Chapter 67

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Musical inspiration: Fix You – Coldplay

Strange noises echoed through the Academy. Drums? One really could not leave any of the way too young coven members alone! Zelda sighed and focused on rebuilding the body tension that had left her after the encounter with Lilith.

She could not believe her eyes. Talk about not knowing the voodoo priestess' motives... There she was performing some potentially dangerous ritual in her Academy without her permission.

"That is quite enough." Everyone turned around with an intimidated look on their faces – just how she liked it. "What exactly is the meaning of this?"

"Tanpri, you have nothing to be afraid of, eh. I am only sharing the ways of Haitian vodou with the sisters", Mambo Marie explained innocently.

"That is not why you are here", Zelda pointed out, using the last bit of her remaining energy for the day.

Surprisingly, Prudence stepped in to defend the voodoo priestess and took the blame on herself. Well, then she could also face the consequences for her actions.


"Oh, I see, so you invite the hedge witches because they can't challenge your status. But I invite one occultist with the skill and authority to help us out of this mess, and you're worried she threatens your position in the church?"

In that moment, provoking her, pushing her buttons, Prudence sounded so much like Sabrina. Unfortunately, she was telling the truth; a truth she did not like to hear.

"Prudence, she is a Catholic, for Satan's sake."

Oh perfect, Zelda thought as she noticed the person in question entering the room, practically glowing with her foreign magic.

"I am sorry you are frightened by my ceremony. I can see you are wary of the unknown."

Zelda clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth to not burst at the audacity everyone seemed to have recently.

Mambo Marie on the other hand, sensitive as she was, knew better than to challenge the High Priestess. She chose slow, careful steps to approach her, holding her gaze decidedly but also gently.

"Mais calmez-vous, the only spirits I invite in are the ones I know and trust. As for myself, perhaps if you knew me better, I would not be quite so fearsome."

The voodoo priestess sensed Zelda's unsettled nerves, her exhaustion and she needed to be careful if she wanted to get further in gaining her trust. Having Zelda on her side was crucial to her mission; a powerful leader and witch to fight the big dark cloud that was approaching. But before they could do that, she had to get Zelda into a better place of mind. They needed strong, good energies.

"I am Mambo Marie LeFleur, Vodouisant of the Fourth Ward. "

She stretched her hand out, hoping Zelda would take it and with that give her access to her inner world where she could start her work.

Once physical contact was established, it was far easier for the experienced voodoo practitioner to influence even the most determined and single-minded people.

Zelda considered for a moment, observing the situation, and calculating the risk of trusting the other witch. Eventually, she did take Marie's hand, feeling overthrown as the vodouisant grabbed her hand with both of hers and intruded her spirit.

"I can see your mèt-tèt. He is beautiful. Powerful. I can see, you and I are more alike than you know."

Zelda had slipped into a trance-like state just when Mambo Marie had touched her, only witnessing the events taking place without the ability to do anything. Marie knew she had only been able to achieve this due to Zelda's exhausted state, but sometimes, one had to take questionable measures for the sake of a good cause.

Once this first step of bonding would be done, she would not have to use as much magic on Zelda anymore, only let her natural charm play.

"It is true, Prudence invited me, but I have been waiting for her invitation all my life."

Zelda was completely trapped under her spell, puppy eyes glaring up at her as she pulled her closer.

"You see, my mèt-tèt told me, long ago, that something was coming."

It did not sit quite right with Mambo Marie to manipulate her like that, so she decided to give Zelda at least a part of the truth as an apology. Zelda was a good witch, a good person – and stunningly beautiful with her slightly parted lips, already awaiting every next syllable from her lips.

"Something very old and very evil, and that if I could summon my courage, I might play a role in helping to beat it back."

She would help Zelda get back to her old self, help reclaim her glow. All it would take was a little kindness, a little unconditional understanding. When she had explored Zelda's spirit, she had also seen the marking on her aura stopping her from accessing some areas. Whomever the witch belonged to might become an obstacle on her way but that would be a problem for another day.

The tips of her delicate fingers caressed the back of Zelda's hand, intentionally sending little vibrations of relaxing energy to her nerves only to let go and leave her longing for more. Zelda – still in her trance – did not manage to move her own hand away, so it kept wavering between them.

"But of course, I will not stay where I am not wanted."

Mambo Marie turned to leave quickly, the distance diminishing the effect of the magic used on Zelda, just enough to allow her a reaction. Her still unmoving eyes told her it worked.

"Wait! Mambo Maire, I admit that I'm a bit wary of newcomers, but I can see you mean to help, and I'm in no position to refuse you. So please, stay, as our honored guest."

It meant everything to Mambo Marie, hearing those words. She swore to herself she would do right by her, she would do anything to return this favour.

"High Priestess Zelda Spellman, I accept your invitation."

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