Chapter 2

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Musical inspiration: Moonrise – WILDWOOD

She had fucked up hard and she knew it. Making up this story about being a witch, having known her father and being asked to watch out for Sabrina was utter bullshit. The Spellman girl was admittedly not always the brightest bulb on the porch, but even she could smell her lies from ten feet away. How was she supposed to keep this up, believable? And she had even been so dumb to imply the Spellman's were not able to handle and protect her. This will blow up in your face big time, Lilith.

"You let your mask slip, Lilith," she suddenly heard a deep growl behind her and knew all too well whom it came from. Her whole body shivered, fear pumping through her body with every heartbeat.

"My lord, my king... I-I am truly sorry, It-It's just...-"

"Spare me the details of your failure, demon," he interrupted, breathing heavily over her shoulder.

"Dark Lord, I-I've got an idea," her lips trembled while speaking, "I can still be successful. I'll win the Spellman's trust back, get into their lives and crush them from the inside."

"Prove it" were his last words before he vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

Madam Satan finally dared to breathe again and smiled deviously. Perfect. Now she only had to find a reason to knock on their door.

As if Madam Satan had asked for it, she caught on Sabrina's encounter with another demon and her determination to get rid of it. Time to shine, Lilith, she told herself in front of the mirror. She had spent half an hour getting ready for her little visit.

Carefully, she had picked a dress that looked somewhat professional, but also tasteful. Her stubborn wild hair was tamed thoroughly, highlighting her sharp face structure.

"I need to look my best for her—" She covered her mouth with her fingers quickly – Hilda and Zelda. Yes. Hilda and Zelda.

Ever since the nightmare visit, the ginger witch kept haunting her thoughts frequently, but she pushed it aside. No time for silly fascinations.


Zelda was relieved to finally have the house to her own for a while. No Sabrina with her sweet problems, no Ambrose complaining, no Hilda babbling. Just her, her cigarette, and some good whiskey. She sat back on the couch, even allowing herself to put her feet up a little. When she closed her eyes, the ominous encounter with Sabrina's teacher came back to her mind. Strange woman.

That was when she heard someone was at the door. She couldn't even have this one moment for herself. She sighed and went to see who was there, disturbing her quietness. Speaking – or better thinking – of the devil, it was Ms Wardwell.

"Ms Spellman, sorry to disturb you... It's about Sabrina..." the brunette announced.

Of course, it was always about Sabrina. Zelda did not even care to say a word, only nodding her head to invite her in.

"So, what gives me the honour of your visit? What has Sabrina done this time?" she inquired, "Tea?"

"Sure," Ms Wardwell just stood there, uncertain where to go or sit, "She hasn't done anything yet, but..."

"Spill it," Zelda demanded, taking two cups to the couch. Ms Wardwell followed quietly, clearing her throat.

They sat down next to each other in awkward silence. Zelda could not help but notice how neatly done Ms Wardwell's hair was, now revealing the otherwise hidden, cutting jaw line while the brunette was looking around.

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