Chapter 74

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Musical inspiration: Let It Be – The Beatles

The next morning, Zelda allowed herself to sleep in, to recharge both physically and mentally. Only when her body had hit the mattress last night, she had noticed how every muscle in it was aching and screaming for a break.

It was time for them to be a family again, to sort things out and fix their domestic life before the next catastrophe would come around. They had collectively decided to use this weekend for family activities such as having every meal of the day together, play their favourite board games, have another karaoke session in the circle of the family and watch some horror movies in the evening.

Zelda slowly woke up and blinked at the uncomfortably bright light intruding her eyes. Rolling around, her hand reached out beside her out of instinct, expecting to find another warm body there. Then she remembered she was alone and sighed, missing the chocolate curls tickling her face.

The disappointment of waking up alone subsided quickly when Zelda remembered their plan for today. She looked forward to every annoying comment from Sabrina, every painfully cheesy remark from Hilda and every unnecessary explanation from know-it-all Ambrose. Today would be even more perfect if Lilith could be part of it...

Her peaceful morning with these gentle thoughts was abruptly interrupted by Sabrina yanking the door open.

"Auntie Zee! Come on, get up! Everyone's waiting for you!", she hurried Zelda excitedly, earning a growl in return.

"Heaven, Sabrina! We've got all the time in the world!"

Sabrina laughed and started rummaging through Zelda's wardrobe and drawers to find her aunt something comfy to wear.

"What're you doing? You know I don't like people going through my things and especially not my clothes!", Zelda complained already knowing it was pointless and sinking back into the pillow in defeat.

"Only helping! Now, will you get up anytime soon or what?!"

Sabrina threw some clothes on the bed that she felt were comfortable enough for today since her aunt did not own anything that could be considered lounge wear. As she was going through one drawer, she found a familiar looking, yet so not her aunt's style black leather coat. Realising it was Lilith's, she smiled to herself but decided not to mention anything just yet. She wanted to talk to her aunt about it anyway later today when they had some time for themselves.

Zelda sat up in protest, rubbing her eyes and rotated her shoulders with cracking sounds. Her neck was hurting and utterly tensed; she could to with a massage. She got up and wrapped herself in her robe, brushing some strands of messy hair behind her ear.

"Aunt Zelda?"

"What now?", she grumbled, "I'm already up!"

"I was wondering if you fancied doing my nails today? We haven't done that in a while and I could do yours as well if you'd like..."

Zelda's annoyance eased up and her features softened thinking about their mother-daughter-time – if one could call it that considering Zelda was not actually her mother. Doing each other's nails had been a regular thing before Sabrina's sixteenth birthday and the only act of closeness Zelda had allowed herself back then since she was not much of a hugger – Or so she had told herself, denying the fact she was just scared of letting people in and getting hurt.

"I'd like that", she let her hand brush over the back of Sabrina's head once, "Now, get out of my bedroom, I'll get ready and be down in a minute."


Sabrina surprised Zelda by pressing a small kiss to her cheek before dashing out and down the stairs waking every sleeping spirit in the house with her loud steps.


After a delicious, long breakfast with every pastry one could wish for and a lot of talking and laughing, Sabrina and Zelda retreated to the porch. They had brought several utensils like nail files, nail polish and some other things only Zelda knew how to use.

Putting the things down between them and taking Sabrina's left hand to prepare it for the manicure, Zelda took a moment to enjoy this fresh morning with her niece by her side.

"So, do you want to tell me what's been on your mind lately?", Zelda asked, hoping to establish better communication between them, so tiny little details like Sabrina being Queen of hell would not slip past her again.

Sabrina shrugged but held her hand still so Zelda would not be disturbed filing her nails. "I've been thinking a lot about Judith and Judas... Apart from the fact they've aged abnormally fast, they seem so... different."

"I know what you mean... Like empty shells... That's what Faustus does to people", she sniffled slightly, "It saddens me. Leticia could've had a better life with us. Maybe I made the wrong decision back then..."

Sabrina eyed her aunt, noticing the hurt in her voice. "It's not your fault auntie; what you did was right back then. Nobody could've known Blackwood would go this mad."

"That's very kind of you, Sabrina."

Zelda carefully started applying the black nail polish – Her favourite kind. She watched the brush closely, paying attention to every stroke to not paint over the edges.

"So, what's the tea with Lilith?", Sabrina asked boldly, not caring about the risky territory.

Zelda instantly stopped her motions and met Sabrina's gaze with wide eyes. "Lilith?"

"Oh, come on auntie. She asks about you all the time, even when you two weren't talking! And I've seen the looks. And not to forget her coat in your drawer. It's obvious!"

Zelda tensed, caught off guard by Sabrina calling her out and not liking it one bit. She thought if she simply ignored it and continued painting her nails, her niece would let it go – How wrong she was.

"So? And what about the baby?"

The redhead stopped again but now that all fingers had colour on them, Sabrina lifted her hand to wave it around to dry.

"You know about that too???"

"Lilith told me one day in hell", Sabrina explained casually.

Zelda sighed, nervously arranging her utensils for the next hand.

"Well, so... Umm... Lilith and I are together. Have been for quite some time and we wanted to tell the family soon, just waiting for the right moment. I'm sorry if this makes everything more difficult for you."

"Are you joking? This is so cool! Lilith is like a second mother to me anyway nowadays and I'd love it if she would officially be one day. You'd be the strict one and she'd be the cool one."

"Thanks a lot", Zelda scoffed ironically but quickly realised what Sabrina had just said, "Y-You think of me as your mother?"

"Of course, auntie Zee!"

Zelda's heart fluttered at that, and she let go of all she was holding to pull Sabrina into a tight embrace, desperately trying not to cry. After all they had been through, after how frequently she had lost her temper with her family recently, they still loved her.

Muffled by her aunt's hair covering her face and unable to move much due to Zelda's strong arms around her neck and shoulders Sabrina added: "Lilith even calls me her 'little flame'", making them both chuckle heartily.

"She does?"

Zelda let go of Sabrina again, who nodded, and they smiled at each other before Zelda picked up her work again to finish the last three fingers of the other hand. Imagining Lilith say something like that to her niece and acting so caring, motherly, and gentle let her heart spark with joy. She was falling for the demoness all over. The thought of them being a proper family was indescribable.

Maybe. Maybe someday.

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