I put on fresh pajamas, brushed my teeth, and got in bed. The only light in the room was the small lamp on my nightstand. Ive never felt so paranoid.

What was that thing standing above the bathtub? And all the other weird things that've been going on in this house...is it possible this place is haunted? Is that why the rent is so cheep?

I let out a heavy sigh and turned off the light. I shut my eyes in efforts of falling asleep. That whole night, I felt a presence in the room with me.

Before I knew it, I was awake. I had woken up to knocking at the front door. I sluggishly got out of bed and headed over.

"..Hello..?" I asked rubbing my eye with the knuckle of my index finger.

"Oh sorry did I wake you? I'm your neighbor, Kurapika. I live down that way." He pointed to the left. "It's a little bit of a walk but I live down there."

"Oh I had no idea. Please, come in!" It was a hot summer day, I figured it'd be polite to invite him in for something to drink. He took a seat in the dining room while I poured us both a cup of orange juice.
"Oh I'm Gon by the way! It's really nice to meet you Kurapika." I was able to get a better look at him since I was fully awake. "Hey you look pretty young, are you in high school too?"

"Yeah I'm a senior at the high school here. Are you also a high school student?" He asked taking a sip from the orange juice I gave him.

"Yeah I'm going to be a junior this year! Is the high school here nice?"

"Yeah I'd say so. How are you adjusting to moving here? I know you just moved in but still—this house has been on the market for a while and...." His expression hardened. "It's known for being haunted."

I felt a chill run down my spine. "R-really?! That explains all of the weird stuff going on." I said sinking into my chair.

So this house IS haunted....

I felt even more paranoid than before.

"Yeah! I've actually been doing a lot of research on this house and a very famous family used to live here. They were the Zoldyck's and I'm pretty sure they were involved in the mafia or some sort of sketchy business. They had 5 kids and they say one of them died here. The house has been haunted by the kids spirit since." Kurapika had a worried expression spread across his face. He stared down into his the cup of orange juice. A few seconds pass and he looked back up at me. "So please, be careful."

"Do you know anything else about their family?"

"Well they all lived here about 50 years ago. They were a very powerful and intimidating family, they were in the mafia after all. Their middle child was the one who died. If I had to guess how they died, I'd say it was probably a job. Someone probably hired people who kill the Zoldyck's child. That or maybe the parents killed them? I'm sure they had strict parenting skills. Anything's possible, really. Shortly after their child passed, they moved away. Their old house has been on and off the market since. I moved into my house about a year ago and I've been talking a lot with the people selling the house. Apparently they are people who use to work for the Zoldyck's, that's how I know so much."

"Wow that's a lot. Thank you for telling me." I could see how serious his expression was. 

"Of corse, you are going to be living here after all. I guess I should be going now. You can come around my place if you want to know more. Or if you just want to hang out. I'll see you later then!" Kurapika said waving goodbye.

"Bye! Nice meeting y-" I was cut off by the door slamming shut behind Kurapika.
I stood there in shock for a few seconds.

...is it possible the spirit is upset?

I tried to brush it off.

If we're going to talk about the history of this house then we'll do it at Kurapikas house from now on...

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