-Aunt Mito

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Anyway please enjoy the long chapter today I love y'all<3

Time flew by and suddenly it was time for dinner. I made myself a quick omelet so that I could get back to talking with Killua.
After I finished making dinner, I joined Killua in the living room. Together, we talked and laughed until late in the night.


"You should probably be getting to bed now.." Killua trailed off.

"Yeah..." I responded, pouting. "Should I set up a futon for you?"

"Haha!" Killua bursted with laughter. "Ghosts don't sleep idiot!"

"Hey! How was I supposed to know that?!" I snapped back.
Killua only laughed harder.

"Okay, okay!" He said whipping a tear from his left eye. He then floated down to me, placing his face right in from of mine.
"Goodnight Gon!"
His whole face was beaming.

"A-" I was caught off guard. "G-goodnight Killua."
I found myself looking away bashfully, unable to meet his gaze. Once again, he laughed—and once again, I felt foolish.

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
I nodded in response.
"Goodnight then!"

"Yeah, goodnight!" I said as I scurried to my room.
As I closed the door, I pressed my back against the cold wood—allowing myself to sink to the ground. There, I buried my hands in my face.
I was struck with an overwhelming amount of feelings. Somehow I was happy, nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. I couldn't quite wrap my heat around how I was feeling. The only things I could decipher was that my face was warm and my was heart beating like crazy.

Maybe I'm coming down with something? Or maybe it's just allergies..?

I considered a multitude of reasons as to why I was feeling the way I was, but none made sense. Whatever it was, made me exhausted.
Moments later, I flopped on my bed and allowed my eyes to close. As I slipped into sleep, a quiet humming of a familiar song filled my ears.

I woke up at Aunt Mito's old house. I was sitting in the grass as Aunt Mito hung the laundry to dry. She hummed the simple yet beautiful lullaby Ive heard since I was a baby. Something about it always seemed to calm me down.
There I sat, staring up at the sky—quietly admiring the familiar view.
Before I knew it, I was swallowed by the deep love I had for Aunt Mito's home. I had lived there since I was a baby, I had so many sweet memories there.
I found myself missing Aunt Mito more than ever.

Soon after, I woke up for real. As I blinked awake, I noticed a few tears had dropped from my eyes. I whipped them away as I thought about the dream I just had. Right as I began to remember what was happening, my throughs were rudely interrupted by Killua;

"Ugh your finally awake! I cant believ-"
He suddenly stopped. "We're you just crying?" His annoyed expression quickly switched to one of concern.

I chuckled a little before responding. "No I'm okay. I just had a sad dream, that's all."

"What was it ab-"
Before he could finish, I got out of bed and rushed to the home phone.
"Hey! I'm trying to talk to you!" He called from my room.

"Give me a second!"
I then typed in the only number I had memorized—Aunt Mito's phone.
I held the phone close to my ear as I waited for her voice to come through the phone.

"Hello?" She questioned.
Her sharp and familiar voice cut through the silence.

"A-Aunt Mito?"

"GON!!!" She yelled through the phone. "Oh we've missed you so much! How are you? How's the new house? Has school started? Have you made any new friends? What's it like in the cou-"

"Aunt Mito!" I called, bringing her infinite questions to a halt.

"Sorry! Sorry! It's just that, we haven't heard from you in almost a month. I've been waiting for a letter or a phone call, you know! Which reminds me, why haven't you been checking in? Do you know how worried I've been? I thought you were dead! Well I didn't, your grandma did—BUT STILL!"
Once again, she was yelling through the phone. At this point, I began to question why I even called.
She then took a deep breath and continued.
"We've just been worried about you kiddo..we miss you..."

I felt a warm smile spread across my face.
"I miss you Aunt Mito..I'll come visit soon okay?!"

"Not after ignoring me for a month!"
We then continued to bicker, laugh, and tell each other how we've been.
It was really nice catching up with her.
I almost forgot how great my aunt was.

A while after we hung up and I went back to my room with Killua.

I decided that now would be a great time to tell him about my past.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now