Chapter 11*

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Musical inspiration: Ave Maria – Franz Schubert (Piano & Violin)

How could Zelda Spellman, a mere witch, be responsible for her death? How should she be able to kill the mightiest demoness to ever exist? Madam Satan did not understand, could not tell if the Dark Lord was playing her once again or if there was some truth in his words. However, taking the risk did not seem like a good option as well.

Zelda would never harm her physically, that she was sure of. At the same time, she could not imagine any other way a simple witch could pose a threat to her. He had been right though, about her hunger and unusual perception of this realm and its inhabitants...

For days, she had tried to figure out what he could have referred to, but there just was no solution. She had even prayed to him with charming words of her home in hell, her mission, her devotion to him.

What if he had meant to express that he would kill her if she strayed too far from her path for or because of Zelda?

Then it would be best to play her part in Sabrina's Odyssey, to flatter him with taking initiative. If she really wanted to be safe from him, she would need to work against Zelda and her family at times, which she did not look forward to. Nevertheless, it would not only protect her, but also Zelda as she herself would always be somewhere near to make sure her lover would come to no serious harm. It was her price to pay.

Hence, she decided to interfere with Sabrina's séance by putting out the yule log. Before she started the ritual, she took the redhaired gingerbread man in her hand and caressed it. They had not met since the picnic a week ago because Zelda had her hands full with baby Leticia. As they were still officially only friends, meeting was tricky, and it left her craving the witch's presence.


The bright mood Zelda had carried since her reunion with Mary faded when she caught Sabrina summoning her birthmother's ghost without talking to her first. She had thought to be someone Sabrina would confide in, a maternal figure, but her breakdown had taken its toll on their relationship.

However, it was the malevolencies that could have entered the house while the yule log was not burning they should be worried about right now. And it concerned her more than she would have admitted; the only reason she would give up sleeping without her sister in the same bedroom.

Her worries had proven to be justified as she had come way too close to losing Leticia. How Gryla had told her a midwife was no mother was burned into her mind. She was not a mother, would never be, even though it was all she had ever wanted. Leticia was not hers nor would she succeed in shielding her from her family's chaos. So, she decided to let Desmelda take care of her despite her heart aching at the thought of it.

But that was what a mother would do: Put her child first. So, she intended to spend the rest of the winter holidays enjoying her time with baby Leticia and her family. Push the grief back – She could wallow in it enough after she had given her away. It was Christmas Eve, and she knew how much it meant to Sabrina. Zelda could not deny the fact she had grown a little fond of the holiday as well.

She waited until everyone went to sleep before she would do just one more thing.

"Hilda?" Zelda stopped her sister from leaving as well, "Could you do me a favour?"

"Of course!" the blonde cheered, "What is it, Zelds?"

"Would you mind if Leticia slept in your room tonight? I... want to pay Mary a quick visit, you know, just because she's all alone on Christmas Eve..."

Hilda smirked conspiratorial and giggled a little. "Off you go."

The night was beautifully clear, but cold and snowy as well. She wrapped her black fur coat tighter around her body and held it in position when she teleported to the nearby cottage. Although it was late, she could see dim lights flicker in the windows as she stood at the front door.

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