Chapter 110

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Musical inspiration: Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Lord

"Sabrina, can I talk to you for a second?", Lilith asked, startling Sabrina as she was catching up to her niece after she had said goodbye to her boyfriend.

"Auntie Lily! I didn't see you coming!" She stopped in her tracks and turned around, waiting until Lilith had reached her.

"Was hiding... Sorry", she shrugged, "Old habits die hard."

Sabrina smirked, raising an amused eyebrow at Lilith – a mannerism of hers she had adopted. "What is it?"

"Well, you know Lucifer cursed me and stripped me of my powers", she reminded, then hardening her features, "I want them back."

There was more to it than just her powers. She wanted her dignity back, her independence and most of all, she wanted to make him suffer. But there was no use in going into detail. Especially since she had felt left out as well when everyone had let her sleep when Sabrina Morningstar had come back and died, the whole deal with the void. Yes, she would not have been of much use without any powers, but it was her niece too after all, and she would have liked to be informed. The fact that they had had good intentions, given she had had one of her sad-days, did not help much.

"And I suppose you've already come up with a plan that somehow includes me?", Sabrina guessed, tilting her head to the side.

Lilith nodded, lowering her gaze. "I know Sabrina Morningstar's death has hit you hard as it has us all, but this is an exceptional opportunity to pay your father back. I just need you to help me distract Zelda and get me to hell. That's all."

Sabrina's mouth fell open, the playful attitude gone, replaced by serious concern.

"Lilith, this is crazy. You, powerless, alone in hell with my father? He could rip you into pieces with a snap of his fingers. Aunt Zelda would never let you do this."

"Which is why I'm asking you. You know I can take care of myself", Lilith tried to persuade her, stepping closer and putting her hand on Sabrina's shoulder. She held her gaze, firm and decided, proving to her she was well enough to deal with Lucifer on her own. Sabrina had seen her weakness, but also her strength.

"Fine", she finally gave in when she could not fight Lilith's intense stare anymore, "Tell me more."

"We're doing it on your birthday. This way, Zelda will be distracted and won't have time to look for me all the time. I rely on you to make sure she doesn't notice for how long I'm gone. You teleport me there before breakfast and then you can enjoy your birthday."

"But then you won't be there...", Sabrina pointed out with a disappointment that made it out as if this particular aspect was what was bothering her most about the plan.

Lilith's hand moved from her shoulder to her cheek, lifting her face up a little to make her see her warm smile.

"Hey, little flame, I promise I'll make it up to you. But this is important to me."

Sabrina nodded in understanding and hugged Lilith.

"Okay. But don't get hurt, you understand?"

"I won't", the demoness reassured, patting her back.


Lilith was the first to wake up this morning, on her back, letting out a quiet groan and turning to her side, hoping to fall asleep again since it was at least an hour too early. What she found there made the corners of her mouth quirk up. A buck-naked Zelda lying on her tummy square across the bed, arms on the sides of her head, auburn tresses tussled and splayed all around her head, her torso rising and falling in a relaxed rhythm.

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