Twenty Nine

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"Goodbye Matt," Taylor smiles gently. It turns out the lead member of the 1975 is an absolute gentlemen, even if his music and concert venue aren't her choice.

"I'll see you soon Taylor," her grins back, taking her into an unassuming hug that takes the singer off guard. From behind her, she can feel Karlie's eyes boring into her back.

Walking off, the blonde merely calls, "see you around Matt."

They get home at two am, the singer jumps onto Twitter, immediately sharing a picture of her and Matt. The best concert tonight x. She types, uploading it immediately. The model next to her leans on her shoulder, mumbling something sleepily that the short haired girl can't make head or tail of. "What was that babe?" The singer asks.

"Someone's ringing your house phone," she mutters again, groaning as she's shifted so Taylor can grab the call. The blue eyed girl recognises the number but in her tipsy state, doesn't recognise who it is.

"Hi, this is Taylor," she says, trying not to sound too drunk. She fails as the voice on the other end of the call immediately questions her. The voice is quick and clipped, the blonde immediately recognising it and clamping a hand over her mouth.

"Taylor Alison Swift," the red headed publicist screams down the phone, causing Taylor to hastily push the phone away from her ear, "I told you to be careful, I told you not to step over that line."

Staring at the model, who's now half passed out over the couch, the realisation hits her. They'd kissed, in public, because they were drunk. And even though it was dark, it had probably all been caught on someone's iPhone. "Umm, is their... Y'know, pictures and stuff?"

A stranger noise comes from the caller. "Pictures Taylor? Pictures? Their's videos. They've gone viral!"

"Oh." The blonde falters off, her eyes once more finding their way to the snoozing beauty on the sofa. She's snoring lightly, a content little smile stretched across her features. "Tree, can I ring you back tomorrow?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll be at yours at nine o clock, sharp." Her voice is snappish and the singer can tell she's furious with her. They'd been careless and now they've been caught, probably trending on Twitter or something. But looking at the sleeping girl, she doesn't have the heart to tell her, shaking her lightly and informing her that they should go to bed. I'll deal with Tree tomorrow, the singer thinks to herself as she curls up next to Karlie.

Taylor groans the next morning, her eyes fluttering in a desperate attempt to block out the harsh sunlight that's hurrying her pounding skull. Rolling over, she checks the time, finding it to be 8:50. Not remembering the events of last night and the conversation with Tree, she smiles at the thought of being able to roll back over and lounge in bed for as long as she wants. The model next to her is still sleeping, a frown on her features that the singer doesn't like. So gently, she shakes her awake, asking her what's wrong.

Her eyes confused, the green eyed girl asks, "did someone see us kissing?"

The songwriter falters... "Kind of," she admits, taking the younger girls hand.

"A-are you sure?"

"Do you remember when we came in last night and I was on the phone?" Taylor asks, a shake of the head confirming her suspicions that the model had been too drunk to remember a lot, "well I was and it was Tree."

"Shit," the taller girl mutters, combing a hand through her hair in distress. Her head is still throbbing, a side affect from last night and she feels mildly sick but it's not the worst hangover she's ever experienced. The shorter girl then remembers the final parting Tree left with. "I'll be over at 9am, sharp," the publicist told her. Glancing at this time, she gasps.

"Tree is gonna be here in two minutes," scrambling out of bed, Taylor tells the model. Following the older girls lead, Karlie leaps out of bed, almost falling over. Obviously the alcohol is still in action. Laughing slightly, the singer asks her girlfriend, "are you still drunk?"

"No," the blonde scoffs, lying.

"Go shower and sober up," the shorter girl instructs, throwing some shorts on and taking an Advil she keeps handy in her bedside locker. Missing her hair to try and get the I don't care look, she wanders out into the kitchen and flicks the coffee machine on, the grinding making her head hurt slightly. Hopefully Tree wouldn't yell too loud. Seconds later, the singer cradling a cup of coffee and leaving one for her girlfriend with a few Advil beside it, the door gets banged on. Loudly.

The singer winces, hoping Tree won't continue her loud streak, opening the door just as Karlie appears in Pink sweatpants and a tank top. "Taylor... I told you," the publicist starts, softening slightly as she sees the flash of pain run through Taylor's eyes. "How hungover are you?" She then asks in a slightly softer tone.

"Not as much as Karlie," is all the blonde has to offer in return.

"Okay." The redhead invites herself in, making a drink for herself as she knew this wouldn't be a flying visit. Draped over the sofa, all the model can do is offer a small smile, knowing that sooner or later, all of Tree's anger will come out, immediately directed at her.

Once the drink is made, the publicist sits herself comfortably on one of the stools surrounding the kitchen island, opening up her laptop quickly and then finding several files. All the while she lectures the pair, though mainly the woman paying her at first. "Did it ever occur to you that you were going to this concert to beard? The whole idea is to get the spotlight off you and Karlie but instead you go and make out in public. Great idea Taylor," she adds at the end sarcastically. "You can't beard with Matt anymore now. So, out of the remaining candidates you have the 1D boys or Calvin- unless you have any bright ideas..?"

"I've never met this Calvin guy, suddenly holding hands with him in public isn't going to be convincing. You seem to be under the impression my fans are stupid: which they aren't."

The red head sighs, making it blatantly obvious she thinks the singer is being a pain, "fine. Do you have a brainwave then?" Her blue eyes sparkling, the girl grabs a framed picture of the window sill.

"Ed. Ed will help us- I'm sure of it!" Taylor sounds excited for once as the bearding process usually drains her emotionally, leaving her to collapse into bed at night. The publicist looks taken aback, the model on the sofa matching her expression.

"Babe are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes. And if that doesn't work I'll use Calvin. But for now, I'll see if Ed will oblige." Slurping the remaining dregs of her coffee, the short haired girl, stands up and places the picture back before sitting next to the lanky blonde lying on the sofa. "Is that all Tree?" She then abruptly questions.

"How do you plan to deal with it right now?" The red head asks.

"Dunno, I'm not fussed. I just want to relax at the moment." Her laid back nature is pissing the publicist off, she can tell but she doesn't care for once. The youngest girl has been mute throughout the entire conversation, only piping up now as she's been afraid the fiery woman will shoot her down in flames.

"Tay, go onto Twitter and send out a tweet," she instructs carefully. Taylor knows she's had an idea, following her plans closely. "Now type- 'for my 25th birthday present from the media, I'd like you to stop accusing me of dating my friends.'" Both of the other women stare before the singer kisses Karlie passionately.

"You're my genius babe," the singer mutters into Karlie's ear, exhaling gently to give her shivers. Behind them, the red head looks away: she wants the blue eyed girl happy but this relationship spells trouble.


I have one question for you?

Ed or Calvin???

Thanks for reading- 60+ votes and 10+ comments for an update

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