-You Got This-

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As the weekend soon arrived, I thought carefully on how I wanted to tell Killua. Every time it crossed my mind, I felt a cold chill run though me. A chill of excitement and fear.
However, after a long time of thinking and planning, I had finally figured out my plan;

First, I'd tell Killua to go away for a little bit. Once I was sure he left, I'd start making our recipe. Biscuits and jam.
Afterwards, I'd tell him to come back and have him sit down. From there, I'd confess and tell him how I felt.
Killua didn't seem like the type to like big gestures, so I decided on one of my more tame ideas.
As I steadily peddled home, I felt my whole body grow warm from just thinking about it. I couldn't contain my excitement.


"Killua I'm back!" I shouted, waiting for him to appear. I slipped out of my shoes and put my backpack down in my room.

"Welcome back, Gon." He responded from behind me.

I like hearing him say my name...

My face felt warm as I proceeded with the plan.
"Hey, do you think you could stay off the main floor for a little bit? Just for a few hours, I have a surprise."

Killua looked a bit shocked, but his expression soon faded into a sly one.
"Hey...I know what you're doing..."

I paused immediately.
"..Y-you do..?"
My eyes grew wide, fearing he saw my notes. I could barely even hear him respond my heart was pounding in my ears so loud.

"You're throwing a surprise birthday party for me!" He shouted, whipping a tear from his eye. "I'm so honored!"

"Killua, your birthday passed months ago."
He then erupted with laughter. His laughter didn't last long because I soon hit him on the head. He yelped as I yelled at him.
"Don't scare me like that!"

"Okay okay, sorry! I was just kidding!" He said between laughs. I couldn't help but laugh a bit too, out of relief.

"Just promise me you won't peak or anything, okay?"

"Yup, I promise." He vowed.
And with that he vanished.
I let out a sigh and headed to Alluka's tea room. I carefully took out the recipe and got started.


Almost two hours later, I finally finished everything. I set the table for the two of us and put the finishing touches. I had seen wild flowers growing in a nearby field, and decided to pick them and put them in a vase. That vase sat in the middle of the dinning table, filling the room with a subtle sweet smell.
I took a deep breath before summoning Killua.
"I'm done! You can come out now!"
He then appeared, eager to see what I had done. I shyly lead him to the kitchen table to reveal the first part of the surprise.

He gasped a little before beginning to speak. "Wow they look even better this time you made them! What'd you do differently?" He asked, floating down to get a better look. He studied the pastries carefully, soaking in ever detail.

"Why don't you-"
My heart sank.
"..You can't eat it...can you?"
I almost wanted to cry at how stupid I made myself look.

"Ah- no no, I can eat it!" He quickly shoved one of the biscuit in his mouth, but once he did, it went right through him.
I knew him so well, but I always forgot that he was still a ghost. I sluggishly sat down at the table, disappointed I had already messed up.
"Hey, hey...the fact that you even did any of this makes me happy. Don't kick yourself because of it." He then gave me a brief hug. "Plus you got me flowers. So thank you, Gon."
I hugged him back, thankful for his understanding. Even though he forgave me, I still felt stupid.

This is just a little bump..it's time for the next part...

"Hey, Killua. T-this was only part of the surprise. I have another thing I'd like to tell you.." I trailed off as I began to fidget with my hands.

It's now or never...you got this..!

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now