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Hello, my second fanfic! So exciting! Just a little note to say that I'm not in anyway promoting or saying that Taylor and Karlie are together for real and whilst some events may be based on real happenings, the majority of this is FICTION. And it would be cool if you could check my other fanfic out. It's called Unlucky Love. Thank you and happy reading.

Taylor's POV

"Karlie," I yell, "can you come and zip me up?" I hear my best friend ambling through my apartment to find me. Finally, I see her blonde curls bouncing in my direction. We're getting ready for a night out with all the girls and I'm currently standing in the middle of my bedroom, stuck in a dress that needs zipping up. I turn my back so Karlie can zip the dress up for me. "Taylor, I'm about to zip you up," Karlie informs me seriously.
"Thanks Karls," I laugh.
"Taylor Swift, this is a very serious moment," she mock scolds me. I feel her hands on my bare back and shiver. Her slender hands are warm and strangely comforting. "You ok Tay bear?"
"I'm fine," I reassure her, turning around to find her looking at me in concern. I'm only shoulder height on Karlie and my eyes can't help but drop. Karlie's toned body is covered by a lacy pair of bikini style panties and an equally lacy push up bra. She looks really good.

Wait... Taylor, I think. Karlie is my best friend. Why am I feeling like this?

"Err, thanks, thank you Karlie," I stammer, pulling away and turning away so she can't see my flaming face. Taking a few deep breaths, I straighten the dress and turn back around to face my best friend. "Tay, are you sure you're okay? We don't have to go out," Karlie starts saying rapidly but I cut her off by placing a finger on her soft lips. "I'm fine Karls. I'm fine."
"Can I do your makeup then?" Karlie is back to her usual self, pestering me about makeup and normal stuff. As soon as she's convinced I'm fine, she'll be fine. "Now?" I ask.
"I guess." Karlie shrugs and I notice the way her gracefully muscled shoulders look carved and perfect in the lowlight. She steps forward and I look down to the wood that covers the floor beneath our feet. "You're not going to get dressed?" I mumble. I hear Karlie take another light step towards me. "Tay, look at me," she says, finding my eyes and holding my nervous stare. The greenness of her eyes momentarily takes my breath away and for the first time I see them as more than eyes. I see them as beautiful orbs with soul and depth. "Something's wrong and unless you're going to tell me, we're not going out." The way she cares about how I'm feeling is lovely and I feel at ease for a second as I break the stare. 'We're just friends Taylor,' I think.
'So why can't you get her out of your head?' The other side of me asks. Breathing out to calm myself down, I find her eyes still on me. "Tay-bear, I'm telling the girls we aren't going." The way she says my nickname, caressing the words, flowing like silk off her tongue.
"Taylor Swift, can you hear me?"
"Err, yeah." I giggle almost normally, but then meet her eyes again and the nervousness flows back. "We're not going out tonight, I don't want to have to carry you home like last time." I'm still focused on the way her lips are moving when I realise what Karlie has just said. "Hang on- What?" I demand.
"Haha, thought that might get your attention." Karlie laughs, and the familiar sound is like water to my system on a hot day.
"So girls night in?" I ask, most of the previous thoughts floating away. We're friends and you're a straight internationally known singer, I remind myself. There's no way this can happen.

Karlie's POV

"So, girls night in?" Taylor asks, her blue eyes suddenly clearing. She blushes slightly, a cute pink tinge appearing on her cheeks.
"Girls night in," I reply, unzipping the tight-fitting dress. My eyes drift to her bare back, but I look away hurriedly, "Tay-Bear," I say, "I'm going to put my pj's on."
"Okay Karls." I like the way she calls me Karls, we're past real names, we're so close. Sometimes I catch myself thinking of Tay differently and I get scared. She's my bestest friend ever, I don't why I find her different to the other girls. I check my figure in the full length mirror which I still have to stand about three metres away to fit in. Taylor is like a dwarf compared to me, the mirrors perfect for someone of a slightly more normal height like she owns. Perhaps I'll drag Taylor to the gym tomorrow, I want to be good enough for her, I need to stay in shape for her. Still poking at my exposed stomach, I find the sleep tee from Victoria's Secret and pull it over my head. Immediately after, my light curls spring out of place and I look like I've been pulled through a gorse bush backwards. I don't even know how Taylor will react. 'Hang on Karlie', I think, 'Taylor's seen you much worse.' And that's true, she was there for me after Josh tried to force me to do something i didn't want to, she watched me cry for solid chunks of the day, my attempt at makeup for that day gradually descending down my tear stained cheeks. She helped me become happy again. "Karls." There she goes again, calling me by my name reserved for her.
"Just coming Taylor," I yell in reply, pushing my hair from my face, slipping on some fluffy boots to keep my unusually skinny feet warm. Whatever happens, I can't ruin our friendship.

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