Chapter 92

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Musical inspiration: Desert Flower (Instrumental) – Martin Todsharow

Lilith was woken up by small movements against her cleavage, pressing against her soft breast. She blinked her eyes open to see what had caused her to wake up and found her tired baby boy nuzzling against his mother's breast. His head turned from side to side, burying his face deeper into the softness.

"He's hungry, trying to latch onto you", a familiar morning-hoarse voice said.

She looked up and was met by Zelda's loving eyes connecting with her own, only then realising she was still in the witch's arms, safely guarded. They had had a little disagreement in the evening because Zelda kept telling her it was not safe to sleep with a baby in your arms because of the risk of suffocation or other serious injury, but Lilith remained unwilling to let go of her baby.

Lilith was glad her fiancé was a midwife because even if most things came naturally, being a new mother had its challenges. And Zelda had a lot of tricks up her sleeve she would share with her and leave her amazed by how good the witch was with children. What a waste of potential she never had ones of her own.

"Morning, my lady", Lilith murmured, still sleepy and not yet ready to start the day. She nuzzled her face against Zelda's neck, somehow mirroring the baby in her arms, intending to prolong the warming comfort of her love's embrace.

From her position, she could see Zelda's arms around her middle, how they crossed at the wrists to keep her tight. The thumb of her right hand moving aimlessly, brushing her every now and then; the silver reflecting the sun beams coming from the window and the ruby seemingly absorbing them to glow of its own.

Her eyes were threatening to fall shut again when she saw a strange shadow on Zelda's hand that- Was it growing? Her vision was still blurry from sleep, so she blinked a few times before opening them more to see. Something dark was on the back of Zelda's right hand, almost like... Hair? The dark spot grew wider, spreading across her whole hand faster and faster.

Lilith gasped and rubbed her eyes, convinced she was imagining it, but it would not go away. Zelda's hand suddenly appeared larger, almost manly and the softness vanished, replaced by something hard pressing against her waist. She tried to move away from it, but Zelda's arms were too tight around her.

Her witch's delicate fingers melted into one mass, a... a...hoof. Rapidly, hair was growing on her entire arms, the other hand turning into another hoof and with disgusting cracks the arms stiffened and snapped into inhuman formations, making her nauseous.

She wiggled, tried to free herself without success, cupping the back of little Adam's head protectively as the limbs that used to be her lover's were slowly closing around her, ready to smother. Looking around to find something to help her escape the agonising grip, her gaze landed on Zelda's face. Where there had just been an affectionate smile was now growing a beard, the pointy nose transforming into a grotesque goat's mouth.

"What is this?! What have you done to Zelda?! Where is she?!", Lilith yelled desperately, squirming and fighting against the resistance, "How did you get in here?!"

The beast laughed the darkest, echoing laugh that would not ebb away, instead, it transferred into her mind, shaking it violently. Gathering her strength she kicked the beast with her leg, bit into its shoulder and pushed his limbs around her away with force, all at once – and she managed to get away, running out of the bedroom into the empty Academy halls. Outside, she stopped for a moment, having to think about where to go and what to do – Zelda! Where was Zelda? If she was lying around somewhere, possibly hurt, she would have to find her! She could not go without her.

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