Thirty Five

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I'm allowed out today.
Love Taylor.

The singer types her message to the only person she's seen this week hurriedly, itching to get out of the hospital issue room with no colour. All week, she'd craved the outside however she wasn't allowed anywhere by herself. The medical staff barely let her out of the small room and if they did, they'd accompany her wherever she went. Karlie had heard all about it when she visited daily. 'It's like being three years old again,' the blonde had complained which made the model laugh. If theirs anything that the twenty five year old hates, it's being treated like she's incapable.

Karlie is at her first shoot since Taylor went into hospital and it's fair to say her work isn't the best today. For one, she's tired, secondly, the shoot today isn't with her favourite company. All her mind lingers on is the blonde she's spent every evening with this week. They were good evenings: stupid chick flicks, cookies, lattes and most importantly, cuddling. That was the closest she'd managed to get but it was enough, for now anyway.

"Okay, now look over your shoulder," the photographer yells pulling her out of her reverie. Karlie does but theirs something half hearted about her work today. Hopefully the tins of cookies she'd brought earlier will make up for it. "To the side," he instructs. The day goes on like that until he calls for a break and the tall girl goes and curls up in a relatively quiet crevice with her phone and a snack bar. She smiles when she sees the text from her girlfriend.

I'll come over later love,
And don't sound so excited, you have to put up with me for the next few weeks.
Love Karlie xx

With her text sent, the blonde can't keep her grin away. Andrea had given her permission to look after the singer until she starts to remember stuff, at which point the Swift matriarch will step in and get her daughter through the shock that will bring. She been threatened by Tree enough to not try anything stupid. It will just be a relaxing Christmas and New Year with the one person she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

You make yourself sound like a devil.
See ya later xxx
Tay X
Tho I swear to god if you baby me I will leave :)

The last line of Taylor's text makes the model laugh out loud which attracts a few curious looks though no one seems to care particularly. Of course she's going to baby the short haired girl. She's vulnerable at the moment and whilst she'll be able to do normal things like making coffee, Karlie is basically in charge of her phone. No social media: Tumblr and Instagram as well as Twitter are strictly out of bounds. She can't watch entertainment news and every email sent to the singer will be briefly checked before she's allowed to deal with it. It sounds like a complete privacy invasion but the doctors as well as the rest of the Swift clan have agreed it's better if the blonde remembers stuff of her own accord. The model can see the older girl flipping when she's told this though.

Can't promise anything
Love you xx

And with that text sent, she turns the phone off and resumes the shoot.

At the hospital Taylor is packing the rest of her case and trying to cram the cookie jars into her suitcase. "Mom," she finally calls, giving up and flopping into her bed.

"What's up hunny?" Andrea questions.

With an exaggerated sigh Taylor gestures to her bursting suitcase, "I can't get the cookies in my case," she explains. Her mother laughs at her but begins to rearrange her daughters case so the five extra jars will slot in neatly. However, even with the older woman's neat packing, three jars are still lying in the bed. "You'll have to carry them," Andrea says.

"Put them in my handbag please," the singer requests, standing up as she's now ready to go although still checking her outfit in the mirror. She's anxious, knowing the paparazzi are bound to find her. Hopefully the maroon skirt and black long sleeved top she's clothed in won't look too bad in front of them. Now it's time to go.

Franklin Street. The street her new-old apartment is situated on. It's a quieter street and as the black SUV pulls up she can't help but wonder why she chose this street. There's nothing remotely fancy about it. Then she realises why she chose it. It's an inconspicuous location away from anyone trying to find her. "Home," she sighs, hoping the apartment will trigger some memories.

She can faintly remember some flashes through the dark as she mounts the steps but nothing else. So Taylor carries on, riding the elevator up to her floor.

The apartment triggers nothing. Nothing but blurry flashes of memory darting around her tired brain. "Karlie's on her way up," her mom informs her as she drags herself from her bedroom with a fresh duvet wrapped around her shoulders. Smiling half-heartedly, the blonde falls into the sofa and stares at the ceiling. What has life become?

"Hey Tay," a pair of green eyes greets her, perching on the edge of the sofa she's curled up on.

Mumbling, the blonde replies, "hi."

"Someone is feeling sorry for herself," the model laughs. "Coffee?"

"I can make my own coffee," Taylor pouts angrily. That makes her look about ten however so Karlie merely laughs. She knew the singer would be acting like this. It's saddens her but makes her feel bubbly inside as it proves just how much she's knows the women lying across the huge sofa. "Fine, I'll make my own," Karlie jumps up and leaves making her girlfriend groan.

"Karlieeeeee," the blonde moans.

With an ever growing smirk, the taller girl sticks her head around the door, "what was that?"

"Can you make me a coffee please!"

"Of course love," the model obliges. She disappears for a while and Taylor can hear the sound of slightly off key singing. It sounds familiar. And that's not the first time the only girl she's seen this week has seemed like home. Taylor smiles unwillingly. Maybe this week or so might not be too bad.

Later that evening they've finished watching Love Actually, finished take away and thrown cookies at each other but now they're in a content silence, Karlie occasionally showing the shorter girl pictures from the shoot earlier. "Where's my phone?" Taylor questions to know one in particular.

"Over there," the model points out at which point Taylor lunges across the room to grab it, collapsing awkwardly back onto the couch. It's silent apart from their breathing for minutes until the singer turns to the younger girl. "Where's my Instagram app?"

In taking a breathe, Karlie glances up to find the blonde eyeing her with flashing eyes. "It's must've got deleted accidentally."

"And Twitter and Facebook and that other one, oh, Tumblr have suspiciously gone as well!" The twenty five year old is furious. "I'm not five years old."

Trying to stay steely, Karlie returns, "it's for your own benefit Tay!"

Snorting in ridicule, the blue eyed girl snaps, "don't Tay me young lady." For some reason, the model finds that hilarious, eliciting a huge laugh. That laugh is cut short when she feels the covers being snatched and the blonde stalking off.

"Taylor, I'm sorry," the girl tries. She doesn't get a reply.

Hey guys.
It's almost Christmas so Merry Christmas if you celebrate.
Do you guys have any traditions that you and your family do every year?

We always have this cream thing called Rum Butter and generally my Dad and My Grandad fall asleep after Lunch. And we also have Breakfast at the nearest shopping centre on Christmas Eve.

I'd also like to just say something. I've been writing fanfic for just over 11 months. My first ever fanfic has reacher 40k views. I've been so lucky to have readers and I thought I might achieve 1k, not 40k. Since then I've written these two and I'm proud to say that altogether, my books, only two of which are finished (out of 5) have got 125,600 views. That is insane. Thank you to anyone and everyone who's ever read any of my books, even if it's just a chapter.
And thank you to those of you who've been here since day one.
I couldn't ask for better readers.

Love Emily

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