Chapter 104

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Musical inspiration: Set Fire to the Rain – Adele

Zelda was brushing Lilith's hair after they had both gotten dressed, the demoness sitting in a chair at the vanity, Zelda standing behind her, looking at her in the mirror from time to time as she was updating her on everything she had found out about the prophecy. Well, not everything. She generously left out the part about the baby, feeling it was too soon. But they could really do with the good news about one thing in their lives turning for the better to balance out hearing how Lucifer had cursed Lilith with humanity.

"Zee, are you sure about telling your family about... about what... what I di-"

Lilith's voice gave up on her and she pulled her legs up on the chair, wrapping her arms around them. The hand that was holding up her hair for Zelda to brush moved away, causing the hair to fall softly against her neck as Zelda bent down to nuzzle her cheek against Lilith's, rubbing up and down her upper arms, one hand holding the hairbrush.

She felt the demoness hide away and felt helpless again. How was she supposed to help her through this when she did not even know how to deal with it herself? But then again, she had promised she would take care of her and be by her side every step of the way. And that was what she intended to do.

"Shh, Lily. I am sure, because I want you back home, away from the memories here and in the middle of our family, where you belong."

"But there's no way they'll take me back in after... this", she sniffed, pushing against Zelda's cheek, eyes closed.

"They won't have a choice", Zelda whispered in her ear and Lilith turned around in the seat on her knees, lifting her bottom up a little to fling her arms around Zelda's neck, burying her face in the crook of it.

After quick adjustment having been caught off guard, Zelda encircled her waist and let her take the comfort in her she needed, swaying a little and breathing out deeply for reassurance. Lilith had stopped crying already, but was craving safety, so she clung to Zelda while her anxiety about the upcoming family talk was growing.

When Zelda sensed Lilith was being too quiet and withdrawn, she used the hairbrush to tease her by playfully brushing it over her hips and butt, making her flinch in surprise at the unusual sensation. Zelda tightened the embrace, a low gentle chuckle forming in her throat that broke free when she heard a very soft giggle coming from the direction of her shoulder.

Lilith drew back, pecked Zelda's cheek and returned to her former position so the witch could finish brushing her hair and taming the wild curls in a loose ponytail. She looked so entirely different; without make up, without styled hair, a baggy black shirt reaching to her thighs and leggings of the same colour.

She looked just like the terrible thing that had happened to her – that she had let happen – like a mother who had just lost her newborn. But of course, Zelda understood her need to wear comfortable clothes, baggy ones that would cover up the bodily reminders of her pregnancy, leaving out the make up knowing her tears would wash it away anyway.

Lilith grabbed her doll that had been sitting on the vanity, leaned against the mirror, and they started packing up a bag with her things. It was not much since most of her belongings already were at the mortuary. Then they stood in the room side by side, baggage in Zelda's hand, doll in Lily's, fingers entwined between them, taking a deep breath together.

"Ready?", Zelda asked, turning her head.

"I think so..."

Zelda squeezed her hand one more time before teleporting them to the mortuary, arriving in the parlor where Sabrina had just been passing by and was now running directly to Lilith to hug and squeeze her joyfully.

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