-Nice to Meet You-

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It's been a week or two since I've been living here and the strangest things keep happening. Doors slam shut, I see figures out of the corner of my eye, dishes rattle if I get too close, ex. I don't know how much longer I can take it. I figured I'd go visit Kurapika to ask for advice.
I got dressed and headed over.

Once I got to his house and unfamiliar face answered the door.
"Oh—Hi! I'm looking for Kurapika? Is he here?"

"....Give me a second." He closed the door. I could tell he was a little suspicious of me. I could here the two of them bickering from behind the door. As I leaned in closer to hear them better, the door opened.

"Gon! It's so good to see you! Sorry if this idiot gave you a hard time—"

"HEY IM NOT AN IDO—" Kurapika put his hand over the other persons mouth.

"Please, come in." They both settled down as I walked into their home. Kurapika led me to their kitchen which had a small table. He gestured for me to sit down as both him and the other person took a seat with me.
"First, this is my boyfriend Leorio. We live here together since our parents aren't very supportive. Leorio, this is Gon. He lives in the house up the street."

"Oh the haunted one?" Leorio looked at me with concern. I felt my stomach sink as I nodded. I know it's haunted but I don't like being reminded.

"Now that we all know each other, may I ask what brings you here?" Kurapika asked.

"Well the spirit won't stop bugging me. I think they want me to move out. Kurapika, could you tell me more about this spirit? I was thinking maybe I could do something to settle them down. That way, I wouldn't have to move again and I could keep the spirit happy." I responded. It was basically my only option.

"For starters, the child who died was Killua Zoldyck. He was the middle child and was supposed to take over his fathers place in the mafia once he was old enough. For this reason, he had more pressure on him from his parents than his other siblings did. Poor kid...he was only 16 when he died."
I felt my eyes widen.
"That's really all of the information I have though. Sorry I can't give you more." He had a little bit of a defeated expression but he gave me a great idea.

I stood up immediately. "S-sorry guys I have to go now! You just gave me a great idea. Thanks a lot you two! Oh and nice meeting you Leorio!!" I shouted while running out of their house. I heard Kurapika tell me to be careful just before I left.


Once I was back home, I said out loud; "I'm home, Killua!"
My idea was to befriend this ghost. He was around my age when he died so it'd be worth a shot.
Just as the words escaped my lips, I felt a strong chill. I brushed it off and continued to speak out loud.
"I'm sorry, I never introduced myself before. My name is Gon! I moved here from a few towns over. So if you don't mind," I lowered my head in a bow. "I will be living with you for now on!"

I could hear the chandelier above me start to rattle vigorously.
"It's really nice to meet you!" I chirped.
Right after, the chandelier was still.

Is that a good thing..?

I tried desperately to conceal my fear as I headed to the kitchen.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now