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Once I was in the kitchen, I began making lunch for myself. While making lunch, I continued to talk to Killua—
"You know Kurapika, the guy who was here before? He told me a lot about your past and how you haunt this house...." I paused. "I'm sorry."
Once I was done, I went to eat at in the dining room.
"Here," I pulled out a chair next to me. "You can sit here if you want?"
As I sat down, I felt a strong chill.

This is going to take some getting used to...

Once I began to eat, I decided on what to say next;
"Since it seems I already know a lot about you, I should tell you about myself, right?"
I could hear the plates and bowls rattling from the kitchen.
"I used to live with my Aunt Mito and my grandma. I would've liked to live with them a bit longer but school has been really tough for me recently. You see, I've never been very good with people and..." I noticed a few tears trickle down my cheeks. The plates grew silent.
"I-I'm hoping I can have a n-new start here..." I quickly wiped my tears away but more kept coming.
"I guess I just haven't really talked about it before!" I laughed a little, trying to cover up my emotions.

I continued to talk out loud throughout the day and Killua continued to show his presence. This was done by either sending a chill down my spine or by the rattling of something near me. I knew he was there but it startled me every time. Honestly, I'm afraid of him.

"So yeah, that's how living with my aunt and grandma was. But now, I live here! There's a lot of space in this house, huh?" I chuckled. I found myself running out of things to talk about.

Keeping up a one sided conversation is harder than I thought....

Smoke poured out of my ears as I tried to think of something to say. The sound of mumbled whispers cut through the silence.
"Huh?" I asked out loud.

"........G...Gon..!" A timid voice whispered.

I jumped back, completely caught off guard. I couldn't seem to catch my breath.
I was fascinated.

"D-did you just speak to me?" I asked as I slowly began to sit up.
I suddenly saw a figure out of the corner of my eye. It had a shining blue aura, however I couldn't see anymore of it because once I looked—it was gone. My brain couldn't decide if I should be excited or terrified.
"Gon..." I heard from behind me.
"Gon...Gon...Gon..." My name began to sound like echos though the mansion. I felt a sudden rush of panic. I covered my ears but I could still hear my name loud and clear. It got louder and louder, I shut my eyes tightly out of fear.
"Please....stop...." I begged quietly. I tucked myself into a little ball. "Please...stop it..."
I felt helpless. My name grew louder as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Suddenly, I was at my breaking point.

"I SAID STOP!" I yelled, gripping my legs tightly.
The whole house fell silent.

I then felt a presence in the room. I shakily lifted my head from my knees. In front of me, stood the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. He stood, surrounded by a blue aura. His hair reminded me of clouds, it was pure white. It looked soft too, I wondered if it would feel like a cloud if I were to touch it...
My eyes trailed down to his eyes, they were so vivid and eager. They were beautiful but, they also had a sadness behind them. A kind of sadness I couldn't put into words. They almost appeared to be vacant, as if there was no one behind them. His porcelain skin was astonishingly pale, it glowed beautifully within the blue aura.

He was simply angelic.

I found myself reaching out to him. His whole demeanor was so unbearably mournful. I couldn't help but feel some sort of connection to him. I reached out my hand to him and to my surprise, he began to reach back. In that moment, as we both reached out to each other, I saw a spark within his empty eyes. His beautiful but saddened eyes widened as we got closer and closer until—he began to disappear. The image of him began to fade. My attention shifted from our hands to his face. I wanted to see it one more time before he left.

Right as he disappeared, he mouthed the words "I'm sorry".

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now