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Karlie's POV.

Taylor sat on the edge of the bed, looking mildly uncomfortable in leather pants and a white blouse. I know what you're thinking- why is she wearing leather pants and a blouse when she's just out of a coma? It actually wasn't my choice: Taylor rang from the bed when I was choosing her clothes and instructed me to bring those, along with her black Jimmy Choo's. She wasn't allowed those, I chose some black flats instead. So we're going to leave in an hour, Taylor harbouring strict instructions on what she's allowed to do over the next far days, which isn't a lot. Making her stick to these rules is going to be hell as we all know Taylor Swift can be one determined woman when she chooses to. By the looks of things, she's already frustrated by the setbacks, picking her nails and tapping her leg in some erratic beat on the linoleum floor. "Can we just leave already?" She demands, her eyes fierce with emotion.

"The doctor hasn't said yes Tay," I try to explain, knowing my words are flowing through a mind that's just ignoring them.

"I'm fine. Look- not dead." She spreads her arms out wide and smiles broadly. I don't know why she's smiling, she obviously wasn't fine and still needs to rest. See what I said about nightmare?

"Don't Taylor, please." I honestly can't believe she said that after the last few days where I was deathly scared about whether she was going to wake up or whether they were my last days with her.

"Sorry," she replies quietly, getting that she's upset me. So instead of making conversation that most probably would lead to an argument, she reaches for her phone, Olivia and Meredith still intact on the back, and starts to scroll through what she missed. I have this odd feeling a couple of thousand fans are going to be lurked in the next few days.

Taylor's POV.

The doctor that had been presiding over my state of affairs finally announced we could leave. I am more than grateful to him but, damn, I needed to get out of that place. I've never liked hospitals, scared of the constant beeps and rushing nurses, the way no one ever stops. It always seemed like you were just a case, they'd sort you out and get rid of you, moving quickly to the next patient without a thought back to you. Of course, I know that isn't true. Maybe it's because I am who I am but I got a level of care that almost became annoying, hovering nurses and doctors asking thousands of questions over and over again, always being checked, even when I was sitting in bed chatting with Mom and Karlie. So I am over the moon to leave.

Hospitals make you loose track of outside. I'd forgotten that the paparazzi would be lying in wait, momentarily blinded by the flashes that popped when I step out of the door. Karlie has her arm in mine, a small smile playing on her face for some reason, just in case I decide to keel over. I'm confused by this- I knew she wasn't as affected by the paps as I was but she doesn't have a reason to be smiling at them like that. Maybe she's just pleased to be leaving seeing as she's been at my side 24/7 since this whole thing happened. So we're showered with questions and flashed to within an inch of our lives as we try to walk calmly to the SUV that's waiting. I'm just glad that I look clean enough after a while inside the utilitarian building.

My apartment. Home. It feels so good.

As soon as I close the door, I'm attacked by two balls of fur, one quite a lot rougher than the other. "Momma's missed you," I croon, scooping both of them into my arms, neglecting my small carry bag for the cats.

"They've missed you too," Karlie giggles. She's always found it funny how I talk to them about everything and nothing but she has found herself doing it too recently.

"Of course they have," I smile, breathing in the smell of their warm bodies. I've missed that too as well: the constant smell of cats. "Mere, Dibbles, guess who has food?" They both come rushing, surprise, surprise and I play with them for five minutes before I realise Karlie isn't here anymore.

Karlie's POV.

I slipped away easily whilst Tay was fussing over her beloved animals. I'm now sitting on my bed in her apartment, crying silently. It hurts so much, the fact she doesn't remember when all I want is for her to love me as more than a friend. One simple thing. It wouldn't cost anything but a heart to be filled with love for me but, no, it seems that we aren't meant to be.

I'm so focused on my own thoughts, the salty drips rolling down my face, that I don't hear the blond that I want to love me so much walk into my room. "Karlie?" Taylor sounds hesitant as she steps slowly over to me. "Karlie, are you crying?"

"No, no, I'm not," I reply rapidly, sniffing and wiping my damp cheeks.

"Karls." There she goes again, ripping my heart into even smaller pieces. I want her to use that the way she did before, as secret lovers not as a caring friend. "Seriously Kloss, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Don't say that Karls, I know you too well for that. Just tell me," she demands. All I can think of is her soft lips on mine though, causing more tears to spurt out. I hate life.

"It's... It's just this whole thing- it's so overwhelming," I stutter, using the hospital as an experience that could cause anyone tears. "I thought I'd lost you Tay."

"You haven't lost me Karls." Her face softens, blue eyes melting in front of me. But I have, I think, I've lost the way you love me.

"I know Tay. Sorry. It's just me being a softy again." I offer up a weak smile and get up. "How about a Law and Order: SVU marathon?" Knowing what the reply will be, I take my 'friends' hand and lead her to the front room.

Taylor's POV.

Karlie's been acting weird ever since I woke up. I haven't commented on it. I didn't think anything of it. Until now. Until I found her crying in her room. It's my fault I know, this situation must be stressful for other people apart from me. And I wasn't about to refuse a Law and Order marathon, I just wish she'd tell me , confide in me. It's like our relationship has changed.

I'll talk to her tomorrow I think. So, settling into the sofa with a bowl of assorted snacks in front us, I lean on her shoulder, trying to forget about it all.

Authors note.
Hey guys. A new update for y'all. Please please please comment what you think, it means a lot. I hope you liked this update and that you've seen how both girls feel about the situation. Please go and check out my other Kaylor fanfic: Kaylor- 2020. It would mean loads.
Ilysm- Emi.

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