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~A few days later~

I woke up to a warm "good morning" from Killua.
As much as I wanted things to stay like this, school would be starting soon.

"Hey Killua, I might have to head to the store today. I still need to do all my school shopping."

"Aw, really? I wish I could come with you but I'm bound here. Who knows what kind of spirits are out there....."
He thought for a moment before his whole face lit up.
"I know! I have just the thing, follow me."
A followed behind Killua to the second floor, down a long hallway, and finally a small closet.
Inside were small candles, empty bottles, old herbs, and some crystals too.
"I don't think I told you before, but when I was alive I was into witchcraft. Now that I think about it, that's probably why I'm not able to pass on."
I laughed as he looked through his old things.

I was partly surprised to see him able to touch objects, but I soon remembered his ability to interact with the space around him. How he was able to rattle the dishes and close doors.

"This closet was supposed to be for our butlers cleaning supplies, but I convinced them to let me use it. They had plenty of other spaces so it didn't really matter. I think all of the other owners were too scared by this stuff so they never touched it. It's better for us though, cause I want to give you something."
He said rummaging through drawers and small containers. After a few minutes, he held out a small glass jar sealed with white candle wax.
"Here, it's a protection spell."

Amazed, I took the jar and began to inspect it. Killua then started to explain more.
"I wanted you to have it 'cause who knows what creepy ghosts will come after you."

My eyes quickly shifted from the spell, to Killua.
"Thank you so much! It's so cool how you made spells like this, I had no idea." I said grinning.

His face flushed red as he dug around for something else.
"T-take this one too, it's a luck spell."

"Wow! That's so cool, I love it. Thank you Killua!"

"Take this one, and this one, this one too."
Before I knew it, my hands were filled with tiny glass jars sealed with different colored candle wax.

"Haha I think I have enough now! Thank you again, I'll cherish them."
I held them for a second longer before putting them all in my bag.
"Is there anything—"
I looked back up to see Killua's bright red face. Though I could tell he was embarrassed, he looked content.

"N-no that's it..please be safe." He muttered looking away.

I chuckled, "I'll be off then!"
I walked down the stairs and out the door.
"Bye bye Killua, be back soon!"

For some reason, I couldn't stop smiling.

Killuas pov:

Ugh he just looked so happy when taking the spells, I couldn't help myself..

I continued looking through my forgotten potions in hopes of finding something else to give Gon.

I want to see him smile like that more...

Gons pov:

I walked around the back to school section in hopes of finding some things I'll need for this year.
I already had my backpack from last year, but I needed everything else.

Fortunately I ended up finding everything I needed, all thanks to Killua's spells.
I smiled to myself as I continued shopping.

Maybe I'll get him something in return...


As I finished up shopping I passed a small section dedicated to plants.

Does Killua like stuff like this..?

They had succulents and different kinds of floral arrangements. I looked for about five minutes but didn't find anything I thought he'd like.
As I left the store, I saw a small plant that had been left at the bottom of someone's grocery cart. I gently picked it up and looked around for someone who could've left it, but no one claimed the plant.

It would be mean to just leave it..plus it is really pretty!

I carefully carried it to my bike, placed it in the basket, and went home.


"Killua, I'm back!" I shouted, walking through the door.
He eagerly appeared in front of me as I unpacked the things I had bought.

"Are you okay? Nothing bothered you right?"
He looked anxious and scanned me for any exterior injuries.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry. Oh also! I got you something to say thank you for the spells. Quick, close your eyes!"
I said excitedly.
He then reluctantly followed suit and closed his eyes.

Once I gave him the okay to open his eyes, he eagerly opened them to see the small echinopsis cactus in bloom.

It's precious flower brought the dark colored cactus to life. The delicate pink hues decorated each white petal with the perfect about of pigment. Each spike on the cactus below braced itself for an enemy that would never come.
The plant was, in my opinion, a perfect fit for Killua.

He stared down at it from my hands. He carefully took the pot in his, and held it close to his eyes. I studied his face for any sign of emotion until, tears began to form in his eyes.
Before I knew it, they were trickling down his cheeks.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! Do you not like plants? I should've gotten something different I'm really sorry Killua! I-" He suddenly stopped me before I could continue.

"No, it's nothing like that. You see...no one has ever given me a gift before..." He looked up at me. "So thank you, Gon."

I felt my whole face flush bright red as he began to wipe his tears away.
"N-no problem. I'm really glad you like it."
A strange giddy feeling filled my chest as Killua leaned in for a hug.

"Thank you so much..." He said into my neck. I shakily lifted both arms and wrapped them around Killua's waist.

"Of course..."

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now