Thrirty One

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December 13th

"Baby, wake up," Karlie squeals with no effect, her girlfriend lying dormant beside her. "Babe, get up," she repeats prodding her at the same time. Still, the singer fails to open her eyes. "Right, that's it, I'll pour water over you if you don't get up babe."

This wakes the blue eyed girl. "It's early Karls," she grumbles taking in the time that reads 8:30.

"It's your birthday though babe!" The model exclaims.

Grimacing, Taylor fails at smiling. "You're more excited than I am love."

"I know. But I want to give you my present and no doubt security have got tonnes for you as well!" Leaping out of bed, the singer can only watch as the taller girl scarpers out of the room not accepting the weak protests that are falling out of the only just woken girls mouth, telling her she 'didn't want anything big' and 'I told you not to get me anything'. The younger girl is into throwing parties almost as much as the older girl is and Taylor can swear she smells cookies cooking already. They'd be nice for breakfast.

Outside in the hallway, Karlie is arranging a trolley full of presents with the help of security. They've checked the presents are nothing dangerous and now the model has the hard part of getting her girlfriend to accept them and find a place for them in her homely apartment. It turns out that the blonde is very popular at the moment, probably helped by the release of '1989'. "Thanks," the perky girl says to Taylor's security team.

"No problem Miss Kloss. Please give Taylor our good wishes for her birthday."

Nodding, the model agrees, "sure thing. It's Karlie though, please."

"Of course... Karlie." They part with a grin and the taller girl starts to trundle the cart through the apartment, leaving her own present to the side for later. It's more special than everything else the blonde is about to receive.

Banging Taylor's bedroom door open with the packed cart, Karlie is greeted by a shocked Taylor who's mouth is agape at the amount of wrapped gifts filling the cart. She doesn't say anything, watching her girlfriend push her presents over before burying her face in her hands. It's overwhelming: the singer never expected anything like this.

After 2012, Taylor never regained her confidence fully. The media slated her every decision and she got called many things she never imagined she'd be called for no apparent reason. Everyone around her had assured her that it was 'jealousy' or 'ignorance' but the blondes brain always nagged her, telling her to stop being annoying and stop writing about her feelings. She ignored the voice but that came with consequences. On the outside, she perked up but when she went inside, away from the media and fans, she broke down. Anxiety gnawed at her for days on end and she struggled to sleep, plagued by nightmares when she finally did.

It's better now but Taylor still struggles. Admittedly, one girl has made it better but it still takes over sometimes. "Babe, what's wrong?" Karlie questions, clambering onto the end and enveloping her girlfriend in a bear hug.

"I-I-I thought everyone hated me," the singer stutters. "I never, like ever, expected this." Regaining composure, she looks at the taller girl who's arms still have her in a comforting grip. "Thank you Karls." The model is taken aback by the older girls sudden thanks but knows what her girlfriend is talking about. "You've been constant sunshine in my life since day one and you made everything better. I love you."

"I love you too," the younger girl says poking Taylor gently. "Now come on Grannie, open these presents."

Gasping, Taylor retorts, "I'm not a Grannie. I'm only 3 years older than you!" She slaps her girlfriend gentle before turning to the cart and plucking a small box from the top.

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