Chapter 47

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Musical inspiration: Religion – Lana Del Rey

Zelda had bought new clothes. New outfit, new beginning. She simply could not bear wearing the same stuff from before anymore, so she went out to spoil herself with a whole new wardrobe that screamed dominance, power and untouchability, so no one would ever dare to lay a finger on her again. Her old clothes were burned in a glorious bonfire.

Hilda had been a great support in caring for the remaining members of the coven that were living in their house for four weeks now. Her sister treated them like extended family to her annoyance, but she knew her sister could not help it. And this way, she at least kept out of her way and did not try to get her to talk about... the past.

What she did not know was that Hilda did exactly that; she kept a close eye on her sister now that they were both working from home. The blonde used the fast-paced environment to hide her observing eyes on Zelda, trying to be around her as much as possible in case something threw her off. That was the only thing she could really do for her sister as she refused to talk about Faustus or Lilith.

It scared Hilda a lot; how her sister's face had become all stone and then her absurdly rigid routines! She would be at everyone's throat if she ever missed her morning bath. That was just how she kept going, Hilda figured.

Considering that, it was no surprise in what a bad mood her sister was this morning and that was only darkened by having to mention Faustus. Hilda could clearly hear how thin her sister's voice got at the word and was not the biggest fan of her plan to move back to the academy with the constant reminders of him everywhere.

Hilda had been so desperate to help her sister she even got a book on how to support someone who has been – She could not even think the word without her heart bleeding for her sister – has experienced what Zelda did.

That was why she did not tell Lilith even though she had wanted to, wanted her to stay for Zelda. She was sure Lilith had done it without a second thought if she had known. But the book had said "maintain confidentiality", and she felt it was right; it was not her story to tell.

She hid the book under her pillow because Zelda would not approve and probably be embarrassed. But it helped Hilda focus on what mattered: Zelda. At first, she was so angry at Faustus she had thought about joining Ambrose and Prudence in hunting him down. But she soon realised it would help Zelda most if she was just there; with her. She valued that Zelda had sought her help back then.

Hilda had also kept track of any possible red flags mentioned in the book, and was relieved Zelda was eating sufficiently, although her appetite had seen better days, and appeared to sleep well enough to not show any signs of insomnia. Of course, there were things she could not see, especially because Zelda tended to isolate herself and spend all her free time studying some texts, she had not been able to get a glimpse of.


"See, you have to put your back into it", Zelda explained matter-of-factly as she smashed the hammer one more time on Faustus' statue.

It was just the outlet she needed right now: Crushing him like he had crushed her. A pity it was not the real thing, she would have done the same to him with pleasure. Too bad her sister interrupted her during her new favourite activity.

"Zelds. Oh, Zelds", Hilda rushed over to her.

The council coming to the academy would be a problem, that Hilda was right about, and her stirred state was entirely appropriate as well. If they did not handle this delicate matter adequately, it would be the end of them all. Zelda worried about it all day, tried to find a solution and was ready to discuss it with her sister in the evening while she got ready for bed. It would be her first night sleeping at the academy and she was terrified.

They came up with a plan where Hilda would put a glamour on to impersonate Faustus, all the while she was trying to care for the crack on her face and was surprised Hilda did not mention it at all. Usually, she would be the one pestering her to rub it with all sorts of oils and potions.


The council's visit had been excruciatingly hard on her with Hilda disguising as Faustus. Seeing him... But she smiled all the way through at Hilda, making a point to her she was okay and that the fact she knew it was her sister made it all better. But it did not. It had been a nightmare.

After Hilda had casually mentioned Lilith about a hundred times the past few days, suggesting they prayed to her from now on, Zelda finally gave in. Following today's events, she felt weak for the first time since Lilith had gone. Before, she had kept it together well, focused on her new objectives, distracting herself from the past, emotions and desires.

She had grown to like being a stone-cold shell, a magnificent trick she had been practicing since her early childhood days with her father's ignorance and her mother's rage. So, she made the decision that had to be made sooner or later anyway leading to Hilda and her standing in the middle of the circularly arranged beds with a candle.

"Tonight, children, we will be saying our evening prayers to... someone different."

She glanced at Hilda in search of the assuring look she received and gathered her courage to get this done with. It hurt, still.

"Hail Lilith, full of disgrace,", saying her name made her eyes water, "cursed are you amongst women. And cursed is the fruit of thy womb. Demons, you fled the garden, where the weak ones dwelled and did not live in shame."

It took everything she had to not let the tears flow freely, the sting in her chest increasing with every word.

"Unholy Lilith, Mother of Night, pray for us sinners now and at the witching hour of our death", she closed her eyes unconsciously, "Praise Madam Satan."

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