Twenty Two

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The golden rays of sun are beating on the model as she runs along the waters edge, doing her daily exercise, although she'd had plenty of it last night, these morning sessions seemed to revive her. Thinking of the slightly shorter blonde makes Karlie pick her pace up, splashing those envied legs with salty water, already warm at such an early hour. It wasn't particularly earlier however, the purpose built sports watch on her wrist shows it to be 9 am. She's only about three quarters of a mile away now, soon to be home to the world famous singer that's hers for a week singer.

As the tall blonde nears the villa after raising the speed of her final 500 metres, her green eyes pick out her favourite singer sitting on a sun lounger, already clothed by just a skimpy bikini and holding what looks to be a smoothie, just what the running girl feels the need for. Slowing to a walk to ease her hard worked muscles, Karlie tries to approach the Mediterranean style house quietly, hoping to surprise the twenty five year old sitting in the sun. Her stealth isn't stealthy enough however, the short haired girl glancing up at the sound of feet against the wooden path. So Karlie changes tactic. "Is their more smoothie inside?" She questions, stretching her calf muscles at the same time.

"Good morning to you too," Taylor replies, an amused grin on her face. The model pouts, going to hug the lounging girl in apology. "No. Nope, don't come near me," the singer squeals, wriggling away from Karlie's sweaty embrace. Yet the taller of the pair doesn't give up,

"If I shower, will you give me cuddles?" She asks. Taylor nods, glancing at the book in her hands. "Okay!" With more spring in her step, the green eyed girl holds her hand out for the relaxing girl to take. With a shocked look on her face, the singer takes in the offer, worry in those electric eyes. The model immediately understands her friends emotion, sitting next to her but not too near so she doesn't rub her exercise induced sweat onto the blonde. "It's just a shower, nothing else unless you want it to be," she says quietly. This time, with happiness worn on her perfect features, Taylor accepts, waiting for Karlie to lead the way.

All too soon, for both of them as the idea had grown on Taylor, there is no need for them to stay in the shower any longer, the taller girl stepping out and finding a towel for the shivering singer. Without the warmth of the water the room seems cold, the pair of them both drying quickly, leaving hair to dry in the heat and slipping into bikinis, they exit. Karlie disappears into the kitchen, finding the smoothie the blue eyed girl had made earlier and starting to make breakfast. The smaller girl resumes her position under the Hawaiian sun, taking her book and getting lost in what it has to offer.

"I propose we relax here today and then I'll take you for dinner later," with a sparkle in her eyes, the model tells the singer her idea.

"Sure," Taylor nods, more laid back now, "as long as I can spend as long as possible with you!" Her hand finds its way onto the taller girls thigh, massaging the inside while waiting for a reply which Karlie finds hard to give as she can't concentrate with the singer touching her, especially in places like she was.

"O..of course," she manages to spit out. Not able to control her desires any longer, the youngest of the duo cups the singers face, bringing them close before closing the distance and kissing the singer. Taylor responds immediately, her mouth opening for the model before fighting for entrance to the models mouth. It's a competition for domination, the short haired girl, pulling Karlie into her body, rubbing the inside of her thigh in a teasing manner. She knows it isn't fair, especially as she can't perform but she loves the way the younger girl craves her touch, moaning her name at points. She feels powerful. Due to her thoughts being a distraction however, the model gains power, pushing her backwards onto the sun bed and straddling the singer with those gorgeous toned legs, pushing down as she moans into the older girls mouth. Taylor can feel the moans rolling around her mouth, loving the way it feels and wishing she could go further.

With her hands now free as the singer is under control, Karlie massages her shoulders before nibbling onto her neck. 'This is new,' the short haired girl thinks, enjoying it all the same as the model moves further down her body, pinging at the edge of the bandeau bikini the twenty five year old is wearing. Around Karlie, Taylor decides, it isn't safe to wear a strapless bikini anymore. But she doesn't want it to stop, moaning in pleasure as the practiced model teases her and then makes her move, teeth nipping the sensitive skin of her breasts. "Karlie," Taylor groans ecstatically, running her hands through the green eyed girls wavy locks, gripping hard as the taller woman sucks hard on her nipple. Looking through her eyelashes, the model checks to see if the singer is still happy, earning a desperate moan of encouragement. A small smirk plays on Karlie's face as she moves on. God, Taylor is so sexy.

Later, over bowls of salad eaten indoors to avoid the midday sun, the singer suggests a walk along the beach to explore a bit in the opposite direction the model had run earlier. The twenty two year old is more than happy to oblige, wanting to spend as much time as possible with the blonde she'd grown to have feelings for.

Leaving the villa in the control of Taylor's well able bodyguards, the pair slip away, holding hands as they stroll along the golden sands. It's truly beautiful, the White sands meeting an azure sea, clear as anything, that laps gently against their feet as they walk in the surf. Compared to the waves the singer had faced on previous holidays, this sea was like a swimming pool: controlled and a delicious temperature. The waves on the vacations before weren't even big, it wouldn't be possible to surf on them but they could still splash you from head to toe, making you wonder why you only wore bikini pants and not the top as well. "I'm so glad we decided to do this," Taylor sighs, stopping and standing on tiptoe to peck the models very kissable lips. Karlie agrees, looking around in concern,

"Should we be kissing babe? I know it's private but I don't want you to get hurt." Worry laces itself through her voice, making the short haired girl find her even more adorable than before. However, Karlie raises a good point. The singer can't be found out yet. She isn't ready.

"Okay," she replies, "I'll hold in the temptation 'til we get back." Nodding in agreement, they lace hands instead as those pictures can be pushed off as friendly.

Well my dear readers,
This chapter is just a cute one before the real drama starts.

My shoutout this time goes to

I've been reading their book for a while and it's really good with unexpected twists!

Hang around for some drama within the next week.

Comment and vote. Tell me, what do you think of this vacation.

Love y'all loads.

Emi. Xx

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