-Lunch Together-

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I looked over at Killua to see his bright red face. Even so, he was still stunning.

"Whatever idiot!" He stated firmly as he turned away. "You were asleep for a while though, are you hungry?"

"Hmm now that you mention it, I could eat. What should I make?" I asked, getting out of bed. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, Killua floating close behind.

"Does it really matter?" Killua scoffed.

"Well yeah! I want to know what your favorite foods were when you were alive."
I turned around to look at him.
"So what's it gonna be!"
He folded his arms, looking away.
"Commonnn~ there's no need to be embarrassed!"

"I'm not embarrassed, alright!" He snapped back. Though he claimed to not be embarrassed, his rosy cheeked gave it away.

"Just tell me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" He sharply cut off my whining.

"You're so annoying you know that! If it's really that important to you..." He finally met my gaze. "Then I'll tell you."

I felt my whole face light up.
"Yay! Thank you Killua!!"

A little while later:

"Oh wow really? I wasn't expecting that!" I exclaimed. "Do you have the recipe?"

"Yeah it should be over here." Killua responded as he lead me to the room with the dishes. He ordered me to carefully open the display, and look behind one of the dishes on the bottom shelf. To my surprise, there was a recipe on aged paper. Though the ink was faded, I could still make out what it said. He also told me to pick up the small jar next to the dish.
I took everything with me to the kitchen, and started baking.


"And done!"
There before me, was Killuas favorite food.
Tea and jam biscuits.

"Hey, you never really told me why this is your favorite meal." I asked.

He looked caught off guard, like he wasn't expecting me to ask that. After a few seconds he began to speak;
"Well my little sister, Alluka, loved having tea parties. She'd get all of her nice dishes out and throw little parties for the two of us. That dish display back there was all hers. Along with that recipe for biscuits and the jar of tea bags. She'd always go out of her way to hand make the biscuits and steep the tea all by herself. I always offered to help but she insisted she was a big girl...she was the best."
He had the most heartbroken expression I had ever seen someone make. An expression I had a hard time understanding.

"You two were close, huh."

"Yeah we were. We only had each other."

"Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm sure this must be really hard." I paused before I began to eat.
"Oh wow! Killua this is delicious!"
The airy biscuit melted in your mouth. It wasn't too sweet but the jam made up for it. The sweetness of the jam complimented the tea perfectly.
"What kind of tea is this?" I asked, still chewing.

"It's her own blend. She'd grow all sorts of herbs out in the back."
My attention suddenly shifted to the past tense Killua was using for Alluka. I felt my heart drop.

Is...is she dead too..?
I finished chewing before I asked.
"Killua...this might be a touchy subject but...is your sister dead?"

"Ppftt no!" He laughed, making me feel foolish. "Her and the rest of my family moved away after I died."

Part of me wanted to ask how he died, but I figured he had opened up enough for today.
I was more than greatful to have shared this moment with him.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now