Chapter 84

171 16 19

Musical inspiration: AMANTES – Esme

Zelda woke up to coughing noises coming from the adjoining bathroom and found the other side of the bed empty when her hand reached out to it. She sighed, already knowing the deal since Lilith's morning sickness had gotten worse over the past few weeks since they were spending every night together.

She had tried to help her demoness with some enchanted stomach-soothing tea, but Lilith despised herbal tea and acted like a toddler refusing to eat their vegetables whenever she brewed her another cup. Zelda got up, slipped into her slippers, put her robe on and shuffled to the bathroom, blinking her eyes to adjust to being awake.

Lilith was kneeling in front of the toilet and Zelda wordlessly ran her fingers through her hair, gathering it in a ponytail and held it back as the next wave hit Lilith. Mindlessly, she grabbed Lilith's hairbrush and started combing through the dark mane. When she had to throw up again, Zelda rubbed gentle circles on her back while the petite body was erupting over and over.

"Better?" Zelda asked when Lilith withdrew from the toilet bowl and leaned back against the wall.

The demoness nodded silently, and Zelda moved to the sink to soak a flannel that she then used to wipe her girlfriend's mouth, squatting in front of her. The brunette looked exhausted; damp hair sticking to her face, as pale as the tiled wall behind her, discoloured chapped lips.

Zelda reached out her hands to assist Lilith in getting up and while Lilith went on to brush her teeth, Zelda opened her wardrobe to find them something to wear for the day. They had made room for at least a few of Lilith's outfits, so she would have something to wear in case of an emergency. She draped everything neatly on the bed and got dressed herself, brushing her teeth while Lilith was in the shower.

"I'll wait for you in the kitchen, darling."

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

At some point, Zelda had decided herself Lilith joined them for breakfast, unwilling to submit to Ambrose's infantile behaviour any longer. The mood was usually tense as long as he was there, but it did not matter to her. All that mattered was her demoness by her side.

Surprisingly she was the first in the kitchen, although she could hear Hilda running around somewhere – maybe she overslept. Due to her lack of familiarity with everything regarding cooking and the household, she settled on making coffee and tea; that she could do.

She watched the water boil, drifting off into thoughts about all the things to come; Hilda's wedding, a baby on the way, the omnipresent dread of Lilith's death... But mostly she was content; at least as long as she stayed in the present, because here, she was with Lilith who somehow lived with them, cuddled her every night, woke up with her every morning. Luckily, Lucifer had calmed down a bit, giving Lilith more space, so they could build a routine and did not have to fear his wrath all the time.

Zelda flinched when two arms wrapped around her waist and relaxed realising it was Lilith, who pulled her closer and planted small kisses all over the side of her neck.

"Mh... My Lady is brewing the substance of life", she noted, inhaling the strong scent of coffee grounds.

"Uh-uh", Zelda tutted, "No coffee for you while you're pregnant. We've talked about that."

"Yes Ma'am," Lilith growled and squeezed Zelda's sides, making her squirm and swat Lilith's hand.

They broke apart and leaned against the counter, facing each other. Lilith was as mesmerised as ever by Zelda's effortless beauty, her shapely silhouette even more prominent due to the light coming from the windows behind her. Without warning, Lilith's eyes filled with tears making them all glossy, and she sniffled.

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