Chapter 65

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Musical inspiration: Heart Of Glass – Blondie

Sabrina was sitting on the bed, tears streaming down her cheeks, unable to process Nick had just left her. After all they had been through. Then, out of nowhere, a voice like a dark cloud made its way to her.

"Didn't anyone tell you?", Sabrina looked up only to find Lilith's gentle face, lifting her chin up with a soft touch, "Queens aren't allowed to cry."

Lilith sounded so comforting, almost empathetic, which was strange to the young witch given that she was a demon. The worst even.

"Now come on. You and Pilate's bowl are needed in Hell."

Sabrina broke away from Lilith's gaze again, sinking into herself. She knew she needed to do what was right, needed to do anything that was demanded of her to fix this situation, but it was a mystery to her how she should muster up the nerve to smile through her heartbreak.

"Sabrina?", Lilith tried again and sighed, it did not get her far, "Does your fairy god-mother have to knock you out and drag you to hell or will you come willingly?", she joked wanting to lift the mood.

"Lilith I can't... Nick...", the teenage witch looked her up and down and stopped her speech, "Wait, isn't that aunt Zee's outfit?"

"Of course not!", Lilith circled the bed and came to sit next to Sabrina, "Look, I know too well how hard it is to be pushed away by the one you... love. When all you want is for them to be with you; forget about the circumstances, just your little world... Outside of time and space...", Lilith got lost in her thoughts and paused.

"Lilith? Are we still talking about me or?"

"Yes, yes, sure", she shook her body as if to rid herself of what was on her mind, "What I want to say is, sometimes you have to focus on the issues that you can solve."

At least that was what she had been telling herself all day. Zelda would calm down eventually, she always did, and she had promised her they were okay, so it was not of any use to be stuck at that. She sympathised with Sabrina though; she had been in her shoes; being queen and having to handle everyone's drama.

"I think you're right... I can't do anything about Nick now, but I can do something about the cosmic balance. Maybe I just need to be patient with him..."

The demoness' head shot up, widening her eyes. Fuck. Patient. Oh, mighty heaven and hell, we're maneuvering right into the next step of the prophecy. Crap.

"Seriously are you alright, Lilith? You're acting strange..."

"No, yeah, all good.", she stumbled over her words and cleared her throat, "I think that's best, giving Nick some time. Now, we better get going before the Hordes tear the place apart down there."

"Hold on a sec. You know you can talk to me Lilith? If there's anything bothering you..."

The demoness sniffled almost inaudibly and gave the young witch a gentle smile, her hand finding her cheek once again. "Told you, I'm fine, but thank you Sabrina."

Sabrina was clearly not satisfied with her response. Lilith had been so nice to her and all she wanted to do was help her since something was clearly up. And she would bet it had something to do with her aunt Zelda, even though both kept denying it vehemently.

"Can I at least... um... hug you?"

Lilith flinched at Sabrina's unusual request, though the girl had done it unexpectedly before. It was weird to the demoness because Zelda was the only one she felt comfortable hugging and before her, nobody had done it in millennia. But Sabrina had grown on her and the prospect of having her as her niece at some point in the future was melting her dark heart.

"If you can't help it", she scoffed and opened her arms in an ironically annoyed manner.

The young witch clung to her like a little monkey, her face against her chest and arms encircling her waist to the point she almost could not breathe. Lilith awkwardly patted her back until she could not handle the affection from anyone who was not her lover anymore and pushed her away.

"Chop, chop, little flame, time to burn some demonic asses."


Lilith was pacing in the throne room, her fists clenched to fight the tears burning in her eyes. She would be dead before dawn. And not even by Zelda's hand but the Dark Lord's. How could Sabrina have kept this from her? Was the girl really that naïve?

She needed to run now, but run where?

Minion entered the room, packed with her belongings and fought his way to her where he let the baggage down.

"Here you go, Dark Mistress", he folded his hands behind his back and bowed low, "If I may ask, are you feeling any better?"

"Better?!", she threw her hands in the air, "The Dark Lord's loose, and I've got nowhere to go!" She turned her back on him, hands on her hips.

"What about the witch you're so fond of?" The minion knew he was always pushing his luck with his assumptions and suggestions but he was already dead so what did he have to lose?

"She doesn't want to see me", Lilith admitted somberly.

"And why is that?"

She spun around angrily, sending daggers with her eyes. "Oh, don't you therapise me now, minion!", she inhaled deeply, trying to get a grip, "I've done something stupid and now she's mad."

"Very sorry, your Malevolency. Though, would she really turn you away if she knew about the urgency of your situation?"

Lilith let out a frustrated cry to release some of the tension in her body. "Maybe you're right, minion. Anyway, what other choice do I have?"

The minion nodded and handed Lilith her belongings. She wrapped a scarf around her head, put the coat on and some sunglasses.

"I'll be off then, minion. Don't wait for me with dinner", she quipped sarcastically.

"Send your witch my love", he dared to joke back and even earned a tiny smirk from the former Queen of Hell before she vaporised in a swirl of black smoke.

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