Chapter 55

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Musical inspiration: Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler

Lilith rushed to catch Zelda as she fell from the piano; she landed in her arms, unconscious. She laid her down on top of the grand piano and climbed up to join her, reclining next to her on her stomach, propped up on her elbows.

She looked at Zelda and kept track of her breathing because even though she knew she had only fainted and would wake up within the next minute, she was terrified of losing her. Caressing Zelda's cheeks lazily, the redhead's lashes started to move, and her eyes fluttered open, blinking to wake up.

Before she could say or do anything, Lilith pressed a sweet, tender kiss to her lips and quietly indicated her to stay in her lying position. Her face hovered over Zelda's and the chestnut curls curtained their faces.

"You gave me a right scare, sweetheart", she hummed, brushing the tip of her nose against Zelda's.

"What happened?", Zelda asked, visibly confused.

"You fainted."

"Oh, Mother of Demons! Not again!", Zelda hissed in frustration, more to herself than to her lover.

"Wait. This has happened before?" Lilith's features hardened with worry, and she shifted to rest on her side, facing Zelda.

At first, Zelda did not answer, but when she rolled over on her side as well, she noticed how concerned Lilith was and wrapped her arm loosely around the demoness' waist, stroking her side with her thumb.

"It's nothing, really", she tried to brush it off, but Lilith shot her an annoyed glare, "Ok, fine. It's just panic attacks. I hyperventilate and sometimes faint, but it's no big deal."

"Zelda... It is! How long has this been going on?"

"About two months..."

"Two months??? Zelda! And let me guess: You haven't told anyone, have you?"

Zelda nodded a little ashamed and searched Lilith's face for any sign of what she was thinking. She feared the demoness would perceive her as weak for not having herself under control.

"And... Give me a second... Two months ago was your wedding", Lilith's eyes widened, "This has got to do with him, hasn't it?", her eyes moved from left to right and vice versa, making her psychological processing evident.

Panic attacks. Triggered by intimate physical touch. Two months. Faustus. Wedding. Honeymoon. Fuck. No. No. No. He did not! She swore she would kill that bastard if he had laid a finger on her girl. As she had been promised anyway. But if he had... She would make sure he regretted ever having been born. Death is death but dying slowly is a whole other pleasure.

Zelda did not comment on anything, but the way she pursed her lips was enough of an answer for Lilith. She moved even closer to her lover and hugged her tightly, their bodies pressing against each other.

"He. Will. Pay", she whispered into Zelda's auburn tresses, rage burning in her chest.

It explained everything. Her behaviour before she went to hell, Hilda's words, everything. How could she have been so blind? Of all people? She knew abuse – better than anyone. Slowly letting go of Zelda, they both came to rest on their back, side by side on the cool black varnish of the grand piano, fingers intertwined between them.

They stared into the night, watching the stars, taking in the comforting feeling of having their favourite person back. Hand in hand, body against body. Some time passed until they turned their heads to face each other. That was when Lilith saw it, the dark line across Zelda's face. She gently traced it with the tip of her index finger.

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