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Taylor's POV.

After six weeks of doing nothing, I was finally allowed to work again, not that I'd paid much heed to that rule, sneaking the laptop out at whatever chance I got and making sure things were running smoothly in the Swift empire. So yesterday, after a relatively stress free day, Karlie told me we're going out tonight along with Cara, Lily and Gigi. It's time to dress up properly, dresses and heels, footwear that I never dreamt I'd miss yet did as it made me so much smaller than Karlie which I hate, especially as she was telling me what I was supposed to be doing, the feeling of smallness making me feel inferior. And I know what you're thinking: I'm tall without heels. Yes, but not next to a Karlie with heels as she's ridiculously tall in heels. It just helps with confidence.

The dress I'm wearing is a small black one, embellished with lace at the bottom, my signature red lip finishing off the look as I can't be bothered to do my hair. "Taylor," I hear Karlie yell from her room.

"Yeah," I call back.

"Can you come and zip me up- the zips gone and got stuck." Laughing at her excuse, knowing she's jammed it, I walk slowly to antagonise the waiting girl humming under my breath. Karlie's back is completely bare when I walk in, the zip hanging down somewhat alluringly.

My hands touch Karlie's smooth skin whilst I'm trying to zip her up, a shiver coming from her body every time I contact her skin. "Are my hands that cold?" I ask, giggling and tracing a line up her back.

"Don't," she snaps. I recoil, moving a step away in case I've hurt her. She sees my face, her eyes softening as she realises that her harsh tone has upset me. "Sorry," she smiles, "shall we go?" I nod, confusion still aroused but I'm fine for now. The zip on Karlie's dress is up, heels on, make up perfect. We're all set.


I think they're playing a remix of bad blood... I think. I'm not sure to be honest. The alcohol I rarely consume has gone to my head, encouraged rowdily by an ecstatic Cara who can't seem to get over the fact I'm drinking. She's next to me right now, grinding against everyone and no one, her lithe body being checked out by all the males in the surrounding area. Another swig of her little flask, vodka loaded I'm sure, her hand swings around her "friend", Annie's, waist. Soon, hands are searching, along with tongues, merging into the crowds, disappearing to find a secluded corner. I'm now alone, Lily and Karlie up by the bar ordering more booze.

Karlie's POV.

The alcohol is now coursing around my system, the five drinks I've consumed in under an hour making me feel invincible. I'm watching Taylor, the way she dances and moves, from where I'm sitting with Lily, trying to converse but failing miserably as Taylor is just taking my breath away. "You're in deep," Lily laughs, watching me closely.

"What?" I mumble.

"I've seen the way you look at her." Okay, she has me there. "I also know she doesn't remember what you had before the accident." I nod. "So I suggest that you go and dance, kiss her and then blame it on the drink if she reacts badly."

"I love you Lily," I say, downing the last of my weird coloured drink and standing up, somewhat wobbly. Time to get the girl.

Shoving through, I started to dance sliding right into Taylor naturally, our bodies mixing immediately, my hands resting on her hips, her leaning against me. It began to get a bit more heated, me pulling her in, her grinding against me. With the confidence of booze helping, I spin her around, making it obvious that I was looking at the plushness of her lips. "Karlie Kloss," she murmurs seductively, a small smirk playing on her lips, the lips I want to be touching me. So I take this chance. Leaning forward, I put my lips on hers, waiting for her reaction. It takes a while. A long while.

But then she kisses back. I want to scream in happiness.

Until she pulls away, a indescribable frown on her face, her eyes that are usually full of life, dull and confused. "I'm.. I'm sorry," she murmurs, only just audible above the noise, turning on her louboutins and running.

What have you just done Kloss?

Taylor's POV.

Karlie's lips felt nice, plump and caring yet I'm straight and so is she as far as I know. "Bye Lily," I shout, grabbing my purse from the bar and running. I run to the car, leaving them both stranded and hop in instructing the driver to take me home. The partition is up between him and me so I blast the music on forgetting that all my old songs are on the playlist. 'Superman' comes on, the words vibrating round the car I can't help but hear the lyrics. Not even they help as I find myself stumbling through the door of my apartment and scooping Olivia into a hug. "What the hell have I done Dibbles?" I ask.

No answer. Ha, why would I get as answer from my cat?

Why would Karlie kiss me? We're friends.

Maybe it had something to do with the way she's been acting recently? It just felt right. Her lips on mine and the world was at peace, I had no worries whatsoever. Yet it also felt familiar, like I'd done it before.

I hadn't kissed Karlie before had I?

Still holding Olivia and looking for Mer, I get myself a glass of water and sink into the sofa, the TV turned on and I was watching Greys Anatomy like always. The words in this episode sail over my head, I've seen it before so it doesn't matter, the tunnels of my mind on Karlie's lips, trying to place her.

It was before the accident, I know that much. Whatever it was.

I love Karlie- as I friend. But was it more? Do I just not remember it? Just then the door to my apartment opens, probably Karlie and Lily who have nowhere else to go as a lot of their stuff is here at the moment and I'm not going to turn them out just because Karlie kissed me. So I close my eyes lightly, pretending to be asleep: it won't be unusual for them to find me asleep in front of Greys.

Not meaning to but doing it anyway, I fall into a light sleep, my dreams plagued with blond haired beauties, plump lips and an unknown but familiar scent that I love.

Authors note, please read.
So as the fandom has gone into uproar after Taylor liked that picture that said that the Kaylor shippers were making her uncomfortable, I'd just like to say something about it quickly. First of all, I ship Kaylor. Now it's more as a friendship, not a couple but they're my lesbian OTP. But guys please respect Talvin by not commenting Haylor/Kaylor/Sweeran on any of their photos and also Joshlie. It's not fair. Yes it's a free world but it's obviously making them uncomfortable. I'm not going to stop writing or reading Kaylor fanfic as it's something I enjoy but please respect both of the couples. We don't want to make Kaylor's FRIENDSHIP awkward and not have anymore Kaylor outings. I'd like you all to know that I also ship Talvin. Taylor's the happiest in a long time and we need to consider that. Don't comment things on their photos as it simply isn't fair.

I love you guys so much, thank you for your support, love, votes and comments.
Emi x

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