-Life Before You-

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As I got back to my room, I sat down on my bed and motioned for Killua to join me. I propped myself up against the bed frame and he sat at the end of the bed, crisscrossing his legs.
I then carefully explained what life was like where I used to live;
"It was just me and my Aunt Mito. My grandma moved in with us later on but it was manly just the two of us. You see, I never knew my mom and my dad abandoned me for his work. That's the reason why I lived with my Aunt, because my dad gave me to her."
I noticed Killuas expression darken as I continued.
"H-hey it's okay!! Really! I didn't mind living with my Aunt!" I yelled frantically waving my hands around.
"In fact," I felt a calm and warm feeling fill my chest. "I loved it..."

I paused, smiling to myself. "To me, Aunt Mito was my hero. She always treated me like I was her own. Though I don't call her mom, I see her as one. She's always been the one adult I can count on for anything. Maybe even the one person I could count on for anything. "
Shortly after, I snapped out of my rant to look back at Killua. When my eyes reached his, I was met with the warmest expression I had seen him make yet.

"..I'm glad.." He said softly.
Most anyone I told this to, bullied or made fun of me for not having a mom or dad. I love Aunt Mito, but I always found myself feeling ashamed for only having my aunt. I was embarrassed.
But Killua...he was the only one to be happy for me. He didn't pity me, and he didn't make fun of me. All he said, was that he's glad.

For some reason, my vision began to fog up. I felt warm water drip down my cheeks. At first, I didn't understand but soon after I realized— I began to cry.

"Hey hey! Did I say something wrong?! Sorry! Ah are you okay-"

I cut him off, "Yes! I'm okay I'm okay!" I pleaded as I gently whipped the tears away. "I'm just happy you seem to understand."
Once my vision cleared up from the tears, I saw Killuas bright red face.

"Of corse I understand! Neither of us had parents that cared about us." He scoffed."On the bright side, we both had someone we could rely on. I had Alluka, and you and your aunt."

"Oh wow you're right!" I agreed, amazed he came to that conclusion in such little time.

"Besides—" Killua began, inching closer and closer. "We have each other now..." Before I knew it, he had pinned me to the bed frame. His hand pressed against the wall behind me. My eyes shot from his hand and back to his face. A pink hue filled his milky, translucent face. I felt my whole face warm up as I stared intently at Killua, wondering what he'd do next. Before I new it, he had inched even closer than he was before. Instinctively, I shut my eyes tightly—fearing the unknown of this situation.

"Hm." He hummed, cutting through the silence. "It was worth a shot."
As I slowly opened my eyes, Killua floated back to where he was sitting.

"W-w-what do you mean?" My whole face was so warm, I felt lightheaded.

"We'll uh—" He looked caught off guard. "We'll y-your face was really red!"

"Huh?!" I yelled, feeling called out.

"I was just trying to check if you were coming down with something!" He argued.

"Ah—well...I guess that makes sense..."I responded, tapping my chin lightly with my index finger. 

"See! I told you! I was trying to check your temperature but I went right through you." He scoffed.

"Whatever, it doesn't really matter. I'm hungry so I'm going to make breakfast." I stated as I got out of bed. "You coming?"

"Mhm! Yeah just give me a minute!"
Before I could even respond, Killua shot up through the ceiling, gliding through the floors of the house.
I thought it was a bit unusual, but brushed it off.

Killua's POV:

Damn it!
I used my sharp nails to push back my hair. I held my head in my hands as I listened to my heart pounding in my ears.

Did he buy it? Does he know what I was trying to do?
Worry filled my head while I tried to slow my heart. I could barley process what just happened.
Back in Gon's room, I had lost control. Once I had him pinned, he was just too cute. I tried to kiss him. It didn't work, so I had to make a lame excuse.

Ugh I'm such an idiot!! I barley know this kid. I don't even know if he's gay!

I released my hands from my hair and used them to cover up my burning red face.

I wonder though—
I allowed my eyes to peek through my hands.
What would Gon think...if he knew I was trying to kiss him?

Hey y'all!! This is the first time I've done Killuas pov in this story. Please let me know if you think I should keep doing that, or if you like it more from just Gons pov!!

Love y'all
-mama madlad

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