-Your Presence-

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Kurapika took the sound of the dishes clinking together as a sign Killua was present. He thought before he continued asking questions.
"....Killua. Please blow out one of these two candles." He requested as he separated two candles from the bunch.
Killua then put the left candle out.

"Thank you, good job. This left candle will be yes, and the right will be no. Do you understand?" He asked as he re-lit the left candle.
The left candle went out.
"Good." He concluded.

A few moments of Kurapika thinking went by as I thought about what questions he might ask.
"Are you a friendly spirit?" He asked.
Neither of the candles went out. I felt my stomach drop.
"Are you at least friendly to Gon?"
The left candle went out almost immediately. I felt my face heat up a little at how Killua didn't even hesitate.

"Do you have negative intentions torwards me or Leorio?"
The right candle went out.
Kurapika sighed. "Good enough."

He continued to ask questions like 'are you the Zoldyck's dead son?' and basic yes or no questions like that. After each answer, he re-lit the candle that Killua chose.
After a while, I asked Kurapika if I could ask a question. After a little convincing, he agreed.

"Killua, are we friends?" I questioned aloud, fiddling my thumbs.
The left candle went out immediately.
I gasped, "Wow really!!"
The candle Kurapika was trying to re-light quickly went out.

"Haha I'm so glad!!"
I felt like a little kid, getting all exited like that. Though I always considered Killua my friend, I had no way of confirming he felt the same.
I wanted to cry I was so happy.

"Okay, okay I got one!" Leorio said.

"Oh boy here we go.." I heard Kurapika mumble under his breath.

"Was your family super rich-" Before he could even finish, Kurapika slapped him upside the head.

"Don't ask dumb questions like that!"
They both continued to argue as the left candle went out. I took the job of re-lighting the candle, since Kurapika was busy yelling at Leorio.

"Killua," I began. "Can you show yourself again?"
By the time I finished my question, the arguing had stopped.
Unfortunately, the right candle went out.

"It's probably because he doesn't have enough energy right now." Kurapika suggested.
Confused, I asked him what he meant.
"Well by communicating like this it takes a lot of energy. Depending on how strong his spirit is, blowing out the candles may take a lot out of him."

That's probably why he disappeared before!
"What makes a spirit strong?" I asked.

"Well his spirit is in purgatory. The reason for that is because he has unfinished business. Depending on how deep his desires are to finish up his business depicts how much power he has. It's kind of like how strong his motives are."

Everything Kurapika was staying was starting to make sense. The reason Killua disappeared was probably because he used up a lot of power!
I thanked Kurapika for explaining, and he continued to ask questions.

30 minutes later:

"Alright, I think I asked all of the questions I wanted to ask. Thank you for letting me do this Gon. And thank you Killua for letting us ask you these questions." Kurapika said as he packed up his things.

"Yeah no problem! It was nice seeing you both." I responded.

"I'm going to leave the two candles and my lighter with you, just in case you want to talk to Killua when we're gone. We'll be off then!"

"Bye Kurapika! Bye Leorio!"
As I waved goodbye from the door, Killua gently closed it. I was surprised it didn't slam shut, but I wasn't complaining.
I was just happy they all seemed to get along.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now