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I woke up the next day to arms wrapped around my shoulders and a warm feeling in my chest. I found it almost odd at how much I was enjoying this....

"..You awake now..?"
His quiet and gentle voice cut straight through my thoughts.

"Mhm." I hummed in response.
I pulled back a little to look at him, only to be greeted by a bright red face. For some reason, I was finding it hard to look him in the eyes.
I bashfully flipped to my other side.

Moments pass and I suddenly felt cold hands trace up my stomach and land on chest. He then pulled me back and pressed my back to his chest. I felt my face flush red as he began to speak.

"What's the matter..?" He whispered into my ear.
Chills ran down my spine as my heart pounded loudly in my ears. I could barley hear what he was saying. Maybe he felt my heart beating, because he soon pulled away.
"...S-sorry..that what weird..." He muttered.
After a few moments I flipped back around to look at him. He used his hands to cover his bashful expression, but it was no use. His whole being was translucent.

"Haha no need to be sorry!" I said laughing at his attempt to cover his face. "Let's just go make breakfast now, okay?" I grinned.

Just me and Killua....

For some odd reason, I couldn't stop smiling.


Mid afternoon, we received a call from Kurapika. He asked me to come over and talk about how me and Killua took the news.
I decided it would be a good idea and headed over.


"Hey there, Gon!" Leorio greeted me, ruffling my hair. He lead me to the living room where Kurapika was already seated at the couch. He greeted me as me and Leorio sat down.

"So, how did things go? Did you talk to Killua about it?" He asked.

"Well at first I didn't since I was feeling really overwhelmed, but later on we talked about it. Haha we both cried and hugged for a while!" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "That night we had a sleepover and it was really fun!"

"A sleepover? What do you mean?" Kurapika questioned.

"Oh well we just slept in the same bed that's all. It was really nice actually, I woke up with such a nice feeling—"
I was then interrupted by Leorio laughing. He hunched over his knees and let out the loudest laugh I have ever heard. I looked over that Kurapika to see him chuckling.
"Hey! What's so funny??"
The laughter soon ceased and they finally responded.

"Gon, do you feel nervous around him?" Leorio asked between laughs.

"Uh I guess so?" I answered, curious on where this was going.

"Does your heartbeat quicken?" Kurapika questioned.


"Do you feel warm around him?"
Neither of them could keep from laughing.

"Yeah! So what?"
I felt my face flush with embarrassment. It felt as though they were making fun of me.

"Do you want to be near him?" Leorio teased.

"YES! Get to the point already!" I shouted frustratedly.
They both looked at each other and then back at me.

"Gon...do you have a crush on Killua?"

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now