Thirty Eight

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"I'm engaged."

"Mom, I'm engaged."

"We're engaged."

New Year has passed and Karlie and Taylor are sat together on a sofa in front of an audience of (approving) fans and cameras broadcasting this to everyone. Taylor doesn't remember being so nervous since she sang the national anthem at her first gig, the seventy-sixers basketball game and now it's out she feels she can breathe.

Karlie, on the other hand, has been the chilled one, relaxing her fiancé with massages daily which lead frequently to... Other things. They always worked however and Taylor would often kiss her gently on the lips before they fell asleep to show her that she's always there.

It's an announcement that the media are going to have a field day with. Taylor Swift, outstanding heterosexual is actually bi-sexual with her so called best friend. They'll get hate- Taylor is prepared to lose fans for her girlfriend. That's how in love she is.

Karlie, on the other hand, has never actually claimed to be straight. She's knows a lot of her fans are constantly questioning her sexuality, especially when pictures surface of her- not so subtly- resting her hand on her fiancé's ass and now they have their answers. They're both in love.




They walk out of the studio with huge grins lying on their lips, eyes dancing as they link hands and go to the various fans that have obviously heard the news as a lot of them ask for signed pictures, those pictures being of the two girls together. "I always knew," one fan jokes with Karlie as they finish taking a selfie.

Not surprised, Karlie replies, "I'm astounded that no one figured it out!" then stealing a glance at her soon to be wife who's animatedly chatting with a couple of fans that she probably knows from Tumblr. "It was nice to see you," Karlie waves, signing more phones and posters before walking up behind the smaller giraffe and sliding her arms neatly around the older girls waist. She feels Taylor tense and then relax as she realises it's only her girlfriend.

"Hey babe," the blonde whispers, not noticing the camera flashes for the first time in a while. "I promise I'll only be a bit longer- it's just that there's so many people and I feel bad because there's also not that many people."

Giving Taylor a squeeze, the model quietens her girlfriend- "take all the time you need baby. I'm happy doing this if you are." Karlie is very aware, and sometimes jealous, of the relationship Taylor has with her fans and how special it is to her and if something is precious to the singer, it's instantly important to the model.

Arriving home to Taylor's apartment is lovely, having spent three hours on their feet getting around all the fans it's a luxury to collapse onto eachother on the large sofa. "I think we should never work again," Karlie suggests after a couple of minutes silence filled with gentle kisses on Taylor's jawline.

"I like my job," Taylor pouts.

"And I like my job too but I'd much rather cuddle with you!" the model laughs, "now I'm hungry- lets make dinner." Laughing at her demanding girlfriend, the blonde stands up and follows the excited model to the kitchen where they proceed to make a lasagne and cookies because Karlie is addicted to them.

"Pink or red baby?" Taylor questions as they lie in bed later that night, laptop lying in her lap as Karlie avidly watches an old film in French. She's a complete nerd  but the singer loves her, tracing her outline as she realises the younger girl has probably not even heard her: too engrossed in her foreign films that make no sense to Taylor who always regrets the fact she never learnt a language. "Babe!" she nudges Karlie with her toe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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