Chapter 41

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Musical inspiration: Honeybun for Lilith – Safia Elaina

Everything had changed. This was not about Sabrina anymore and Lilith should have seen that earlier. Somehow, she was glad Monster-Adam did not succeed on his mission to kill the girl.

"I told you that was too extreme!"

Oh, shut up, little damsel! I figured...

"I would highly appreciate if we could agree on not plotting to kill anyone except for Lucifer from now on."

Lilith rolled her eyes at her dual sister's soul. Yes, she might have gone above her head this time, but it did seem appropriate back then. They had been in pain. However, Sabrina, the Herald of Hell, had just cleared the way for Lucifer to walk the earth in his true form. A tragedy? Perhaps. An opportunity? Certainly. But they needed help. A lot of help.

After long discussions with Mary, they agreed to involve the whole Spellman family. Lilith had concerns because her identity would be revealed to Zelda and now was not a good time for a fight with her.

"It'll be fine, you'll see. She'll be upset, but I'll help you fix it, I promise."

We won't find a way around it, will we?

"I don't think so. We'll have to prepare for a wicked, complex game."


"Not a step further, witch." Zelda was the first to pull up a magical wall, the others joined in.

Ouch. Why is she so cold? She knows me!

"Relax, things are messy, try to explain."

"Terrible odds for a witch", Ambrose challenged her.

"Witch? I'm not a witch. Well, not only a witch." She tried to keep her cool, the only way to prevent this heated situation from getting out of hand.

"You're Lilith?", Sabrina concluded.

The demoness nodded, they removed the wall and exclaimed all at once: "Lilith."

Lilith's eyes flashed to Zelda, hoping to find just a little spark of trust she would have left for her, but was met with an ice-cold stare. This would take hours to explain, but it was her only chance of setting things right with Zelda.

When the topic of Mary Wardwell came up, they decided to keep her soul's presence to themselves for now. This was not the time nor the place to go into depth about it. They needed to act quickly, get Sabrina to the Dark Lord and follow their plan. Zelda had to be second priority for now, no matter how much she despised it.


"May I come in?"

Lilith's eyes settled on Zelda, shocked by the tears she could make out shimmering in her eyes as she straightened up. She had seen her cry in private, but never in front of others.

Mary, you're better with people, I need your help with her. I can tell she hates me.

"Shush, Lily. She doesn't. Business first, then we'll take care of it."

They sat her down in the living room and bombed her with questions as if it were an interrogation. To be fair, they had good reason to distrust her. Zelda remained stiff the whole time, avoiding eye-contact mostly until she stood her ground and laid everything out in the open.

"Fine, it's because I want the throne and crown. I've worked for them, I've earned them, they're mine."

For this she got an approving look from Zelda; she liked women taking control, taking what was theirs. Maybe not everything was lost.

"And if He won't give them to me, then let's gut the bastard and I'll take them for myself."

Apart from the acknowledgement she had earned from Zelda at her statement, her ginger witch remained awfully silent, it drove her insane. Head held high with her posh cigarette holder, these divinely legs crossed as if to tease her knowingly. Lilith could almost feel her mouth water.

But then they finally had a moment. After she had explained the plan vastly, she handed them the daggers and sent Zelda a seductive look. And thank the Dar- whomever, she returned it. Lilith's heart melted away at that, positive she had cracked Zelda open again.

After her little presentation, everyone scattered to prepare themselves for the fight. Only Zelda remained where she was, observing her from the corner of her eyes.

"It's time Lily."

I... I'm scared...

"Don't be. I'm with you."

She took slow steps approaching Zelda, examining her body language closely. She cleared her throat audibly to announce she was going to talk to her.


"Yes, Mary?" Her expression revealed nothing, as if she was a stranger.

"Now that we've got some privacy. Can we talk?" She noticed Zelda did not appear willing to have a discussion, so she put her hand on Zelda's, which startled her, flinching under her touch, but Lilith held on, seeking eye-contact.

Zelda swallowed and avoided her gaze, then put her cigarette out. "Fine. What've you got to say?"

Lilith turned her head to make sure no one was listening.

What should I say? Fuck, I can't do this!

"You can. Don't make this about you, address her feelings."

Got it.

Lilith squared her shoulders, trying to summon the confidence she had had a few moments ago.

"First of all: Are you mad at me?"

Zelda frowned; that was the last she had expected. "Mad?"

"Well, I... kept something enormous from you... And I need you to know that I wanted to tell you so bad, but I couldn't. It would've put you in too much danger."

"So, this is all about you protecting me?" Her eyes narrowed at Lilith who found her reaction increasingly weird.

"Why, yes", she felt Mary's ghostly hand on her shoulder, "Do you believe me?"

"Believe you? I don't know who to believe anymore! Everyone suddenly has got some big mysterious secret I had no clue about! I feel like an absolute idiot." She gestured angrily with her hands.

I suck at this.

"Tell her how you feel. Be open and honest. Show your vulnerability."

Lilith moved closer to Zelda on the couch, but the witch shifted her upper body backwards, unconsciously creating distance. The demoness could not shake the feeling something was off.

"Zelda. I love you. More than you know", Lilith tried to catch a glimpse of her expression, but Zelda's gaze rested on her hands in her lap, "Yes, I came here to cause destruction. But with you... It turned into so much more. Watching you marry Faustus", Zelda shuddered at his name, causing an ill feeling in Lilith's guts, "it... broke me and all I want is you back now. Sabrina was right, I have only weak reasons to do the Dark Lord's bidding. But my reasons to fight for you are a million times stronger."

Zelda finally lifted her head, but all Lilith could find was emptiness. "What about the Dark Lord? I'm supposed to kill you, remember?"

"No... Yes... I did some digging. It's actually not the Dark Lord but a prophecy. And it's much more complex than we originally thought. But we haven't got time for this now."

Something's not right, I swear.

"Then ask her."

"Zelds... Are you okay? We can work things out, for now I just need to know I haven't lost you. If you need me-"

"I don't need anyone and I certainly don't need you, Mary.", Zelda got up, turned to leave and stopped, shaking her head in confusion, "Or Lilith. Whatever."

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