Twenty Five.

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The rest of their vacation was more subdued, the only hot make out sessions being in the privacy of their bedroom with the blinds shut and under the hot rain of the shower. Neither of the duo are any less in love: more careful about it however. "I can't believe we have to leave tomorrow," Taylor sighs, her mind wandering to several douches Tree probably has lined up for her to choose from. They're both curled up in each other, neither knowing which legs belonged to who at they watch the sunlight, occasionally letting conversation start before falling into silence again.

"Everything good comes to an end," the younger girl reminds her, partially referring to the secret of their relationship but also the fact that tomorrow they wouldn't be walking along soft sands, the hard sidewalks of New York would be under their feet instead, all the relaxing time alone soon forgotten amongst the crowds. Except neither of them would forget this mini break. "I wish this wouldn't though," she smiles wistfully.

Nodding in agreement, the short haired girl kisses the model on the cheek. "We need to do this more often."

"I have work tomorrow evening though."

"So you're not going to sleep around mine?" Taylor asks, pretending to be hurt that the younger girl might not be in bed next to her. A small giggle elicits from the models mouth and she kisses the older girl on the cheek this time.

"Tree won't like that. She'll probably frog march me back to my apartment."

"I'm sure Tree likes her job, so she won't be doing that- we have to act normal otherwise people will suspect things." Taylor makes an excellent point, bringing the younger girl closer, if that's possible, and tilting her chin so she can kiss her neck exactly on the spot she knows Karlie likes. A moan comes from the younger girls smiling lips. "You can't say no now," the singer smirks, pulling away.

"I'll sneak in around the back then," Karlie agrees. When it comes to Taylor she can't disagree.

"Preparation for landing begins now ladies, please make sure you're comfortable- we should be landing in five minutes," the flight attendant on the singer's jet informs them, not blinking as they separate their mouths to glance at him before resuming the heated make out session. The whole flight had been like this much to the amusement of the pilot and his small crew who had been ordered to stay out unless necessary. They're also sworn to secrecy though, so nothing would come out through them, unless they wanted to be unemployed and living off benefits for the rest of their lives. "I don't want you to go," the blue eyed girl whispers, her hands not leaving the waist of Karlie who's currently perched on her lap.

"You'll see me in nine hours," Karlie tells her. "And we can resume this in bed." Her voice becomes hushed as she adds the last part, eyes narrowing sexily.

"We could do it now..."

A gorgeous silky laugh comes from Karlie, "you're a sex hungry beast babe. We're not having a quicky now. If you wait, then we can do it properly once more."

"Fine," the song writer huffs, "have it your way."

When Taylor arrives home, her apartment feels empty: no sunshine to brighten the place up, only her two cats wanting attention and love. Even Meredith wants to be played with for once, a small purr lifting Taylor's heavy heart slightly as she strokes the grumpy cat on her lap. Not wanting to unpack or do anything that involves moving on from their vacation under the sun, the blonde decides to FaceTime her mom seeing as they haven't spoken since the day the pair arrived in Hawaii. "Hey Mom," Taylor smiles as her moms face pops up on the screen of her phone.

"Hello Darling. Did you have a good trip?" The older woman, commonly referred to as Mama Swift, replies, scrutinising her daughter for any changes since they'd last spoken.

"I couldn't have asked for better."

"Apart from the paparazzi incident."

Squinting to see the small screen better, Taylor sees her mother knows, "how do you know about that?"

"Tree does talk to me honey," Andrea simply says, "was it real?" Avoiding the question by scratching the back of her neck and looking around, the singer answers her mom's question without having to. "That's great Hun, please come down to Nashville to visit me with her."

"I didn't say anything Mom!"

"You didn't have to baby girl. I'm just glad you're so happy." The older woman's eyes seem to be shining in happiness, restoring courage in the blue eyed girl who can actually look at her mom now.

"Thank you."

"It's okay love. Now- I have to go but I expect you're busy as well. Text me later," she tells the twenty five year old, still overly protective even though they live in different parts of the country. She always has been and the singer is used to it: fond of it, one could say. So she hangs up, once again finding herself with no one to talk to in the apartment.

Half an hour later, the buzzer of her apartment door goes and sighing, the tall girl gets up to answer it. She couldn't imagine who it could be, imagining the model she's just spent a week with appearing as a surprise. The person outside is a surprise however, just not a good one in the form of an angry red headed publicist, clutching papers and practically barging into the singers apartment without so much as a hello, easily making herself at home before saying a word to the stunned singer, "nice to see you too," Taylor mutters.

"Now isn't the time for pleasantries," Tree snaps, arranging things in front of the younger girl. "Here are some men looking for beards." Three bits of paper are shoved towards her, "and here are some lads who are single." Another few bits of paper. Sitting opposite the fiery woman, Taylor flicks through the papers.

Harry Styles. Member of One Direction.

Looking up, she sees her publicist watching her. "For real Tree? After everything that put me through? I got ripped up." Mimicking her words, the songstress rips that bit of her paper up. Onto the next one.

Louis Tomlinson. Member of One Direction.

"No. I'm not messing with the directioners again." Another ripped up piece of paper joins the shreds of a face she used to think was handsome. Hopefully Tree's next choice is actually useful.

Calvin Harris. EDM DJ.

Giving him a once over, the girl sees the chiseled features only mildly enticing, confirming that she's no longer into guys from just looking at them, they need to interest her through personality to mean one little thing now. That's why Karlie is the one. "I guess he's okay," the musician says, trying not to let the contempt show through. None of these men attract her in the slightest.

Hozier. Irish singer.

"No. I'm sorry but that wouldn't be convincing at all." Tree shrugs,

"Fine." Leaving the blonde to move onto the next one.

Matt Healy. Vocalist from The 1975.

"Eh, I guess." Taylor isn't really into rock music however, knowing that she'd have to go to concerts to 'support' him doesn't sound good. But he looks okay, which is a bonus and from what the singer has heard of him, he's a laugh which is all you can ask for in a situation like this.

"Okay. I'll set you up with one of these although I still think you and Hozier could've cuddled up the Victoria's Secret show, which you're performing at in a week by the way."

"You don't need to remind me Tree," Taylor rolls her eyes, "and I'm not 'cuddling up' to anyone while Karlie is around."

Ignoring the singers last reply, Tree continues, "I'll let you know about Matt within the next week or so, I think he has some concerts coming up soon so we'll squeeze you in there." Packing up, Tree lets herself out, not even staying for a coffee, merely a business meting for her, leaving the singer in a daze.

When're you done because I need sex right now? I miss you.

Taylor texts Karlie. She hates all this: why can't society just be happy with everyone?


Heya guys. Who's reading for some Kaylor in sexy lingerie because I am? I'm quite busy at the moment but I'll try to do some shoutouts soon. Comment if you'd like one but also comment opinions on this chapter. Who should Tay beard with?...

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