Chapter 5

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Musical inspiration: Seven Devils – Florence + The Machine

The first thing that came to Madam Satan's mind when she caught on the disaster in the mines was to check on Zelda. The witch had had her worried last night, and she knew how much she cared about Sabrina and her well-being.

What she had witnessed the previous day had clearly been something Zelda did not do often, so she really must have been beaten. She needed to go to the funeral and see how Zelda was coping.

The witch in question was in fact beyond irritated. One could have thought the ordeal with the Feast of Feast had been enough, but no. There had to be a catastrophe in the mines of course. She sincerely was not sure how much more stress and confusion she could endure.

At least there was some business to take care of now. Her reputation as a professional and compassionate hostess for funerals was something she was proud of. Maybe that would help her get a grip, despite the horrible circumstances.

But she was disappointed even before the ceremony had started, her emotional turmoil seeping through her façade. Ambrose's words about how people not recognising the worth of life had hit the sensitive spot in her that Mary had as well last night.

"Not that we're much better, mind you," she concluded, tears pricking.

Zelda was still unaware of Madam Satan, who tried to stay hidden at first, not wanting to throw the redhead with her unexpected appearance. From what she could tell, the witch was in enough distress, barely holding it together.

She could not resist her urge to talk to the witch when she saw the tears welling up in her eyes while talking to her nephew. Mary followed Zelda who walked away hastily, calling her name discretely from the back.

"Huh?" Zelda turned around in a hurry, pursing her lips at the sight of the penetrant teacher.

Mary caught up on her, pulled her into a nearby box room and closed the door.

"What- Mary? I have to be in there in five minutes!" Zelda snapped.

"Sorry, won't take long," the brunette tried to calm her and paused briefly, "I was worrying about you."

Zelda's eyes widened, she swallowed. "Whatever about? I am perfectly fine. Not that it's any of your business."

"Are you?" Mary queried, ignoring the snide remark and took both Zelda's hands in hers, squeezing them gently. She internally cursed herself for her gestures, her concern, everything that seemed too human for the Mother of Demons.

Zelda blinked, attempting to fight the tears welling up again and get Mary off her back. To her misfortune, the brunette was not one to be fooled easily. She felt an ominous sting in her chest noticing the witch's sorrow and gave in to her impulse.

The brunette reached out to pull Zelda into her embrace, but Zelda was not having it, drew away harshly and stormed off to the ceremony. Looking back over her shoulder, she shot her an angry glare and Mary only shook her head at Zelda... And at herself.


Father Blackwood's late visit brought up Zelda's feelings of failure again, especially after the events surrounding the Feast of Feasts. What they had done had been only right, but they had still betrayed their High Priest and questioned their church's traditions.

Zelda had always been a devoted Member of the Church of Night and was fighting her guilty conscience constantly. They had dragged their family name through the mud, made them a living joke. She was the unofficial head of the family, so she was to blame.

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