Chapter 88

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Musical inspiration: I Wanna Be Loved By You – Marilyn Monroe

Zelda was teaching a class when she was informed her presence was demanded at the front door. She fixed her Prussian blue costume in front of a mirror on the wall in the hallway, convinced it was the fabric irritating the skin on her chest, wondering who it might be and passed the entrance hall. She could hear a woman scream even before she reached the door and froze for a second when she did.

"Lilith? What's this about?"

"Please, Sister Zelda, help me. My baby is coming."

What she was seeing in front of her did not make any sense: Lilith looking nine months pregnant, minion supporting her while she was acting as if she had contractions. But that could not be, she was not even in her second trimester! Impossible. It threw Zelda off completely, made her mind go blank and ask the dumbest questions she had ever asked in her life.

"Baby? What baby?"

Of course, she knew the answer but somehow her mind was unable to process that her girlfriend's pregnancy seemed to have progressed unnaturally fast and was now going into labour. So, it appeared to have decided for erasing every previous information and gather them all over again.

"Lucifer's, but it's coming too soon."

Lilith was in far too much pain to wonder about Zelda's weird behaviour and simply responded, not having time for any prolongations. After the brunette's desperate pleads to help her, Zelda snapped out of her rigidity and administered Prudence to prepare everything. It was all done in more of a trance, but what counted was that she did act.

She hooked her arm under Lilith's and helped her inside, having to stop a few times when another contraction made Lilith double over in pain and Zelda rub her mark informing her about the obvious. Once Lilith caught her breath again after the contraction had subsided, she used the few minutes she had before the next to address something important.

"Zelda, listen, I can't believe what I'm about to say but for once in my life I don't want your head between my legs, okay? I need Hilda there and you holding my hand."

Zelda scoffed half amused half offended by Lilith's wish and brought her to the master bedroom where Hilda and the rest of the coven had already prepared everything, so the demoness only had to lie down and let the witches help her through it all.

"Lilith, breathe. Deep breaths. Deep breaths, my love." Hilda's sweet, caring voice was exactly what Lilith needed; the British witch was a gift sent from their Dark Mother and she was working her way up to become her favourite Spellman family member quickly.

Zelda took her hands as requested and she felt her supporting her with everything she had, giving her her all, as she always did. The pain was tearing her apart, the baby was, and it felt almost impossible to hold on if it were not for Zelda's determined and calm words.

"You must do it, Lilith. You must breathe, and you must push."

Zelda's firm grip was a lifeline as much as a – perhaps magical – infusion, giving her strength as the coven shared her pain and took it on them to endure it for her so she could focus on pushing and breathing.

"It's coming. Zelda, it's coming", Hilda announced all excited, feeling the need to tell Zelda explicitly for it was her son as well.

Through all the screaming and commanding the coven, a smile made its way on her face as she spotted the baby's head for the first time; her heart jumping in her chest warmly.

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