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Two girls wake up at the same time. One on one side of the Atlantic, one on the other. Taylor's text gets read. It hits Karlie hard. Suddenly, everything is clear. From where she's perched on the edge of Cara's guest room bed, phone in hand, tears welling in her eyes. She was being stubborn, and Taylor needs her.

I'm sorry.

The whooshing noise is hard on the models banging headache but at least it's been sent, even if theirs a chance the older blonde might not read it, ignore her instead. Yet Karlie still has an ember of hope fizzling away inside of her, remembering how loyal Taylor is, how she would always listen. So the girl gets up, steadying herself on the edge of the bed as a head rush threatens to knock her over before going to find Cara who will, no doubt, be curled up in bed after another raucous night. Hopefully she'll have a bad hangover, Karlie thinks evilly, so I can yell at her.

"Cara Jocelyn Delevingne. Wake up. Wake the hell up." Being ruthless and angry about the pictures that were sent, Karlie doesn't hesitate, shifting the covers before yanking them off the girls sleepy form. "What the hell was that? Taylor saw the pictures you took. You're ruining everything."

"Karlieeeee, can you not? Hangover." Cara's moans go ignored.

"I may or may not have to cancel that shoot today so I can go beg to get my girlfriend back!"

"Shit. Sorry." The realisation of what she did last night hits Cara hard, shock registering on her face before she slumps back down. "Go, I'm sure they can hold the shoot off for two days!"

"I'm going to go after the shoot because then Taylor will have a least seen the text!"

So off Karlie goes, hoping the music that sometimes gets played on the shoot isn't too loud and that it ends early enough for her to catch a last minute flight to JFK airport.

On the other side of the Atlantic, a disheveled Taylor wakes up to the text. Reading it with sore eyes, the tears that had leaked in her sleep messing up her already bad sight. Slipping the glasses that barely ever get a look in as many people don't know she wear glasses on, she reads the text.

I'm sorry.

Sure you are, the singer thinks, getting up and finding a lukewarm coffee on the side. Taking a sip, Taylor realises it's cold so flicks the coffee machine, perching on a stool that sits next to the the marble island and shifting a stack of paper towards herself. It should've been done yesterday but- well, yesterday wasn't the best day to complete stacks of paperwork. And anyway, paper work is a good way to pass time. The coffee is then ready, the tall girl cradling in it and reading the first sheet of stuff she'll have to sign.

Two hours later, the stack of paper that's helping Taylor expand her empire all signed, she glances at her phone, seeing a missed call from a certain blonde that's been lurking in her mind all day. Pressing play, she's hears the voice that's been her main go to over the past almost two years.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry that you saw those pics, they weren't what they looked like. I'm going to a shoot now and the taxi driver is looking at me strangely. I just feel horrible and I can't stop thinking about it. You could've said that Harry forced you when I came back though, but it's still my fault. I love you okay babe? I'll talk to you after the shoot.

Just hearing the voice of her kind of girlfriend, Taylor's heart aches, wanting to be holding the blonde model badly. But for now, she can't. She'll have to distract herself.

"Welcome to Heathrow International Airport," a static voice says through the tannoy system. Karlie is racing through the english airport, flight just booked and costing way too much yet feeling totally worth it. People seem to be recognising her more nowadays, something she'd appreciate on other days but today is not a good day for recognition. "Omg, Karlie," a teenage girl says, luckily not attracting attention from others.

"Hi," the blonde smiles, becoming the sunshine she's always described as.

"Sorry to interrupt but could you sign this for me?" The teen questions. Karlie nods in consent, shoving her bag onto her shoulder and readying herself to sign whatever this girl wanted signing. Luckily it's only her phone case, the brunette teen handing Karlie a pen to use. With a flourish, Karlie signs it quickly, earning a smile from the girl who skips off after giving her a quick hug.

Collapsing into her sea, Karlie lets out a sigh. The guy beside her gives her a tired smiling and the 'I know the feeling look'. Now for a nine hour flight. Possibly ten hours until she sees the girl she's pining for desperately.

JFK international Airport- NYC

After a peaceful enough flight, the cookie baker is rushing through the airport, pausing to get Taylor some flowers before rushing on again. Her suitcase hits off a determined looking business man. "Sorry," she calls over her shoulder, pressing on with the short journey ahead. All Karlie gets in return is a surly nod. Time to get a cab.

Arriving on Franklin street, Karlie enters Taylor's apartment block. "Hey Jeff, I'm just going to visit Taylor." Smiling slightly at her rushed demeanour, he nods, the second person to nod her in an hour.

"Go right up," he says. Another warm smile is shot in his direction as the blonde slips into the elevator and presses the button to the penthouse suite. She's so close yet so far, doing the awkward jig you do when you feel the need to hurry things up.

Finally the doors slide open, revealing the hallway outside Taylor's apartment, private of course and the model steps out. Time to face everything. It could be nothing, it could be all she ever wanted. Taylor is all she's ever wanted, but she never thought it would be like this. But then again, when is anything ever simple?

Raising a shaking fist to the door, Karlie knocks, breathing in unconsciously in the suspense. Footsteps can be heard from inside, a voice talking to Olivia by the sound of things, a sigh and then the unlocking of the all important door.


Ooohhhhhhhh cliff hanger.
But I'm going to try and update tomorrow because I feel mean right now.
Ilygsm thank you for readingggggg x

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