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Karlie's POV

"What was I supposed to think," Taylor shouts at me over the music blasting around the workout studio. I roll my eyes, turning to face Taylor, smirking at her angry red face. "Me and Cara are close friends, I was drunk and she's a complete flirt," I try.
"It shows I can't trust you," she shouts, wiping the beads of sweat off her forehead and slurping her drink in a very un-Taylor like way.
"Chill Taylor," I suggest.
"Ohmygod, did you actually just tell me to chill?" She asks in disbelief, turning to one of the huge boxing paddles and hitting it angrily. I nod, laughing at her because she looks so cute when she's angry. "You're telling me to chill when you kissed our friend in front of me?"
"One, I didn't kiss her, we were close to it and two, it wouldn't have meant anything even if we did." I slump onto a nearby bench and watch as Taylor kicks the hell out of the unfortunate boxing pad. She's practically growling, blue eyes sending shots of fire across the room at me through the mirror. "You would've if I hadn't of stopped the music!" With one final kick, Taylor spins on her heel and strides towards me. "If you loved me like you said you did, you wouldn't have done any of it. And considering I'm your best friend and 'lover', you might want to do something before you lose them both."
"Dammit babe," I call, jumping and running after her flouncing curls. "I was drunk and it didn't mean anything." Taylor stops, turning and staring into my green eyes, as if trying to figure something out. Her mouth is an unhappy pout. "So why won't you apologise?"

Taylor's POV

I'm standing in my kitchen, Meredith curled around my ankles when a sheepish Karlie finally lets herself in, holding a bag full of something I can't make out. Her golden tresses that usually stream down her shoulders are scraped back into a tight ponytail, I know she'd been working out after I left her. "Who said you could come in?" I demand, tapping the island in impatience.
"No one," she shrugs, dumping the bag onto the side and dropping the keys we both have copies of, next to it. "But basically, because I was a pretty bad girlfriend last night, I need to make up for it."
"You do," I say definitely, still wondering what the hell Karlie is carrying in her bag.
"And it's really cute because it's what we did the first time we met properly," my green eyed girl continues, holding my attention. "We're making cookies!"
"Cookies?" I ask, reaching for the bag but easily stopped by Karlie's strong hands. It's the first contact we've had since the incident and it's probably a coincidence but a shock runs through my body, I look up to find Karlie smiling. "Fine," I mock sigh, "let's make cookies."

Karlie has a handful of dough in her freakishly large hands, effortlessly flopping it from side to side. She's watching me through narrowed eyes, waiting for my next move. "Come at me Kloss," I threaten, raising my eyebrows to tease her.
"Oh yeah Taylor, wotcha going to do," she asks, taking a small step towards me. If Karlie could read my thoughts she'd be shocked right now, the series of images running through my head pleasing but unsuitable for times when making cookies. I follow her lead, taking a bigger step forward. Karlie's eyes widen and she smirks. She takes an even bigger step forward leaving me unsure of her next move. We're about a metre apart, so I decide to run, around the island and into the front room.

I'm squealing as Karlie chases me around the sofa for the tenth time, arms stretched out, only two metres behind me. "Catch me if you can," I yell, darting through to hallway and into my room, before diving into my bed. Karlie's long legs make it easy for her to keep up, landing on the bed a second behind me. "I have you now," she giggles, straddling me, holding my arms against the cool bed. "You do," I observe, glancing at my wrists and trying to figure out a way to escape.
"And you're not going anywhere," she tells me, leaning forward and brushing her lips with mine.


Yayyyyy. Kaylor are back together. But what is Taylor going to once Karlie kisses her?
Is she ready?

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