Thirty Six

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It's Christmas Eve and Taylor is still avoiding the model who's supposed to be looking after her. Something happened between them: more than the small argument over her social media apps disappearing. The frustrating thing is that the blonde can't remember what caused the tension and it's killing her. Maybe she should just forget about it considering Karlie is skipping a family Christmas to spend time with her.

"Karls," the singer says timidly, coming into the sitting room where her only friend at the moment is lounging with a laptop on her knees, lost dozing off. Taylor knows that the model hasn't been sleeping, much like herself as she hears her pacing up and down the corridor every night. The girl look so peaceful though and for a second the girl doesn't want to continue. "Karlie," she repeats with slightly more force in her tone. The taller girl jerks awake quickly.

Flustered, she rearranges herself before asking coolly, "what is it?"

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being a bitch the other day. I was just upset." Taylor doesn't want to fight with her best friend. "I'm frustrated that I can't remember stuff. Or I know something happened but I can't remember what!"

That gives the model hope. "It's okay love. I get that you're stressed," she pauses and not able to help herself, asks, "what do you mean when say that you remember stuff but you don't remember it? What type of things?"

"Ugh I don't know Karls!" The singer flops dramatically onto the couch next to the taller blonde. She doesn't want to tell her friend that she thinks something happened between them: the model will probably think she's accusing her of something. But she won't find out if she doesn't ask so the short haired girl goes for it. "Did something happen between us Karlie?"

The question throws Karlie right off, shock numbing her brain. "Don't lie to me please. I know something happened and I want to know what!" Her green eyes suddenly fill with worry: she shouldn't tell her in case she went running. Or maybe she should inform her of their relationship? It was a dead end. "C-can I do something?" The taller woman asks, "it'll explain it all- I promise."

With a nod, Taylor gives the green eyed girl permission. The next thing they both know is their lips are connected and She's is tasting the slightly familiar taste- cinnamon and mint- of Karlie's lips. It's a comforting and homely taste and even though she's not kissing back, the singer starts to recall memories: kissing, jolts of pleasure, two tongues mixing, a small smirk from the corner of her eyes, then watching the taller girl dance. But suddenly Karlie has pulled away, swallowing as she watches the older girl try and process what's just happened. Maybe it was too much?

She doesn't have to worry though. Taylor cups her face similar to the way she'd done it to her minutes previously. Those gorgeous lips are finally back on hers: two weeks without them and the model could feel herself going crazy. "I'm so sorry," Taylor cries as they separate. "Karlie I'm so sorry."

Tears now trickle down both of their faces. "It's okay babe. I've just missed you... A lot. God." She wipes her eyes quickly and pulls the shorter girl into her chest. "It's not your fault baby."

"I should've known," is all Taylor replies with. She leans up to peck her re-established girlfriend on the cheek. Then a genius idea hits her. "I'm going to make us dinner," she smiles. "Stay here and I'll call you when I'm ready."

Surprised by the sudden change of mood, Karlie doesn't say anything, merely nodding and picking her laptop back up. She's so happy, her heart is leaping. Her girlfriend has come back: perhaps the best Christmas gift ever.

A couple of hours later, the song writer calls her through to the kitchen where two plates lie steaming on the island. They're beautifully presented even though the model isn't entirely sure what they are. "Cold Gammon and baby potatoes specially for my girlfriend," the blonde presents, giving her girlfriend a quick shoulder rub before sitting opposite her. Nerves are building up in her stomach- fingers crossed the blonde likes it.

It's a silent meal, but a comfortable silence. Both of the pair keep looking at each other in a dreamy fashion before eating a bit more of the delicious food prepared by Taylor. "This is really nice, thanks b-" Karlie stops. Her teeth have just hit something metallic. She manages to get the object out with relative ease and luckily it's not covered with potato.

"Karlie Elizabeth Kloss. I've felt something for you since the first day. I may have forgotten it a few times but I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you?" It's deadly silent as the duo lock eyes.

"Marry me?"

Cliffhanger. I know it's short but it's quite eventful.
Happy New Year ❤️

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