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Karlie's POV.

Taylor is still pale. The heart monitor still beeps rhythmically. It's been seven hundred and ninety three bleeps since the last time I moved. "Good afternoon Miss Kloss," a cheery nurse smiles, "I'm just going to do Taylor's obs." She starts fussing around with the few wires that surround Taylor. I don't want her to but I know they're crucial to keeping Taylor safe. Suddenly, the machine starts to beep much faster, snapping me out of my beep counting trance and into a state of panic. "Whats happening?" I snap, startling the woman. Her complexion is getting redder and redder as she fusses around the machine. "What's happening," I repeat, a harsh edge coming into my voice.
"Nothing," she tries to reassure me.
"It's hardly nothing," I shout, "why is her pulse 99?"
"It's fine Miss Kloss, I insist you sit down or leave." I didn't realise I was standing up, towering over the nurse easily. The machine is still beeping like crazy. I need to do something. "Okay Karlie, can you leave?" This time it's more of a demand then a question. "Don't let her die." Then I leave.

No one knows yet. Apart from Taylor's Mom, Dad and brother. Austin has been constantly texting me, wanting a non stop update, a text pinging in every couple of minutes. I might as well set up a live stream for him. I'm going to text Andrea to see if she wants me to tell the fans.

To Andrea- Tay still hasn't woken up. Shall we tell everyone. X

It takes her a couple of tense minutes to reply and these minutes are filled by the surreal busyness of the hospital and the ominously loud beeps buzz to me from Taylor's room.

From Andrea- I think it's time. Take a picture but not of her. Perhaps of her hand with the wires or something. Just say that Taylor fell and hasn't woken up since (the fall was two days ago) but is expected to make a full recovery. We'll keep you posted

To Andrea- Okay. I'll put it on Twitter and Instagram. Are you able to come any time soon?

I put my phone down. The noise from Taylor's room has stopped. That means she's either fine or.... I don't want to think about the alternative. A nurse and a doctor that slipped in whilst I was texting the various people that needed an update, both come out of the room. Austin has text me back again, I should reply but I want to know that Taylor is fine. "Excuse me, is Taylor, y'know...okay?"
"Miss Swift is fine. She may be closer to waking up as she's reacting to the smallest things now. You can go back in Miss Kloss." So I do.

Taylor is lying, still, pale, far away, like a ghost. Her hand is lying, two wires running on top of it, a perfect opportunity to take a picture. The picture is the quick part, the least painful of the process. Next is the caption.

So you're probably wondering who's hand this is. It's @taylorswift 's. Two days ago, whilst I was out and Taylor was feeling a bit ill, she was going to the bathroom and fell. I discovered her lying, blood coming from her head and called the ambulance. She hasn't woken up since but she's expected to make a full recovery. I love you @taylorswift.

Taking a deep breath, I click post. Then I do the same on Twitter. I think I've just sent social media into meltdown.

Five hours later.

Taylor is quiet, still no sign of life from her body. It makes me want to cry. My phone has quietened down, not by much and I'm hoping that the fans took the 'I love you' that I accidentally swung on the end of the notification as a friendly one, because I I dint mean to announce out relationship to everyone. "Karlie," I hear a familiar voice say. Looking up I see Andrea striding into the room. "Did you get my text?" She asks.
"No, I switched my phone off after I announced it," I explain apologetically.
"I managed to get away from everything easily once people heard what had happened." She smiles ruefully, "How is she?"
"Expected to make a full recovery," I repeat the words that have been zooming around my head for the last day, except this time out loud to someone who cares and understands. "I can't believe this is happening," Andrea sighs.
"I know."
"Look Karlie honey, why don't you go grab a coffee and have a shower. You've been here for two days now? Come back whenever you're ready, I'll be here and I'll text you if anything happens." The offer is a good one and I'm ready to accept it. But then the second half of conscience kicks in, telling me that when I leave something bad will happen to Taylor or that if I leave, Taylor will never wake up. "Err," I fiddle with my hoodie sleeve.
"Go Karlie, take a break even if it's for an hour. You've done a great job!"
"Okay." I get up, gathering my coat and bag from the corner near the bed. My coat is crumpled but I'm too tired to notice, shrugging it on half-heartedly. "I'll see you soon," I mumble to Andrea, hugging her briefly.

And I'm at the door when I feel the urge to get a last glimpse at Taylor.

At first glance, she's like wax. At second, her fingers move slowly.


Oooooh, what's happening next.
This was hard for me to write because of the news Taylor gave us on Thursday so if it isn't very good, I apologise. #prayformamaswift

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