-You and Me-

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We continued to sit in silence, quietly processing our thoughts. I desperately attempted to think of ways to make him feel better.
"....Hey— let's try and spend our time together having fun. Sulking doesn't solve anything, right? Plus we still don't know your motive! So it's not like you'll be gone tomorrow, we still have plenty of time."
I said forcing a smile.

I saw him take a deep breath and close his eyes.
"Yeah..you're right. Lets not spend any more time being sad."
He then looked over at me with a similar forced smile. Carefully, he reached out his hand to wipe away my remaining tears.
A giddy feeling filled my chest as I felt an urge to be close to him.

After he finished whipping my tears, I allowed myself to lean forward and embrace Killua. As I pressed his head to my chest, I felt his shoulders drop with comfort. Soon after, his arms wrapped around my waist.
"..Thanks Gon..."
I could feel my face heat up as the giddy feeling only grew. We stayed like that for a few until I pulled away to look at him.
To my surprise, his face was bright red.

Did I embarrass him? But that doesn't make sense...

My confusion continued as he refused to meet my stare. I them had the genius idea to mess with him.
I leaned to where his eyes were looking, and he quickly looked away in a different direction. I followed his eyes and quickly shifted to where he was staring. It continued until we both bursted out laughing. His flushed expression turned to one of joy.

I was so glad I could make him laugh


The day progresses into the evening as me and Killua spent the rest of the day together. Our talking, laughing, and bickering made the day go by so quickly.

"I should probably be heading to bed now." I said yawning.

"Hmm yeah probably..." Killua trailed off. He sounded as if he had something else to say, but I didn't bring it up.
We got up from the table and both of us made our way to my room. I was kind of disappointed that our day together had to end there, until I had yet another good idea.

"Hey, do you...want to sleep in my bed tonight?" I asked. I nearly chickened out of such an embarrassing sentence, but committed to the idea.

"Huh?! W-where did that come from??" The flustered look returned as he held up his arm in efforts of concealing his expression.

"Well I dunno..." I felt my face begin to warm up, worried I had said something I shouldn't have. "I just thought it would be fun...Kinda like a sleepover?"

"N-no way! Besides, ghosts don't sleep idiot!" By this time, his face was redder than a tomato. It was clear I overstepped a boundary.

"Okay okay, I just thought I'd offer. Goodnight Killua." I said walking into my room and softly closing the door.
A bit disappointed, I got into bed and allowed myself to close my eyes.

Shortly after I faded into sleep.


Suddenly, in the middle of the night, I was woken by a weight in the bed. My eyes fluttered open to see Killua's pale figure. He was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. A light pink hue spread across his face.
A feeling of joy filled my body, happy Killua wanted to spend more time with me. It was difficult to read his expression, but he looked happy too.
In a tired haze, I inched closer to him and wrapped my arms around his. The coldness of his arm had caught me off guard, but I didn't mind. I then nuzzled my head into his neck and closed my eyes once more.
"G-Gon—" I heard Killua whisper in shock. His body had tensed up due to the sudden contact, but soon relaxed.
His cold skin pressed against mine somehow brought a feeling of comfort. I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way. I brushed off my thoughts and started to fall back asleep.

That night, I fell asleep smiling.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now