Chapter 69

129 17 6

Musical inspiration: Purple Rain – Prince

Lilith and Lucifer were on their way to hell when images started flashing extremely fast before her eyes, showing Zelda's lifeless eyes. Without thinking about it, she made an excuse to the Dark Lord about having to pick up the kings somewhere and hid behind a pillar just in time.

The stabbing pain of her mark made her curl up. She did not even need to cast a spell as the sheer agony their connection transported automatically took her to her other half. Lilith sunk to her knees next to Zelda, muttering "No" and "Zelda" and "my love" mindlessly as her hands grabbed the slump body to shake it gently.

She did not know what to do, cradled Zelda's head in her hands, patting, and caressing her cheek and hairline when Sabrina and Ambrose rushed down the stairs. Out of instinct, she made herself invisible and watched as more people gathered and tried to help her love.

The other's disappeared to prepare the embalming room for the operation but Sabrina stayed behind. Lilith needed to be back in hell soon or Lucifer would become suspicious, but how could she leave Zelda like that?

"Sabrina", Lilith breathed startling the girl who was holding her aunts' hand and trying to stop the bleeding.

"Lilith? What?", she gasped.

"Don't ask questions, we don't have time for that. You know I... care a lot about your aunt, but I can't stay here, Lucifer's on my back", the words tumbled from her tongue reflecting her stirred mind, "Please! Please, Sabrina, take care of her and don't ever leave her alone. She's scared, I know she is."

At the end of her plea a layer of tears mixed into her voice, making the urgence of her request clear to Sabrina. The girl just nodded, and Lilith disappeared saying "I'll come back as soon and as often as I can".


Mambo Marie was holding Zelda's hand and kept brushing her thumb over it soothingly. Not only because Sabrina asked her to be there for her but also because she wanted to. Zelda Spellman always looked respectful and authoritative but right now she looked utterly small and lost.

When she used her abilities to feel for more injuries, she had noticed some older wounds. Deep ones that stayed hidden. She could assume where they stemmed from and felt the urge to help Zelda rebuild herself, now knowing what had shaken the powerful High Priestess so much.

As for now, Mambo Marie had done everything she could for her; she needed to have faith and pray. The voodoo priestess sunk into a deep meditation to call out to all the good spirits she knew, staying right by Zelda's side, ready to fight for her if she needed to.

Then, she felt a foreign presence enter and opened her eyes as she was not sure whether it was of malicious nature or not. It carried a certain darkness for sure but with a nuance of sweetness mixed in it. She could not see anything, so she spoke.

"I greet you, whoever you are. I know someone is here, show yourself."

In a swirl of smoke, Lilith made herself visible and stepped closer to the table her love was lying on to take her hand as well with both hands, eyeing Mambo Marie suspiciously.

"And who are you? Why are you holding Zelda's hand?", she asked with a hint of aggression.

"I'm a friend. And if I see correctly, you must be the one whose mark Zelda is carrying."

Lilith sniffled looking at Zelda all quiet and far gone, bringing one hand up to caress her cheek.

"That's correct. I can't stay, my life depends on it. But I also can't be without her", she pressed the back of Zelda's hand against her own cheek, "What should I do, my love?", she whispered to herself.

"You can go if you must. I'll stay here with Zelda."

Lilith scoffed. "I barely even know you. How could I possibly trust you with the most precious thing in my life?"

The other witch placed her hand flat on her heart and gave Lilith a comforting smile. "I am Mambo Marie LeFleur and I promise I will protect Zelda Spellman with my life."

The demoness nodded silently at her, sensing the honesty in her words. She bent down to press a long, soft kiss on Zelda's forehead, whispering "I love you, come back" to her and vanished into thin air.


When Zelda woke up, she did not know where she was or what had happened while she was out. The first thing she did though was look around to find Lilith. Saddened by the absence of the one person she wanted to be there right now, Sabrina's hug took her by surprise.

Yet, Mambo Marie was there, and she had a feeling she had been by her side the whole time. At least one reliable person to call on. She made a mental note for herself to thank the voodoo priestess in a favourable moment.

Despite being overwhelmed from waking up from the Neather Realm, the briefing on all the disasters that had happened during her absence and especially Hilda still not having resurrected, Zelda felt empowered. Her newly found answer to all their problems sent her into an energetic state of willpower they would use to bring her sister back and defeat the pagans once and for all.


Zelda was practically glowing from the vitality their victory over the pagans gave her; she felt reborn, full of life, and almost invincible. She was the only one back at the Academy, pouring herself a well-deserved drink to celebrate.

She was standing in front of the fireplace, watching the flames, and losing herself in her visions for the future of the Coven – and her family. At one point, the flames started to flicker blue and bent towards her.

Just a second later, she heard a breathless "Zelda!" behind her and turned around to see Lilith storming towards her, wrapping her arms around her neck, then kissing her desperately. Zelda barely managed to put the glass on the small table beside her before she stumbled from the forceful kiss and encircled Lilith's waist to stabilise herself.

She gave herself completely to her lover and drank in the passion of the moment. As for Lilith, she was so overjoyed seeing Zelda back to health that she forgot everything around her. Snogging Zelda's face off was all she needed right now before she would have to return to hell.

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