Chapter 12

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Musical inspiration: The Hanging Tree – James Newton Howard, Jennifer Lawrence

It had been a hard winter with tons of snow and increasingly low temperatures, but Zelda had enjoyed sitting inside at the fireplace looking out and spending time with Leticia. As a family, they had grown closer again after their recent up and downs, much to Zelda's liking. She finally felt in control again; of herself, her life, and her family. Proud and independent.

She had not gotten much sleep lately, because she enjoyed every minute with her family during the day and sneaked off to Mary's almost every night. They did fall asleep sometimes, but Mary had made it her mission to keep her awake with her continuously developing skills.

Since Christmas Eve, they had been more careful with each other, and Zelda had started to appreciate it.

Hilda entered the room and bent over Leticia's bassinet, playing peek-a-boo with the babe.

"Who's our little devil?" she said in a high-pitched voice, "Yes, you are!"

"Look, there's your Auntie Zelda! Terrifying, isn't she?" Hilda picked her up on her arm and chuckled, "But she loooooovesss you very much."

The blonde witch winked at her sister, not afraid to take a hit anymore as their communication had improved and Zelda seemed more at peace with herself.

"Let's find out if your auntie is off to visit her special friend today, shall we?" she blabbed and turned Leticia towards Zelda, acting as if the baby was talking.

"Hilda, come on!" She had crossed a line there, for Zelda's taste. "I've never had friends in my life, won't you grant me this one?"

"Friends? Zelds! You know I'm cool with you and her.... No need for excuses." She tried to be supportive of her sister and covered for the witches all the time in front of Sabrina like some secret accomplice, but Zelda just would not admit to it.

"There's nothing with me and her!" she snapped.

"The black leather coat in your wardrobe tells a different story... But if you say so." They turned away from each other, Zelda acting like a miffed teenager before giving in.

"...But I would be grateful if you'd look after Leticia tonight"

Hilda smiled brightly; sooner or later she would get her sister to commit to her relationship...

"We'll go see what your cousins are doing, ay?" Hilda left with baby Leticia and gave Zelda one last encouraging smile.

The witch decided to seize the opportunity to get ready; she was nervous because today, Mary wanted to take her on their first official date. Going through her wardrobe, she stopped at the coat she so loved on the brunette. When she had been about to make her way home on Christmas Day, Mary had given it to her as her clothes had been spilled with wine. Ever since then, Zelda could not bring herself to give it back, taking it out to hug it occasionally when she felt under the weather.

But she had promised to give it back to Mary today, especially since it suited the brunette better. Zelda took a bath in steaming hot water and moisturised with her favourite lavender lotion afterwards; slow long strokes, thinking about her lover's touch.

What should she wear? It was still cold outside... A long red velvet dress with a very low neckline or the blue midi-length one with the back cut-out and lacing? Thinking about her scarred back, she decided for the first option, not in the mood to put on a glamour.

Zelda dressed up, put her make-up on neatly and arranged her curls carefully. All this fuss for a woman; like a love-sick teenager. But only thinking about the gorgeous brunette made her heart jump right out her chest.

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