Chapter 68

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Musical inspiration: Lilith – Ellise

Mary was her only chance now, even if she would not recognise her. She prayed at least some part of her soul would pick up on their familial bond and compel her to let her stay. Disguising as Adam should help with that.

Mary Wardwell looked so distraught and confused Lilith reconsidered her choice to bring her back from the dead instead of letting her sister continue her cycle and move on to the next life. Nonetheless, she felt relieved in her hidden sister's presence.

If she could just talk to her like they had been talking to each other before... She could tell her all about Zelda and the prophecy. They could share their pain just like back then when Adam had died. But there was no way for them to connect now. She would have to settle with just being around her.

In these rainy little deer eyes, she could see the fear and the doubt, making it an act of precision and persuasion skills to convince Mary of her act. Lilith found herself begging, not only begging Mary Wardwell but also pleading her sister's soul.

"If you love me, help me."

"I love you. Of course... I'll help you."

Mary quickly wrapped an arm around Lilith's neck, the other on her back and just then she could feel the connection to her sister again. It was like being caught in fall; at least one person she could count on.

After an emotional hour of Mary Wardwell welcoming her long lost fiancé back and Lilith trying to establish a channel to communicate with her sister in the meantime, she gave up and decided to at least attempt to secure the house against the Dark Lord.

Who would have thought he would just walk straight through the front door? Some fights and flights later, she found herself alone again, without Mary, without anyone, kneeling next to the bathtub, and having come up with a plan she despised more than anything in the world.

The body of Faustus Blackwood, her girlfriend's abusive husband, a monster she so desired to kill was at her mercy. And yet, she had to spare his life again; in fact, make him immortal and give up on her deep wish to wipe him off this earth forever. All, so she could survive and be with Zelda again.

Sleeping with him would be the most obscure, gut wrenching and disgusting act of her life. He, who had destroyed her woman. He, who had made the most powerful witch she knew cry helplessly in her arms.

"What business could I possibly have with you?"

"We must perform an act that will ensure we both remain alive after I separate you from the Dark Lord", saying it out loud alone made her shiver from the repulsion, "Otherwise, it will be a horrific death for the two of us."

"What kind of act?"

"Oh... one you are... intimately familiar with."

A few moments of silence passed with Faustus's wondering why the demoness was so calm in his presence in contrast to their last encounter. She really must be desperate and in a precarious situation.

Soon, they silently agreed to get this over and done with as quickly as possible and headed for the bedroom. Without saying a word, Lilith pointed to the bed and demanded him to lie down on his back. This would be done her way. Not in a lifetime would she allow him to have control in any of this.

He would not get to fuck her; she would fuck him. Hard. And afterwards she would leave him with a clear message of what she thought of him.

Lilith used magic to get him ready for her, stripped her clothes and climbed on top of him, slowly sinking onto his manhood. She chose the pace; she decided where he could touch her, and she would be the one to bring this to an end.

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