Thirty Four

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The evening with Taylor went well.

Christmas movies, cookies and coffee seem to take your mind off a lot, especially for Karlie. They had spent the evening with their arms wrapped around each other and the model could pretend it was like a normal lazy evening that her and the shorter girl used to share.

Today the model felt empty as her girlfriends warmth has left. She's still in bed and seeing as it's midday, she doesn't think she'll be leaving anytime today. All she wants is for Taylor to remember so they can kiss and lie together in bed. Texting the blonde could be risky though: she doesn't want to be seen as overbearing and clingy. Maybe a simple thank you for last night would quell the flutters in her empty stomach.

Hey love,
Hope you're feeling okay today. I really enjoyed last night.
Love Karlie!

At the hospital, the blonde is slipping in and out of sleep, trying to recall anything from the last two years. A few faint wisps float through her mind, nothing solid apart from the thought she might have bought another cat. Her phone vibrates at this point.

Karlie sent you a message.

Maybe this will perk up her day. Reading the texts with her glasses on, Taylor can't help but feel a poke of happiness in her gut. Theirs something about the talk blonde that joined her last night that had her running somersaults in her mind. Her voice with its certain pitches for certain letters: her squeeze hugs that the singer couldn't get enough of last night. That's why they'd spent most of the evening wrapped in each other. Karlie made her feel safe and wanted, like nothing else had before.

Replying, Taylor smiles.

I'm super bored. Like super bored. Are you up for helping me get rid of it?
Glad you had a good time because I did too :).
Love Tay.
PS, did I get another cat. I think I did because I had a dream about Mere and this white cat who was named after one of my fave TV show characters?

With a small smile on her face still, the singer presses send. Maybe she can discover who this cat is through her photos.

Later, the blonde is avidly flipping through every single one of her photos. Her and Abigail at what look to be the 2015 Grammys as well as pictures with her other slightly newer friends. She looks so happy; now upset that all these memories are gone.

At least she found out her new cat is called Olivia Benson. The animal is adorable, now at least three times its original size but still seems to love curling up in her lap unlike Mere who seems to be frequently giving her evil stares in all the pictures. It's not just her lap that the fluffy creature enjoys curling up in. Karlie Kloss, looking quite at home in the blondes new apartment, holds the cat, kissing it's cheek.

So she did know the girl before. No wonder shed felt so homely when the blonde was around.

I knew you before!!!
She texts Karlie. The singer is almost dancing she's so happy.

Yeah I wasn't supposed to tell you xx
Karlie is quick to reply.

Oh and btw, you're latest cat is called Olivia Benson <3,
The model adds.

In her hospital room, Taylor grins to herself, butterflies forming in her stomach. How does this girl have this affect on her? They've known each other for longer than the singer originally thought but they were only friends.

At least, that's what Taylor thinks.

She flops backwards. Hopefully she'll learn the truth soon.

In her small apartment, the gangly model is trying to reply to some emails however failing miserably. A permanent smirk is attached to her well chiseled face. How is she supposed to concentrate with all this going on? And she still waiting on a reply from her kind of girlfriend.

What do they call themselves now? Taylor still has to remember but Karlie knows everything and is dying to tell the singer- or at least let her know she has feelings for her. It's a vicious cycle.

Beside her hand, her phone vibrates, the model grabbing it eagerly and switching it on to see who's texting.

Up for some Netflix and chill?

It's from Taylor. Who else would be texting her when they all have jobs to do at this time of the day. But the wording of the texts is funny.

Netflix and chill?

Karlie rushes back. She doesn't want to get her hopes up.

Not that version Kloss!!! Come watch movies with me, I'm bored. :)
The singer is probably rolling her eyes at the model right now.

With shaking hands, Karlie sends her reply. Her head is a mess: can she do this for much longer? How long before she cracks. All she wants is things to be normal. Yet again, here she is pretending her and Taylor are just friends.

Sure, be there soon!

Jumping in a cab, Karlie contemplates the whole situation. If only she'd glued herself to the singers side like she did a lot of the time.

But it's no use thinking about the what ifs. It's happened, the end.

"Hey Karlie," Taylor trills as her new/maybe old friend walks into the room with a little smile on her face. Both of them were nervous, Taylor twiddling her hair as she waited.

Breaking into a huge grin, Karlie leans down to hug the singer who's huddled under some blankets. "Long time, no see," she jokes.

Laughing, Taylor's shakes her head. "As if, you're about the only person I have seen." Lifting up the blankets for the taller girl, she reaches down for the boxes of cookies she had delivered earlier- secretly. The model slips off her body warmer, slipping under the warm bits of cloth and getting as near to the short haired girl as possible without making her uncomfortable.

"Cookie?" Taylor offers with her mouth already half full of one. She's so adorable, Karlie thinks. Taking one, the model gives her thanks, snatching the remote. "Heyyy," Taylor pouts.

Even more adorable. "You chose last night!" The taller girl points out.

"I'm ill." Taylor decides the play that card, smirking evilly.

"I'm younger."

"You're taller."

"I had to spend money to get here!"

Pouting again, Taylor gives in. She deeply appreciates the model being here. "Fine, but only cos you're cute!"

Karlie's heart literally falls out of her chest then.

"Well you're cute too."

Hey guys,
I'm back.
Missed me. (Lol nah who would miss me?)

But here you go.
Cute fluffy Kaylor feels in honour of my wife's birthday.

Love you all,

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