Chapter 89

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Musical inspiration: What's Up – 4 Non Blondes

When Lilith opened her eyes again, Zelda was gone. Where she had been, singing her to sleep, watching over her, keeping her safe, there was a sticky note now, saying she had work to do but to call for her if she needed anything. She rubbed her face and had to change arms with the baby after, because she was hurting from clinging to the tiny body for hours.

It was awfully silent; a clock on the wall ticking rhythmically, the house squeaking once or twice and her own heartbeat. The stillness made her suspicious. What if everyone out there had already been murdered by Lucifer and his devotees? What if he was lurking behind the corner, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, steal her baby and kill her?

She jumped up from the bed, clenching her jaw and squinting her eyes when her body painfully reminded her of what it had just been through. Dashing to the window with a heaving chest, she pushed the curtains aside, expecting to find him hidden behind them, but nothing. She peaked outside, nothing.

She checked every corner, even under the bed and only dared taking some deep breaths when everything was in the clear. The pad of her thumb brushed over the baby's eyebrow, not only soothing him but also herself with the repetitive motion. She held him closer unconsciously, trying to recreate the sphere of protection her womb had been for him, now gone.

With a shaky sigh, she took seat on the end of the bed again, shaking the tension off that had overcome her after waking up. Nobody was here, Lucifer was not here to take the people she loved from her – yet. Her fingers kept caressing the baby's head as her gaze wandered and came to a halt in an unspecific place.

For how long she had sat there like this, she could not tell, but now more people than she would have liked had gathered around her, telling her the Kings had arrived with the – at least for her – clear intent to take her newborn from her. She would not have any of it.

"'Pay tribute'? They are here for one reason, and one reason only, to kill my baby. They baby you just delivered, Zelda Spellman."

Hilda was visibly confused by the strange way the two were interacting; Lilith calling her by her full name, both of them referring to the baby as Lilith's... Zelda did in fact want to act a little more discreet in front of the coven until she had sweet-talked them a bit more about the demoness, but she could not help but feel their balance was off... Though she could not put her finger on it.

"Very well. Let's give them the welcome they deserve."

That's more like it, Hilda thought, recognising the distinct posture and tone Zelda had taken on. It was what she called the mama-bear mode; ready to fight anything that would dare lay a finger on her fosterlings. So, she did feel a connection to the baby after all.

Lilith could not decide whether to be relieved all those people finally gave her some space or scared of being on her own with danger lurking everywhere. If anything were to attack her now, she would certainly be on the losing end in her weakened state. She kept telling herself everything would be fine, Zelda would fight them, Zelda would never let anything hurt her, Zelda loved her, and she loved Zelda.

To distract herself, she repeated the words out loud, over and over again until she felt better. But of course, it's an enchantment! If she said it enough, it would come true. That was how magic worked, was it not? She just needed to chant those words regularly and they would be safe.

As long as she was with Zelda, she would always be safe. Always safe and nice and cozy. She could not bear sitting anymore, her feet were begging to be used so she got up and paced again. Zelda was her whole world, apart from this little one. She nudged her nose against the baby boy's. It energised her, thinking about their love, their passion. There would never be someone like Zelda, never, no. It would always be Lilith and Zelda, should be.

But she had to be quick enough before someone else would snatch her; she had already come close to that. She shook her head, increasing her pace. No, Marie would never get her girl, never. Suddenly, she stopped and lifted the baby up in the air, smiling widely at him.

"Mummy's got just the idea, little spark!", she announced to her baby boy, whose eyes were squeezed shut and his facial muscles contorted at the uncomfortable position.

Lilith rocked the crying bundle in her arms, maybe a bit too enthusiastically because it seemed to upset him even more.

"Shhh... little spark, keep your fire for the fight", she cooed and returned to the bed with him, sitting down, and thinking he might be hungry, telling from her sore, aching breasts.

She was right and she would never have dreamed how much of a relief it would be for her body; bonding hormones really were a blessing. Lilith watched her baby boy suckle, her smile almost reaching her ears. Everything will be fine, Zelda will fight them, Zelda will never let anything hurt us, Zelda loves me, and I love Zelda.

Once the baby was done, his face resting in satisfaction, she brought him into a different position so he could see her better. There was no doubt, he was perfect, and she had created him. Looking at his round, puffy face, the cute pout, the wide eyes, the answer to what his name would be came naturally.

Hilda's high-pitched honey-voice preceded the appearance of the Spellman sister's, informing her she did not have to fear the Kings anymore and that the coven agreed to letting her stay. There was only one concern left holding the joy rising in her chest back.

"But what of the Dark Lord's wrath?"

"We've suffered his wrath before. We'll manage", Zelda assured her, a distinct pride in her voice, "Will you accept our hospitality or not?"

Lilith knew Zelda was only formally offering because she had turned her away last time. They had talked about it and the consequences it had had a few times and after all, Zelda did feel guilty. So, she wanted to set things right, was the demoness' guess.

She took the opportunity to share the news about the name with her girlfriend and her sister. "Adam and I accept. Thank you."

The look she received from Zelda was not the one she had hoped for, eyebrows furrowed a bit, so she searched her eyes briefly. The ginger seemed to relax slightly and signaled her she had to leave again, which did not bother Lilith in that moment because she needed some time to prepare anyway...

But then Hilda crossed a line in her glee and was about to touch baby Adam. Lilith could not have that; anyone could be a risk at this point, so she shushed her away.

"Did you hear that, little Adam? We're gonna be safe here. Safe as can be."

Zelda had made a promise to her, a promise to keep Lucifer out and protect them at every cost. And she would make it worthwhile, pure love and ecstasy rushing through her veins at the thought of their glorious future.

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