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Taylor's POV.

Oh my God. What have I done?

I just kissed my best friend. On the lips. For longer than acceptable.

"Sorry," I stammer, running to my bedroom. Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I dive into my bed. I've messed everything up. Why, Taylor, why?


Five minutes later, the door slides open and Karlie slips in, her tall figure one of concern and confusion. Burying my head in the pillow, I'm tempted to tell her to leave, tell her that I'm sorry for being the worst friend ever, tell her that if she hates me- I'm cool with that, I understand. Except I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay and say she understands that I'm confused and 'I don't feel well'. The mattress lowers as she sits herself down without invitation, like she knows that I'll let her anyway. Her soft hand, with a swollen thumb, rubs my back, words not necessary. For minutes all I feel is the comforting motion, letting out the occasional sigh of sadness and bewilderment.

Finally, Karlie pulls me to sitting by my shoulder. I can't meet her beautiful green eyes, the shame and uncertainness to much. Will she tell me that's she leaving? Or she's going to go to Europe and she'll see me when she gets back in six weeks? Or, I need to clear my head, I'll call you? "Tay-bear," she whispers, lifting my chin so I'm staring into her pools of soul.
"I'm sorry Karls," I mumble, new tears starting to puddle in the corners of my eyes. "I...I understand if you're going to leave now."
"Taylor Alison Swift I'm not leaving you, not now, not ever."
"But I ruined everything..." I start. Karlie cuts me off.

Placing her lips on mine.

And kissing me. Softly, sweetly, leaving a lingering warmth on my lips.

Karlie's POV.

Taylor's lips were salty from her un-needed tears. That made it perfect- The fact it was so un-perfect.

When I pull away, Taylor's eyes light up, a smile forming on the lips I just kissed. It should've felt wrong but it felt SO right. "Was that a goodbye?" Taylor asks, her voice thick but her face happy.
"Quite the contrary," I whisper, stroking her thigh. Her face lights up, my world copying her. Taylor leans in hesitantly, almost leaning back again until I catch her chin and bring her into me. This time, Taylor isn't as shocked, kissing me back, deeply, meaningfully, shifting her position so she could be closer to me. I pull away, collapsing backwards and bringing my blonde haired beauty of (more than) a friend down on top of me. Taylor sighs, her head on my chest, listening to the heart that beats for her. "I love you Karlie," she says quietly, tracing patterns on my stomach gently.
"I love you too Tay-bear," I reply, stroking her short curls. I feel the smile creeping into her face and smile, I finally have what I've wanted for a while.


Asdfghjkl- only a short update but I thought you should get to know what happened 😊

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