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Taylor's POV.

I wake up on the couch, an episode of CSI SVU that I've already watched playing quietly on the flat screen sat opposite me. There's silence: no padding feet, no quiet talking, no cooking food. 'Where is everyone' I think, giving Liv, who's stretching beside me, a quick peck on the nose before last night floods back, the memories of the darkened club, a certain blondes plush lips and leaving. Then Grey's Anatomy obviously. Did they get back here safely? Were they even here? Did Karlie fly off to Europe?

All these questions race through my mind as I get up, still in fluffy cat pj's, and no, there isn't any other acceptable type of print to have on pj's. I mean, why wouldn't you want cats with you when you sleep. Flicking on the coffee machine, I sit down on one of the island stools and run through last night. What do I feel towards Karlie?

Only five minutes later, a pair of feet are heard tip toeing down the hall. "Hi Taylor." It's Lily and I'm slightly disappointed.

"Hey," I half smile.

"Is that a caramel latte?" She then proceeds to ask as she slides onto the island and takes the mug from my hands as I nod my reply. "Thanks," she then smirks after the first mouthful. "You owe me this by the way. I had to put up with Karlie after you left."

"Yeah. Sorry." Muttering, I put a chai latte into the machine and turn to face my brunette friend. " she okay?"

"I'm guessing majorly hungover. I should probably wake her up thinking about it." Lily glances at the clock and then towards the door, "she has a flight to London at three pm." Pursing my lips without reply, my worst fears are confirmed. She's running from me, trying to get away. Distracting me, my chai latte is ready so I use that as another excuse not to chat with Lily. Seemingly I don't have to as she starts to talk at me, her brown eyes wide as she explains her way of things. "Karls said you kissed her back and then ran. What the hell Taylor? You ran. The Taylor I know doesn't run from things." I stare at Lily for a few minutes, my eyebrows raised by a slither, a sassy reply then coming out of my mouth,

"Well the Taylor I know doesn't like girls."

"Touché." A grin reaches the tanned girls lips and I smile back, "but seriously, you've got to talk to her."

"I will."

My chance to talk to my tall friend doesn't arrive until midday when she finally arouses from her slumber, not remembering last night until she sees me. Without saying a thing, I hand her an Earl Grey tea which I keep especially for her and motion for her to sit with me. Her green eyes show she's still half asleep but I start to explain. "I'm sorry." I'm cut off almost immediately.

"It's fine." Her tone, usually full to the brim with life, is dead, "I was being stupid." She won't meet my eyes so I gently lift her chin, bringing my face closer to hers. "Don't," she mumbles.

"I don't know why I ran. I was confused. I still am but I love you Karlie." That's when I let go and sit back.

Karlie's POV.

Taylor sits back, those sparkling blue eyes staring at me as she waits for my reply. I deliberate, my mind wondering to those lust filled nights where we made out for hours and then held each other until we fell asleep. "How can you say that?" I ask, my voice cracking, the tears starting to prick the corners of my eyes. I swallow defensively before continuing. "You can't say I love you when you don't mean it how I do.

"Karls, please listen to me. I love you. I know I do. I'm just confused and I need some time to get my head around this." Her round eyes are hopeful as she looks deep into me.

"I'm sorry but you obviously don't remember. I have to go." And with that, I storm out, chucking on a white shirt and denim shorts and grabbing the suitcase I've been living out of for a while. "I'll talk to you sometime Tay." Slamming the door, I'm in the lift before the tears start to fall.

Taylor's POV.

Only seconds after the door slams, the salty blobs start to pool in my eyes. I want my Karlie. Now she's gone, not even with a promise of talking soon.

I'm sorry.

Two simple words I hope will change her mind as I press send. The whooshing noise goes off and then it's silent, Lily departing before Karlie even woke up.

Two hours later, those two long hours taken by the noise of my antique clock and glancing at my phone that didn't bother to light up, a knock sounds, echoing through my apartment. Please let it be Karlie. I still dither towards the noise, going slowly as to not seem desperate. Checking the eye hole, a habit you have to get into when you're as famous as I am, I'm disappointed, confusion sweeping over my senses. What's he doing here?

Opening the door, I give the curly haired familiar stranger a one word greeting. "Harry?"

"Taylor." A broad smile lights up his cute face and I'm momentarily carried back to when we were happy together, before the split that earns me half of the hate I've ever got.

"Why're you here?" I ask, in my confusion forgetting to be the host and standing, staring.

"I came to apologise about the way I left. It wasn't fair, no explanation, nothing and I've always felt bad." Another white toothed grin and a step closer, I can feel my heart rate rising. "I'm sorry." Those were the words I'd just said to a tall blonde who ran from me and I start to cry again. "Taylor. What did I say?" He sounds genuinely concerned for once, not just for fame purposes.

"It's not what you said. It's what I didn't." More tears pour from my eyes and I silently invite him in. He accepts silently, not knowing where to stand in this house that's unfamiliar with him. "Would you like Tea?" Harry liked tea, I knew that. But so does Karlie. My Karlie.

"Please love." And there's that love that I used to die for. The way it rolled off his tongue easily. So I busy myself with making him one, a cheap one, not a special Karlie Earl Grey.

We talk for an hour before I say I need to be alone. I see Harry's eyes darken, heeding it as a dangerous move and herding him towards the door. "What the hell Swift." He moves suddenly, one curl falling in his face as he shoves me against the wall.

"Harry. Stop." Two words and his hands are around my throat, gripping hard but not hard enough to leave a purplish bruise. His brown eyes are flashing, his pretty mouth set in a firm line and his nose inches from mine. "Get off me," I manage.

"Shut up bitch." He lowers his face closer: I can feel his breath, an unpleasant stench of cider and mint. Drinking before he came to see me, I realise. "If you're sensible, you'll let me kiss you." Whimpering, I cower away but his lips are soon on mine, a wet tongue soon forcing my lips and snaking into my mouth, a gagging reflex almost making me sick. The pair of strong hands that were at my neck have moved, one creeping up my thigh, the other crawling up my side. "Stop Harry. I'm begging you," I moan unhappily.

Stopping for a second, his chest heaving, he stares me down- hard. "Don't tell me what to do." And then he's on me again, rough British hands tickling my pantie line, his hands on my bra strap, pulling it down my shoulder. I'm moaning loudly out of pain so I don't hear the door swing open. I only hear a horrified gasp and an American voice. "So you're sorry are you?" My strength is back and Harry is on the floor. Turning and running, I see the figure of my friend turning the corner.

"Karlie please," I beg, my legs beginning to buckle, "he was forcing himself onto me."

"You sure about that?" She's stopped for a minute, "it sounded like it from those moans." Then she's no longer stopped, her lithe body carrying her easily down the stairs and out of my reach. From behind me there's steps. "I'll be back Taywhore."

Authors note.
Okay, I know. You probably just got my view on Haylor their but anyway.
First, a shout out to infinity-xiv because her Caylor fiction is life and you all need to read it.

Secondly. So I need you guys to answer my question. What would you prefer to read?
A Kaylor school AU or an adopted by Taylor Swift story? Because I have two Kaylor AUs (the other is set in a mental health unit) I could post or I have my adopted by Taylor Swift. Please leave comments x.
Love Emi

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