Chapter 94

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Musical inspiration: Nobody's Home – Avril Lavigne

It was almost lunchtime when Zelda returned to the bedroom for a quick break with her family. She had just learned there were two Sabrina's now that were responsible for the dreading collision of the realms, and she would bet her pretty derrière Lilith already knew about it and had not told her. So, next to having a quick lie-down, she wanted to find out.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, she reached for her heels, got rid of them and just left them on the floor while continuing walking with only her tights on, feeling the cold ground under her soles. Due to her busy day with all the running around it was a relief for her aching feet. Lilith was standing at the window with sleeping Adam in her arms, and Zelda was disappointed because it was likely he had already been fed. She enjoyed being there when Lilith was feeding him because she loved seeing them bond and the sense of intimacy as a family that came with it.

For her it was even more important since she had conflicted feelings about the baby due to its origin and Lilith consequently calling him her baby did not help much. Of course, her motherly instincts were kicking in every time she saw him, but then she remembered and felt distant again. It was something they would have to work on for quite some time.

Her back hit the mattress and she gave all her weight to it, arms stretched out to either side, exhaling long. It was not even midday, and she could easily fall asleep simply by closing her eyes. But she glanced to the side, at Lilith, remembering Hilda's words and shaking her head subconsciously. The demoness had turned around, wearing a relaxed smile, the ends of her chestnut tresses falling on the baby's belly, which she caressed with three fingers.

Zelda lifted her gaze from her, smiling to herself and feeling reassured everything was fine. Yes, Lilith had her mood swings from time to time but then she was behaving completely normal again, so nothing to worry about. Lilith was swaying next to the bed, looking at Zelda from time to time, humming gently to herself, brushing her hand over Zelda's knee briefly.

"Darling, there's something I'd like to know", she started calmly, not wanting to attack her fiancé unnecessarily, "I'm just done scolding the living daylight out of Sabrina and Ambrose because apparently there's been two of them around for some time. My question now is, did you know?"

The smile Lilith had been wearing died down, she turned around silently and put Adam in the bassinet before coming to sit on the bed next to Zelda, taking her hand and patting it rather to soothe herself.

"Not for long, a week or so. I didn't want to keep this from you, but first Lucifer kept me busy in hell all the time and then we had our rough patch..."

"I'm not that mad at you Lily, Sabrina's dragged a lot of innocent people into this, and she shouldn't have put you in this position", Zelda rubbed her forehead with her fingers, "You're like me, you can't say no to her."

"She's our daughter", Lilith noted with a shrug.

Zelda nodded, deep in thought, a shy smirk tugging on the corners of her mouth. Then she dropped her face to the side for Lilith to see, framed by strands of auburn.

"Can't we just blame Lucifer for everything and move on?", Lilith joked, playing with Zelda's curls.

The redhead chuckled; the sound Lilith loved most (apart from her moans).

"Well then fuck Lucifer!", she exclaimed, angling her legs.

"Nah, 've done that, wasn't great", Lilith commented casually and crawled closer to Zelda, "I'd rather fuck you."

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