Chapter 95

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Musical inspiration: Crystallize – Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)

"Marie, can we talk?", Zelda approached the voodoo priestess who had already gathered in the main hall for the planned ritual.

She was looking at the statue of Hecate and turned around with her defining gentle smile when Zelda put her hand on her shoulder.

"Bien sûr, chérie."

They slowly walked over to find a place to sit, but already started talking on their way.

"Marie, I don't feel good about the way we – or rather I – left things last time."

Zelda twisted her ring nervously, feeling in the wrong and expecting no concession on Marie's side. They had pretended as if nothing had ever happened, but it had not been like before.

"Neither do I."

"And it's entirely my fault, I shouldn't have left without another word. I hope you can see past that."

Marie lowered her head, her eyes indicating she was following her thoughts and Zelda felt unsettled by her silence, having hoped for some reassurance that she had not messed their friendship up entirely.

"I can imagine you're disappointed in me and that's... understandable but.... What I don't get is, what did you mean saying it's me?"

They found a place to sit and did so, Marie emitting a deep sigh as her hand moved to rest on Zelda's knee.

"Zelda, chérie, I'm a seer. And I love being one, but it has a very tricky price: Sometimes, I'm too sensitive for this world. Like the other day, the proposal, there were a lot of different, rapidly changing energies around in addition to my own sentiments about it. I got overwhelmed."

"But you wouldn't have said that to me if it weren't true. So, what is it about me? And what do you mean, your 'own sentiments'?"

Marie scoffed bittersweetly and removed her hand from Zelda's knee, partly because she feared having a fist around her throat again if she did so for too long.

"You are not stupid, Zelda Spellman. You have captured my heart, but you belong to someone else. And still, I cannot let go."

Her dark brown eyes demanded to be met, and Zelda feared she might lose herself in them. They were reflective, not only with shapes but with everything they were presented. Looking into them, Zelda saw parts of herself she did not want to see. Was shown the guilt about leading Marie on when she had already been taken, using her for her own relief.

"You don't have to", she breathed.

"Yes, I do."


Ambrose came running into the main hall, urgency prominent in his voice, causing Zelda to jump up from her seat and approach her nephew.

"What is it, Ambrose, why are you yelling?"

"It's Lilith", the warlock stated, and Zelda gasped in response, "Aunt Hilda and I have agreed on taking turns checking on her and about half an hour ago I had to throw myself to the ground to catch the baby in fall. Auntie, she's not well, she dropped her own baby because she thought it was Lucifer."

"What?! I-", Zelda palmed her forehead, "I need to see her!"

She picked up pace immediately, storming towards her bedroom but Ambrose jumped in her way, stopping her.

"No, she's resting now, let her sleep. One of the students is with her. But you must take this seriously and figure out a way to help her."

Zelda tensed, feeling cornered by everyone attacking her with what she must think and do about this. It was hard enough to take responsibility for herself right now, with the aftermath of the perverse world. Playing nurse for someone else and their pain was something she was not capable of in this moment, so it was easier to deny the problem existed at all.

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