Chapter 61

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Musical inspiration: Anarchy – Lilith Czar

"Nervous about your first trip to hell?", Lilith asked taking Zelda's slightly shaking hands.

The ginger squared her shoulders and lifted her chin up. "Nonsense."

Lilith smirked at that and stepped a little closer to her witch, not because it was necessary, but because she wanted to. She transported them to hell, appearing in the throne room where minion immediately rushed to her side.

"Your Wickedness! What a magnificent misfortune to see you today!", he bowed low as he took note of Zelda, "And you've brought your First Lady as well, what an honour!"

"He knows?"

"Yeah, um... He kinda is my therapist...", Lilith explained, and the minion stood tall again, nodding in affirmation.

Zelda raised an amused eyebrow at her, and Lilith rolled her eyes in response, but shortly after made eye-contact with the minion, accompanied by some gestures. With that he strode off, hands folded behind his back.

The redhead observed the mysterious exchange, trying to make sense of it. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Surprise...", Lilith answered in a singsong, "Now, let me show you around."

She grabbed Zelda's hand and headed for the throne first. Luckily, no one else was around right now since Sabrina was not here and there was not much else of interest for the demons and Caliban so they had the throne room for themselves.

Zelda's eyes wandered the large space; to the opulent throne with its peculiar design, to the coloured windows in the back and the two impressive sculptures. Lilith watched her contently, revelling in the satisfying feeling of having the witch of her dreams with her in hell, in her dominion.

Carefree, she sat down in the throne, crossed her legs elegantly, arms resting on the sides and bowed her head to look at Zelda from under her eyebrows.

"Isn't that my niece's throne?", Zelda questioned skeptically.

"I'm sure she won't mind..." One corner of her mouth quirked up and she reached out with one hand to signal Zelda to come closer.

"But her father might...", Zelda pointed out while taking Lilith's hand and letting herself be pulled onto the demoness' lap.

Lilith encircled her waist, Zelda her neck and their eyes built a bridge between their minds that seemingly allowed them to transfer every bit of thoughts and emotions. But who needs a bridge when one can have a canal?

Their foreheads made the first step to connection, followed by their noses brushing softly against each other until finally their lips collided in a searing kiss. Zelda's hand moved to the side of Lilith's face, while the latter tugged lovingly on her upper lip, and her thumb brushed over the demoness' chestnut eyebrow.

Lilith pulled her in even closer and one of her hands moved up from her waist just below her shoulder blade, where she dug her fingers lightly in the supple flesh. They pulled apart for a moment to get some air.

"And this is where you fantasised to rail me?", Zelda picked up, playing with a dark brown curl, smiling slyly.

"Precisely. Want me to show you the details?"

Zelda let out a throaty chuckle and kissed Lilith sloppily before getting off the demoness' lap, much to her dismay.

"I'm more interested in the surprise you promised me."

Lilith sighed disappointed, but quickly recovered and jumped to Zelda's side, enthusiastically grabbing her hand again and pulling her with her through the large door into the dark tunnels.

"I hope you'll like it..."


"Where are we?"

The darkness fully immersed them; they must be deep under the surface. A hot metallic smell – blood? – stung in Zelda's nose, making her sniffle.

"The seventh circle: Violence", Lilith squeezed her hand and gathered her courage, insecure and excited about her surprise at the same time, "Last night I got so angry again... At him... And it pains me that we can't torture and kill him. So, I thought I'd show you what I do to let off some steam and... In this case, it might substitute our deserved revenge..."

Zelda swallowed dryly, still bothered by the horrendous smell but also ambivalent about Lilith's proposal.

"Shouldn't they be in the second circle?"

"Not exactly. The second circle is for horny idiots who engaged in extramarital affairs and such... They're harmless – In contrast to the monstrosities that haunt this circle, which will accommodate Blackwood sooner or later."

Lilith conjured a blue orbital light she held up with her hand to scan Zelda's face for a reaction. "What do you think?"

The witch turned her face towards Lilith, a nuance of sadness evident in her features, but nodded, squeezing the demoness' hand, and whispered: "Introduce me to your diversions".

Waving her hand towards the ground, an arsenal of weapons appeared, consisting of spears, bows, and arrows, long whips and throwing axes. Thinking twice about it, Lilith made the whip disappear again.

"Pick one", she nudged Zelda encouragingly, "They're in the boiling river, so we have to stick with long-ranged weapons."

Zelda knelt to examine the selection more closely, hovering her hand over them as if the right one would speak to her. She picked a spear; long, rather heavy, and sharp. Its honed tip reflecting the blue orb's subtle light, which Zelda inspected curiously.

They walked closer to the river, avoiding the debris scattered everywhere and came to stand at the shore. Lilith wasted no time, drew the bow, narrowed her eyes, and released the arrow that shot fiercely and precisely directly at a man's head emerging from the red liquid, piercing it successfully.

Lilith giggled proudly, holding the bow up, and whispered to herself: "Just how I like it."

"And that's what you do for fun?"

Zelda looked nervous yet tried to sound amused with a pinch of a judging attitude.

"Try it, you'll see." Lilith brushed her thumb over the witch's upper arm, her gaze landing on her full lips as always.

Zelda positioned herself, stepped back with her left foot, holding the spear up with her right hand slightly behind her head, left arm stretched out, eyes fixed on the tip. Focusing on one of the figures emerging from time to time from the crimson liquid, its face morphed into Blackwood's. Her grip weakened and she started trembling.

Lilith picked up on it and moved to her side, steadying the hand holding the spear and her shoulder. "You've got this. Summon all your anger, hurt, and loathing and channel it into the tip of the spear. Take control."

Zelda bit her lip in concentration, her jaw tensing at the emotions she was bringing up willingly and directed them to the blade.

"And then... Let. Go."

The sheer amount of built-up tension, flaming rage, and bitter suffering culminated in a bloodcurdling scream with which Zelda shot the spear into the river. It hit the head of her target right in the middle, tearing it apart with the explosive power it held.

Waves of what felt like magic but was "only" of emotive nature erupted from the scene and let the ground vibrate.

Lilith's jaw dropped and a happy tear emerged from her eye. "That was... incredible."

Zelda was pumped with adrenaline, her skin tingling in ecstasy as she finally felt in charge again. A part of the persistent heaviness she had felt for months now had gone with the spear, and she hoped desperately it would be permanent.

She shot around and smashed her lips against Lilith's into a hot and messy kiss, grabbing the collar of the demoness' dress roughly. Panting, they broke apart and Zelda laughed. A free, wide, and relieved laughter. "I love you!"

Lilith hugged her closely, pressing her cheek against the side of the ginger head. "I love you, too. And I'm so proud of you!"

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