Thirty Three

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Five days later

Light pokes through the slits in the hospital room curtain. It's aggravating the blonde who's just woken up, an anxious fist curling and uncurling like she often does when she's confused. "Momma?" She calls out. No one comes and the woman looks around wondering if she's insane. This room isn't the one she's used to. What happened to her Nashville house? "Mom," the twenty five year old shouts again, noticing her voice is a bit horse. She hopes its okay for the RED tour.

The door bangs open with a familiar figure bursting through. "Oh honey, I thought you'd never wake up!"

Even more confused the blonde questions her mother, "why aren't I in Nashville?"

"You weren't in Nashville honey. You were in New York," the older woman tries to explain without scaring her daughter. It's obvious the singer remembers nothing which scares the older woman.

Incredulousness fills Taylor's face. "No mom- I'd just been to Target with Abigail to get RED. Are you okay Mom, I think you should see a doctor."

"What year is it Hun?"

"October 2012," the blonde replies surely. It's not. It's December 2014. It's then that she glances down and see the hospital gown cloaking her body, the boring print seemingly hypnotising her for a while. "Momma, why am I in hospital clothes?" A note of fear has chimed into the woman's tone as she looks up with a scared look in her crystal eyes.

Andrea glances at her hands, before looking back to her daughter. "Baby girl. I'm sorry. It's not October 2012, it's December 2015."

"I fell and lost my memory I suppose? I had this dream that that had happened so it's not a surprise." Shock registers on Andrea's face as she envelopes her baby girl in a cuddle, kissing her forehead.

"You've got some visitors, shall I bring them in?" Nodding, the short haired girl murmurs a please. Now she's noting the different things. An iPhone of a different model. Her hair being short and her clothes being somewhat sexier than anything she was used to wearing. Then, two people walk in: Austin and a face the blonde recognises but can't place.

Nerves pool in her stomach as the blue eyed girl eyes them both. "Hi Aus," she mutters, leaning back to observe her other guest. The girl standing at the end of her bed is taller than her with startling green eyes and a toned stomach that's peeking through the cropped shirt she's wearing. "I'm Taylor," she introduces herself finally.

For Karlie, hearing that voice that still has the slightest country twang to it is heaven. Even if it's soon clear the singer has no idea who she is, it's paradise. "Karlie," she smiles while her insides are breaking. Not ever being one for formalities, the tall model scoops her girlfriend into a hug, not that Taylor is aware of their relationship. The hug seems to throw the singer off guard as she looks at the green eyed girl curiously. "Sorry, I'm a hugger."

"You're Karlie Kloss," the songwriter gasps. "I've always wanted to meet you!" Taylor sees the look that the model throws to her brother but doesn't question it.

A fleeting sadness enters the girls eyes. "I have to go now Taylor but I'll come back."

"Please do," the singer encourages. She watches in confusement as the model sways out as her heart is pounding and telling her something is wrong. Glancing to her brother, the blonde asks him something she never imagined herself asking anyone. "Aus. What's happened in the past two years?"

It had been agreed beforehand that Andrea would go in beforehand to see what the situation was before letting anyone in. The doctors had already informed the family plus Karlie that the singer wasn't to be informed of any relationships that she couldn't remember apart from family. She was also to be kept away from the Internet as much as possible until her memory started coming back and to have a responsible adult who wouldn't give in to her demands and begging to be with her at all times. 'Patients are vulnerable at this stage in Amnesia,' the doctor had informed them. The situation wasn't bad but as the doctors questioned the blonde, it became apparent the memory loss was slightly more severe than they predicted.

"So Miss Swift, we'd like you to stay here for a week and then if we feel you've improved, we'll be able to let you go." Another white coated doctor says.

Anxiously the blonde scrunched the duvet. "What about my tour?"

Andrea takes her daughters hand. "Hunny. Your tour isn't even planned yet," she explains.

A single tear slips from the singer's eye. Then more follow as she curls up in a ball. "I hate this... I hate this," she mumbles, rocking back and forth. "I can't even remember my own world tour!" Now crying desperately, the blonde turns over so no one can see her face.

"Love, don't cry. Is their anything I can get you?" Andrea tries to comfort her daughter, rubbing her back slowly in circles.

Still sniffling, Taylor rolls so she's like a burrito in the blankets, facing her mother with glistening eyes. "Where's Karlie? She gave me hugs?" Laughing, Andrea hands her daughter her cell, telling her to get the models number and ring or text her. She does, with trembling fingers. Entering the number, she smiles slightly, hoping the taller blonde will be able to come and comfort her. Hopefully she'd wouldn't be averse to sitting on the hospital custom sofa under blankets and watching crappy Christmas movies.

Hey Karlie, it's Taylor xx
I was wondering if you're around to chill and watch movies. I can provide hospital food and get well hampers from my close family to eat, just no movies. Don't worry if you can't come, but I'd like it if we could hang out sometime seeing as I'm not being let out of this prison for at least a week.
Taylor xx

Pressing send is liking lifting a tonne of bricks of her shoulders for Taylor who lies back in bed and instructs her mom to bring over some of the hampers that she's been sent. It's prettily wrapped in christmas paper which is one of the singers favourite things. "Hey Momma?" The blonde asks, "is it possible to go my,- apartment... And get me my two cat onesies and some of my favourite food?"

Grinning at the songwriter who has remembered small details like the crazily patterned onesies, and is still getting used to the fact she has a two million dollar apartment in TriBeCa, the older Swift nods. "Of course, I'll be about forty minutes." Then Andrea leaves, a small smile of mixed sadness and happiness on her face.

Back in her empty apartment, Karlie is trying to occupy herself so her mind doesn't stray to the girl who's supposed to be her girlfriend. The model is watching TV with a bowl of popcorn on her lap: unheard of for her. It's usually granola bars and healthy snacks. She'd been undisturbed for hours so her phone pinging is a nice surprise. However the biggest shock is who the incoming text was from. Taylor. Reading the text, the blonde smiles goofily, replying immediately.

Hey Tay.
I'd love to come over. I'll bring the movies and other stuff.
Love Karlie xx

Letting another sigh come from her mouth the model picks herself up and finds all her trashy chic flicks, throwing a few tins of cookies in as well. She then braces herself for the heavy New York gales, rushing to side of the road where she hails a taxi, shaking the idea time. She can't believe that her girlfriend wants to hang out with her. She'd all but assumed that she'd barely get to see the singer again.

Another vibration from her hand and a text from the songwriter appears.

Thanks love. See you soon xx

Again, Karlie shivers. All she has to do is have a few cuddly hours with Taylor without letting anything slip. How hard can it be?

Hey hey hey
AMAs tonight.
But I hope you liked this. So cute fluff in next chapter as I realise both of my books have reached quite depressing circumstances.

Love you all.
I'd appreciate some comments as I'm losing the will to update frequently and they also help. Love Emi xx

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