-Empty House-

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After seeing what I believed to be Killua's spirit, I was at a loss for words. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I tried asking if he was still there or if he was okay but I received no response. I even tried standing near the display of dishes—but they didn't rattle. Part of be began to worry that I'd never see or hear from him again.
I decided to brush it off and get ready for bed.


As I laid awake in bed, I wondered more about Killua and what I had saw.

Was that just him saying goodbye? Was that what he was apologizing for?

My stomach twisted into a knot from thinking about all of the possibilities. Just as I was getting closer, he suddenly disappears.
Why am I so disappointed? I barley even know him....but..
I turned to my side and curled up into a ball.
..so why does it feel so lonely...?
For the first time, I didn't feel a presence in the room as I drifted to sleep.

For some reason—I wanted to cry.


Before I knew it, I was awake. I laid in innocence for a few seconds until memories of last night came flooding in. My whole mood turned sour as I reluctantly got out of bed.

"Good morning Killua..." I said yawning. I figured he might be back today, so it'd be nice to say good morning. I walked around the house in hopes of having some sign that Killua was around, but no strange things occurred.
Nothing rattled or moved as I walked by, I didn't see any figures out of the corner of my eye, nothing strange happened at all. I circled back to the kitchen, where I began to make breakfast. I decided on cereal since I didn't have much energy.
As I sat down in the dining room, I stared deep into my bowl of cereal. I couldn't bring myself to eat.

...what if.....

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

..what if he never comes back..?

I rested my arms on the table to make a cushion for my head. I cried into my arms as my mind continued to dissect what happened last night;
Why do I feel so bad? I don't even know him...so why do I feel so terrible?

After a few seconds I felt my eyes widen. I discovered the answer. I slowly lifted my head from my arms.
"He...would've been my first friend.."
My eyes shifted to the empty chair next to me. I felt hot tears trickle down from my eyes. Deep down I knew it all along, but saying it out loud made it real. Though I feared him, knowing I wasn't alone brought me comfort....

I marinated in my thoughts as my cereal grew soggy.
A few minutes later I dumped it out and got back into bed.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now